Revision 06e79bf0
Von Kivitendo Admin vor etwa 8 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/DB/ | ||
return 1;
sub items {
my ($self) = @_;
if ( $self->part_type eq 'assembly' ) {
return $self->assemblies;
} elsif ( $self->part_type eq 'assortment' ) {
return $self->assortment_items;
} else {
return undef;
sub items_checksum {
my ($self) = @_;
# for detecting if the items of an (orphaned) assembly or assortment have
# changed when saving
return join(' ', sort map { $_->part->id } @{$self->items});
sub validate {
my ($self) = @_;
... | ... | |
push @errors, $::locale->text('The partnumber already exists.') if SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all_count(where => [ partnumber => $self->partnumber ]);
if ($self->is_assortment && scalar @{$self->assortment_items} == 0) {
if ($self->is_assortment && $self->orphaned && scalar @{$self->assortment_items} == 0) {
# when assortment isn't orphaned form doesn't contain any items
push @errors, $::locale->text('The assortment doesn\'t have any items.');
... | ... | |
my ($self) = @_;
die 'not an accessor' if @_ > 1;
return 1 unless $self->id;
my @relations = qw(
... | ... | |
my ($self) = @_;
my $clone = $self->clone_and_reset; # resets id and partnumber (primary key and unique constraint)
$clone->makemodels( map { $_->clone_and_reset } @{$self->makemodels});
$clone->translations( map { $_->clone_and_reset } @{$self->translations});
$clone->makemodels( map { $_->clone_and_reset } @{$self->makemodels} ) if @{$self->makemodels};
$clone->translations( map { $_->clone_and_reset } @{$self->translations} ) if @{$self->translations};
if ( $self->is_assortment ) {
# use clone rather than reset_and_clone because the unique constraint would also remove parts_id
$clone->assortment_items( map { $_->clone } @{$self->assortment_items} );
foreach my $ai ( @{ $clone->assortment_items } ) {
$_->assortment_id(undef) foreach @{ $clone->assortment_items }
if ( $self->is_assembly ) {
... | ... | |
return $clone;
sub assembly_sellprice_sum {
my ($self) = @_;
sub item_diffs {
my ($self, $comparison_part) = @_;
return unless $self->is_assembly;
sum map { $_->linetotal_sellprice } @{$self->assemblies};
die "item_diffs needs a part object" unless ref($comparison_part) eq 'SL::DB::Part';
die "part and comparison_part need to be of the same part_type" unless
( $self->part_type eq 'assembly' or $self->part_type eq 'assortment' )
and ( $comparison_part->part_type eq 'assembly' or $comparison_part->part_type eq 'assortment' )
and $self->part_type eq $comparison_part->part_type;
sub assembly_lastcost_sum {
my ($self) = @_;
# return [], [] if $self->items_checksum eq $comparison_part->items_checksum;
my @self_part_ids = map { $_->parts_id } $self->items;
my @comparison_part_ids = map { $_->parts_id } $comparison_part->items;
return unless $self->is_assembly;
sum map { $_->linetotal_lastcost } @{$self->assemblies};
my %orig = map{ $_ => 1 } @self_part_ids;
my %comparison = map{ $_ => 1 } @comparison_part_ids;
my (@additions, @removals);
@additions = grep { !exists( $orig{$_} ) } @comparison_part_ids if @comparison_part_ids;
@removals = grep { !exists( $comparison{$_} ) } @self_part_ids if @self_part_ids;
return \@additions, \@removals;
sub assortment_sellprice_sum {
sub items_sellprice_sum {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
return unless $self->is_assortment or $self->is_assembly;
return unless $self->items;
if ($self->is_assembly) {
return sum map { $_->linetotal_sellprice } @{$self->items};
} else {
return sum map { $_->linetotal_sellprice(%params) } grep { $_->charge } @{$self->items};
sub items_lastcost_sum {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless $self->is_assortment;
sum map { $_->linetotal_sellprice } @{$self->assortment_items};
return unless $self->is_assortment or $self->is_assembly;
return unless $self->items;
sum map { $_->linetotal_lastcost } @{$self->items};
sub assortment_lastcost_sum {
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
SL::DB::Part - Zugriff auf items und Summen überarbeitet