Revision 0882a283
Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 4 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/BackgroundJob/ | ||
my $self = shift;
$self->{db_obj} = shift;
$self->{job_errors} = [];
$self->{$_} = [] for qw(job_errors posted_invoices printed_invoices printed_failed emailed_invoices emailed_failed disabled_orders);
if (!$self->{db_obj}->db->with_transaction(sub {
1; # make Emacs happy
... | ... | |
_log_msg("Periodic invoice configuration ID " . $config->id . " extended through " . $new_end_date->strftime('%d.%m.%Y') . "\n") if $new_end_date;
my (@new_invoices, @invoices_to_print, @invoices_to_email, @disabled_orders);
my (@invoices_to_print, @invoices_to_email);
_log_msg("Number of configs: " . scalar(@{ $configs}));
... | ... | |
_log_msg("Invoice " . $data->{invoice}->invnumber . " posted for config ID " . $config->id . ", period start date " . $::locale->format_date(\%::myconfig, $date) . "\n");
push @new_invoices, $data;
push @{ $self->{posted_invoices} }, $data->{invoice};
push @invoices_to_print, $data if $config->print;
push @invoices_to_email, $data if $config->send_email;
... | ... | |
if ($inactive_ordnumber) {
# disable one time configs and skip eventual invoices
_log_msg("Order " . $inactive_ordnumber . " deavtivated \n");
push @disabled_orders, $inactive_ordnumber;
push @{ $self->{disabled_orders} }, $inactive_ordnumber;
... | ... | |
foreach my $inv ( @invoices_to_print ) { $self->_print_invoice($inv); }
foreach my $inv ( @invoices_to_email ) { $self->_email_invoice($inv); }
[ map { $_->{invoice} } @new_invoices ],
[ map { $_->{invoice} } @invoices_to_print ],
[ map { $_->{invoice} } @invoices_to_email ],
\@disabled_orders ,
})) {
... | ... | |
sub _send_summary_email {
my ($self, $posted_invoices, $printed_invoices, $emailed_invoices,
$disabled_orders) = @_;
my ($self) = @_;
my %config = %::lx_office_conf;
return if !$config{periodic_invoices} || !$config{periodic_invoices}->{send_email_to} || !scalar @{ $posted_invoices };
return if !$config{periodic_invoices} || !$config{periodic_invoices}->{send_email_to} || !scalar @{ $self->{posted_invoices} };
my $user = SL::DB::Manager::AuthUser->find_by(login => $config{periodic_invoices}->{send_email_to});
my $email = $user ? $user->get_config_value('email') : undef;
return if $config{periodic_invoices}->{send_for_errors_only} && !@{ $self->{printed_failed} } && !@{ $self->{emailed_failed} };
my $email = $config{periodic_invoices}->{send_email_to};
if ($email !~ m{\@}) {
my $user = SL::DB::Manager::AuthUser->find_by(login => $email);
$email = $user ? $user->get_config_value('email') : undef;
_log_msg("_send_summary_email: about to send to '" . ($email || '') . "'");
return unless $email;
... | ... | |
my $email_template = $config{periodic_invoices}->{email_template};
my $filename = $email_template || ( (SL::DB::Default->get->templates || "templates/webpages") . "/oe/periodic_invoices_email.txt" );
my %params = ( POSTED_INVOICES => $posted_invoices,
PRINTED_INVOICES => $printed_invoices,
EMAILED_INVOICES => $emailed_invoices,
DISABLED_ORDERS => $disabled_orders );
my %params = map { (uc($_) => $self->{$_}) } qw(posted_invoices printed_invoices printed_failed emailed_invoices emailed_failed disabled_orders);
my $output;
$template->process($filename, \%params, \$output);
$template->process($filename, \%params, \$output) || die $template->error;
my $mail = Mailer->new;
$mail->{from} = $config{periodic_invoices}->{email_from};
... | ... | |
$form->throw_on_error(sub {
eval {
push @{ $self->{printed_invoices} }, $invoice;
} or do {
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $EVAL_ERROR->error;
push @{ $self->{printed_failed} }, [ $invoice, $EVAL_ERROR->error ];
... | ... | |
my $global_bcc = SL::DB::Default->get->global_bcc;
my $overall_error;
for my $recipient (@recipients) {
my $mail = Mailer->new;
... | ... | |
my $error = $mail->send;
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $error if $error;
if ($error) {
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $error;
push @{ $self->{emailed_failed} }, [ $data->{invoice}, $error ];
$overall_error = 1;
push @{ $self->{emailed_invoices} }, $data->{invoice} unless $overall_error;
} or do {
push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $EVAL_ERROR;
push @{ $self->{emailed_failed} }, [ $data->{invoice}, $EVAL_ERROR ];
unlink $pdf_file_name if $pdf_file_name;
config/kivitendo.conf.default | ||
email_template = templates/webpages/task_server/failure_notification_email.txt
# The user name a report about the posted and printed invoices is sent
# to.
send_email_to = mb
# The user name or email address a report about the posted and printed
# invoices is sent to.
send_email_to =
# The "From:" header for said email.
email_from = kivitendo Daemon <root@localhost>
# The subject for said email.
email_subject = Benachrichtigung: automatisch erstellte Rechnungen
# The template file used for the email's body.
email_template = templates/webpages/oe/periodic_invoices_email.txt
# Whether to always send the mail (0), or only if there were errors
# (1).
send_for_errors_only = 0
doc/changelog | ||
Variablen im Betreff & Text der E-Mails genutzt werden
(z.B. <%invnumber%> für die Rechnungsnummer oder
<%transaction_description%> für die Vorgangsbezeichnung).
- Wiederkehrende Rechnungen: die optionale Zusammenfassungs-E-Mail
enthält nun auch eine Auflistung von Rechnungsnummern, für die das
automatische Drucken oder der automatische Versand per E-Mail
fehlgeschlagen ist zusammen mit der jeweils aufgetretenen
- Wiederkehrende Rechnungen: für die Empfangsadresse der optionalen
Zusammenfassungs-E-Mail kann in der Konfiguration nun anstelle
eines Loginnamens auch eine E-Mail-Adresse verwendet werden. Es ist
nicht nötig, dass diese Adresse einem der Anwenderkonten zugeordnet
Bugfixes (Tracker:
97 Benutzer löschen unter System->Benutzer funktioniert nicht
templates/webpages/oe/periodic_invoices_email.txt | ||
[% FOREACH disabled_order = DISABLED_ORDERS %][% disabled_order %] [% END %]
[%- END %]
Beim Drucken der folgenden Rechnungen gab es Fehler:
* [% invoice.0.invnumber %]: [% invoice.1 %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
Beim Versand der folgenden Rechnungen per E-Mail gab es Fehler:
* [% invoice.0.invnumber %]: [% invoice.1 %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Wiederkehrende Rechnungen: Druck-/E-Mail-Fehler in Zusammenfassungs-Mail