


Herunterladen (9,57 KB) Statistiken
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335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
package SL::XMLInvoice;

1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
use strict;
use warnings;

06d29e36 Johannes Grassler
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
use XML::LibXML;

use constant RES_OK => 0;
use constant RES_XML_PARSING_FAILED => 1;
use constant RES_UNKNOWN_ROOT_NODE_TYPE => 2;

335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
=head1 NAME

SL::XMLInvoice - Top level factory class for XML Invoice parsers.


C<SL::XMLInvoice> is an abstraction layer allowing the application to pass any
supported XML invoice document for parsing, with C<SL::XMLInvoice> handling all
details from there: depending on its document type declaration, this class will
pick and instatiate the appropriate child class for parsing the document and
return an object exposing its data with the standardized structure outlined


# $xml_data contains an XML document as flat scalar
my $invoice_parser = SL::XMLInvoice->new($xml_data);

# %metadata is a hash of document level metadata items
my %metadata = %{$invoice_parser->metadata};

# @items is an array of hashes, each representing a line
# item on the bill
my @items = @{$invoice_parser->items};
ba845b8d Tamino Steinert
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler


=over 4

=item dom

A XML::LibXML document object model (DOM) object created from the XML data supplied.

=item message

Will contain a detailed error message if the C<result> attribute is anything
other than C<SL::XMLInvoice::RES_OK>.

=item result

A status field indicating whether the supplied XML data could be parsed. It
can take the following values:

=item SL::XMLInvoice::RES_OK

File has been parsed successfully.


Parsing the file failed.


The root node is of an unknown type. Currently, C<rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice> and
C<ubl:Invoice> are supported.



=head1 METHODS

=head2 Data structure definition methods (only in C<SL::XMLInvoice>)

These methods are only implemented in C<SL::XMLInvoice> itself and define the
data structures to be exposed by any child classes.

ba845b8d Tamino Steinert
=over 4
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
=item data_keys()

Returns all keys the hash returned by any child's C<metadata()> method must
contain. If you add keys to this list, you need to add them to all classes
inheriting from C<SL::XMLInvoice> as well. An application may use this method
to discover the metadata keys guaranteed to be present.


51c76e20 Johannes Grassler
sub data_keys {
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
my @keys = (
'currency', # The bill's currency, such as "EUR"
'direct_debit', # Boolean: whether the bill will get paid by direct debit (1) or not (0)
'duedate', # The bill's due date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
'gross_total', # The invoice's sum total with tax included
'iban', # The creditor's IBAN
'invnumber', # The invoice's number
'net_total', # The invoice's sum total without tax
'taxnumber', # The creditor's tax number (Steuernummer in Germany). May be present if
# there is no VAT ID (USTiD in Germany).
'transdate', # The date the invoice was issued in YYYY-MM-DD format.
'type', # Numeric invoice type code, e.g. 380
'ustid', # The creditor's UStID.
'vendor_name', # The vendor's company name
return \@keys;

=item item_keys()

Returns all keys the item hashes returned by any child's C<items()> method must
contain. If you add keys to this list, you need to add them to all classes
inheriting from C<SL::XMLInvoice> as well. An application may use this method
to discover the metadata keys guaranteed to be present.



sub item_keys {
my @keys = (
return \@keys;

=head2 User/application facing methods

Any class inheriting from C<SL::XMLInvoice> must implement the following
methods. To ensure this happens, C<SL::XMLInvoice> contains stub functions that
raise an exception if a child class does not override them.

=over 4

=item new($xml_data)

Constructor for C<SL::XMLInvoice>. This method takes a scalar containing the
entire XML document to be parsed as a flat string as its sole argument. It will
instantiate the appropriate child class to parse the XML document in question,
call its C<parse_xml> method and return the C<SL::XMLInvoice> child object it
instantiated. From that point on, the structured data retrieved from the XML
document will be available through the object's C<metadata> and C<items()>

=item metadata()

This method returns a hash of document level metadata, such as the invoice
number, the total, or the the issuance date. Its keys are the keys returned by
the C<(data_keys()> method. Its values are plain scalars containing strings or
C<undef> for any data items not present or empty in the XML document.


sub metadata {
my $self = shift;
die "Children of $self must implement a metadata() method returning the bill's metadata as a hash.";
1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
=item items()

This method returns an array of hashes containing line item metadata, such as
the quantity, price for one unit, or subtotal. These hashes' keys are the keys
returned by the C<(item_keys()> method. Its values are plain scalars containing
strings or C<undef> for any data items not present or empty in the XML


sub items {
my $self = shift;
die "Children of $self must implement a item() method returning the bill's items as a hash.";
1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
=item parse_xml()

