kivitendo/sql/Pg-upgrade/ @ 071a3704
8a5a6a5b | Philip Reetz | #!/usr/bin/perl
die("This script cannot be run from the command line.") unless ($main::form);
sub mydberror {
my ($msg) = @_;
die($dbup_locale->text("Database update error:") .
"<br>$msg<br>" . $DBI::errstr);
sub myshowerror {
my ($msg) = @_;
{ "message" => $msg }));
return 2;
sub update_steuersaetze_skr03 {
my $query;
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chart " .
"WHERE accno = '1776'";
my ($count) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
if (!$count) {
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO chart (accno, description, charttype, category, link, taxkey_id, pos_ustva, pos_eur)
VALUES ('1776','Umsatzsteuer 19 %', 'A', 'I', 'AR_tax:IC_taxpart:IC_taxservice:CT_tax', 0, 511,6)|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chart " .
"WHERE accno = '1576'";
my ($count) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
if (!$count) {
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO chart (accno, description, charttype, category, link, taxkey_id, pos_ustva, pos_eur)
VALUES ('1576','Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19 %', 'A', 'E', 'AP_tax:IC_taxpart:IC_taxservice:CT_tax', 0, 66,27)|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO tax (chart_id, rate, taxnumber, taxkey, taxdescription) VALUES ((SELECT id from CHART WHERE accno='1776'), 0.19, '1776', 3, 'Umsatzsteuer 19%')|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO tax (chart_id, rate, taxnumber, taxkey, taxdescription) VALUES ((SELECT id from CHART WHERE accno='1576'), 0.19, '1576', 9, 'Vorsteuer 19%')|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
$query =
qq|insert into taxkeys (chart_id, tax_id, taxkey_id, pos_ustva, startdate) select, (SELECT id from tax where taxdescription='Umsatzsteuer 19%'), 3, pos_ustva, '2007-01-01' from chart WHERE taxkey_id=3|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
$query =
qq|insert into taxkeys (chart_id, tax_id, taxkey_id, pos_ustva, startdate) select, (SELECT id from tax where taxdescription='Vorsteuer 19%'), 9, pos_ustva, '2007-01-01' from chart WHERE taxkey_id=9|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
return 1;
sub update_steuersaetze_skr04 {
my $query;
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chart " .
"WHERE accno = '3806'";
my ($count) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
if (!$count) {
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO chart (accno, description, charttype, category, link, taxkey_id, pos_ustva, pos_eur)
VALUES ('3806','Umsatzsteuer 19 %', 'A', 'I', 'AR_tax:IC_taxpart:IC_taxservice:CT_tax', 0, 511,6)|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chart " .
"WHERE accno = '1406'";
my ($count) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
if (!$count) {
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO chart (accno, description, charttype, category, link, taxkey_id, pos_ustva, pos_eur)
VALUES ('1406','Abziehbare Vorsteuer 19 %', 'A', 'E', 'AP_tax:IC_taxpart:IC_taxservice:CT_tax', 0, 66,27)|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO tax (chart_id, rate, taxnumber, taxkey, taxdescription) VALUES ((SELECT id from CHART WHERE accno='3806'), 0.19, '3806', 3, 'Umsatzsteuer 19%')|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO tax (chart_id, rate, taxnumber, taxkey, taxdescription) VALUES ((SELECT id from CHART WHERE accno='1406'), 0.19, '1406', 9, 'Vorsteuer 19%')|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
$query =
qq|insert into taxkeys (chart_id, tax_id, taxkey_id, pos_ustva, startdate) select, (SELECT id from tax where taxdescription='Umsatzsteuer 19%'), 3, pos_ustva, '2007-01-01' from chart WHERE taxkey_id=3|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
$query =
qq|insert into taxkeys (chart_id, tax_id, taxkey_id, pos_ustva, startdate) select, (SELECT id from tax where taxdescription='Vorsteuer 19%'), 9, pos_ustva, '2007-01-01' from chart WHERE taxkey_id=9|;
$dbh->do($query) || mydberror($query);
return 1;
sub update_steuersaetze {
my $form = $main::form;
my $query = "SELECT coa FROM defaults";
my ($coa) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
if ($coa eq "Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU") {
return update_steuersaetze_skr03();
} elsif ($coa eq "Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU") {
return update_steuersaetze_skr04();
print($form->parse_html_template("dbupgrade/" .
{ "coa" => $coa }));
return 1;
return update_steuersaetze();