This method is only implemented in child classes of C<SL::XMLInvoice> and is
called by the C<SL::XMLInvoice> constructor once the appropriate child class has been
determined and instantiated. It uses C<$self->{dom}>, an C<XML::LibXML>
instance to iterate through the XML document to parse. That XML document is
created by the C<SL::XMLInvoice> constructor.



sub parse_xml {
my $self = shift;
die "Children of $self must implement a parse_xml() method.";
1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
=head2 Internal methods

These methods' purpose is child classs selection and making sure child classes
implent the interface promised by C<SL::XMLInvoice>. You can safely ignore them
if you don't plan on implementing any child classes.

ba845b8d Tamino Steinert
=over 4
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
=item _document_nodenames()

This method is implemented in C<SL::XMLInvoice> only and returns a hash mapping
XML document root node name to a child class implementing a parser for it. If
you add any child classes for new XML document types you need to add them to
this hash and add a use statement to make it available from C<SL::XMLInvoice>.


sub _document_nodenames {
ba845b8d Tamino Steinert
return {
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
'rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice' => 'SL::XMLInvoice::CrossIndustryInvoice',
'ubl:Invoice' => 'SL::XMLInvoice::UBL',

=item _data_keys()

Returns a list of all keys present in the hash returned by the class'
C<metadata()> method. Must be implemented in all classes inheriting from
C<SL::XMLInvoice> This list must contain the same keys as the list returned by
C<data_keys>. Omitting this method from a child class will cause an exception.


sub _data_keys {
my $self = shift;
die "Children of $self must implement a _data_keys() method returning the keys an invoice item hash will contain.";
1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
=item _item_keys()

Returns a list of all keys present in the hashes returned by the class'
C<items()> method. Must be implemented in all classes inheriting from
C<SL::XMLInvoice> This list must contain the same keys as the list returned by
C<item_keys>. Omitting this method from a child class will cause an exception.

ba845b8d Tamino Steinert

335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
=head1 AUTHOR

Johannes Grassler <>


sub _item_keys {
my $self = shift;
die "Children of $self must implement a _item_keys() method returning the keys an invoice item hash will contain.";
1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler

1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
sub new {
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
my ($self, $xml_data) = @_;
my $type = undef;
$self = {};

bless $self;

$self->{message} = '';
$self->{dom} = eval { XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => $xml_data) };

if ( ! $self->{dom} ) {
51c76e20 Johannes Grassler
$self->{message} = t8("Parsing the XML data failed: #1", $xml_data);
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
$self->{result} = RES_XML_PARSING_FAILED;
return $self;
1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
# Determine parser class to use
my $document_nodename = $self->{dom}->documentElement->nodeName;
if ( ${$self->_document_nodenames}{$document_nodename} ) {
$type = ${$self->_document_nodenames}{$document_nodename}
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335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
unless ( $type ) {
$self->{result} = RES_UNKNOWN_ROOT_NODE_TYPE;
51c76e20 Johannes Grassler
my $node_types = join(",", keys %{ $self->_document_nodenames });
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
$self->{message} = t8("Could not parse XML Invoice: unknown root node name (#1) (supported: (#2))",
51c76e20 Johannes Grassler
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
51c76e20 Johannes Grassler
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
return $self;
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335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
1fd17b36 Tamino Steinert
eval {require $type}; # Load the parser class
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
bless $self, $type;

# Implementation sanity check for child classes: make sure they are aware of
# the keys the hash returned by their metadata() method must contain.
51c76e20 Johannes Grassler
my @missing_data_keys = grep { !${$self->_data_keys}{$_} } @{ $self->data_keys };
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
if ( scalar(@missing_data_keys) > 0 ) {
die "Incomplete implementation: the following metadata keys appear to be missing from $type: " . join(", ", @missing_data_keys);

# Implementation sanity check for child classes: make sure they are aware of
# the keys the hashes returned by their items() method must contain.
my @missing_item_keys = ();
1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
foreach my $item_key ( @{$self->item_keys} ) {
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
unless ( ${$self->_item_keys}{$item_key}) { push @missing_item_keys, $item_key; }
1522aeb7 Johannes Grassler
335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler
if ( scalar(@missing_item_keys) > 0 ) {
die "Incomplete implementation: the following item keys appear to be missing from $type: " . join(", ", @missing_item_keys);


# Ensure these methods are implemented in the child class

$self->{result} = RES_OK;
return $self;
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335b5ab6 Johannes Grassler