kivitendo/SL/Helper/ @ 0663f94e
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | package SL::Helper::QrBillFunctions;
a3a9ebcd | Cem Aydin | use List::Util qw(first);
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(get_qrbill_account assemble_ref_number get_ref_number_formatted
get_iban_formatted get_amount_formatted);
sub get_qrbill_account {
my $qr_account;
a3a9ebcd | Cem Aydin | my $bank_accounts = SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->get_all_sorted;
$qr_account = first { $_->use_for_qrbill } @{ $bank_accounts };
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
if (!$qr_account) {
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | return undef, $::locale->text('No bank account flagged for QRBill usage was found.');
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | }
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | return $qr_account, undef;
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | }
sub assemble_ref_number {
my $bank_id = $_[0];
my $customer_number = $_[1];
2d2a5559 | Cem Aydin | my $invoice_number = $_[2] // "0";
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
# check values (analog to checks in makro)
# - bank_id
a30d7803 | Cem Aydin | # in-/output: a string containing a 6 digit number
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | if (!($bank_id =~ /^\d*$/) || length($bank_id) != 6) {
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | return undef, $::locale->text('Bank account id number invalid. Must be 6 digits.');
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | }
# - customer_number
a30d7803 | Cem Aydin | # input: a string containing up to 6 digits [0-9]
# output: non-digits removed, 6 digits, filled with leading zeros
$customer_number = remove_non_digits($customer_number);
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | if (!check_digits_and_max_length($customer_number, 6)) {
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | return undef, $::locale->text('Customer number invalid. Must be less then or equal to 6 digits after non-digits removed.');
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | }
# fill with zeros
$customer_number = sprintf "%06d", $customer_number;
# - invoice_number
a30d7803 | Cem Aydin | # input: a string containing up to 14 digits, may be zero
# output: non-digits removed, 14 digits, filled with leading zeros
$invoice_number = remove_non_digits($invoice_number);
2d2a5559 | Cem Aydin | if (!check_digits_and_max_length($invoice_number, 14)) {
a30d7803 | Cem Aydin | return undef, $::locale->text('Invoice number invalid. Must be less then or equal to 14 digits after non-digits removed.');
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | }
# fill with zeros
2d2a5559 | Cem Aydin | $invoice_number = sprintf "%014d", $invoice_number;
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
# assemble ref. number
2d2a5559 | Cem Aydin | my $ref_number = $bank_id . $customer_number . $invoice_number;
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
# calculate check digit
my $ref_number_cpl = $ref_number . calculate_check_digit($ref_number);
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | return $ref_number_cpl, undef;
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | }
sub get_ref_number_formatted {
my $ref_number = $_[0];
# create ref. number in format:
# 'XX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX' (2 digits + 5 x 5 digits)
my $ref_number_spaced = substr($ref_number, 0, 2) . ' ' .
substr($ref_number, 2, 5) . ' ' .
substr($ref_number, 7, 5) . ' ' .
substr($ref_number, 12, 5) . ' ' .
substr($ref_number, 17, 5) . ' ' .
substr($ref_number, 22, 5);
return $ref_number_spaced;
sub get_iban_formatted {
my $iban = $_[0];
# create iban number in format:
# 'XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX X' (5 x 4 + 1digits)
my $iban_spaced = substr($iban, 0, 4) . ' ' .
substr($iban, 4, 4) . ' ' .
substr($iban, 8, 4) . ' ' .
substr($iban, 12, 4) . ' ' .
substr($iban, 16, 4) . ' ' .
substr($iban, 20, 1);
return $iban_spaced;
sub get_amount_formatted {
97e3e9cd | Cem Aydin | my $amount = $_[0];
# parameter should be a string containing a number
# with 2 digits after the pointi'm also getting in the town
unless ($amount =~ /^\d+\.\d{2}$/) {
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | return undef;
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | }
97e3e9cd | Cem Aydin | my $r = reverse $amount;
# this matches the digits left of the '.'
$r =~ m/^\d{2}\./g;
# '\G' continuous the search where the last stopped,
# matches three digits and substitutes with a space
$r =~ s/\G(\d{3})(?=\d)/$1 /g;
$r = reverse $r;
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
97e3e9cd | Cem Aydin | return $r;
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | }
### internal functions
a30d7803 | Cem Aydin | sub remove_non_digits {
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | my $s = $_[0];
a30d7803 | Cem Aydin | $s =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | return $s;
sub check_digits_and_max_length {
my $s = $_[0];
my $length = $_[1];
return 0 if (!($s =~ /^\d*$/) || length($s) > $length);
return 1;
sub calculate_check_digit {
# calculate ESR check digit using algorithm: "modulo 10, recursive"
my $ref_number_str = $_[0];
my @m = (0, 9, 4, 6, 8, 2, 7, 1, 3, 5);
my $carry = 0;
my @ref_number_split = map int($_), split(//, $ref_number_str);
for my $v (@ref_number_split) {
$carry = @m[($carry + $v) % 10];
return (10 - $carry) % 10;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::Helper::QrBillFunctions - Additional helper functions for the swiss QR bill
use SL::Helper::QrBillFunctions qw(get_qrbill_account assemble_ref_number
get_ref_number_formatted get_iban_formatted get_amount_formatted);
# get qr-account data
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | my ($qr_account, $error) = get_qrbill_account();
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | my ($ref_number, $error) = assemble_ref_number(
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | $qr_account->{'bank_account_id'},
# get ref. number/iban formatted with spaces and set into form for template
# processing
$form->{'ref_number_formatted'} = get_ref_number_formatted($ref_number);
$form->{'iban_formatted'} = get_iban_formatted($qr_account->{'iban'});
# format amount for template
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | my $amount = sprintf("%.2f", $form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $form->{'total'}));
my $amount_formatted = get_amount_formatted($amount);
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
Helper functions moved from SL::Template::OpenDocument.
=over 4
=item C<get_qrbill_account>
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | Return the bank account flagged for the QR bill. And a string containing an
error message as second return value or undef if no error occurred.
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
=item C<assemble_ref_number>
Assembles and returns the Swiss reference number. 27 digits, formed
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | from the parameters plus one check digit. And a string containing an error
message as second return value or undef if no error occurred.
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
a30d7803 | Cem Aydin | Non-digits will be removed and remaining numbers filled up with leading zeros.
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
=over 4
=item C<bank_id>
a30d7803 | Cem Aydin | "Bankkonto Identifikationsnummer". A string containing a 6 digit number.
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
=item C<customer_number>
a30d7803 | Cem Aydin | Kivitendo customer number. A string containing up to 6 digits.
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
=item C<invoice_number>
a30d7803 | Cem Aydin | Kivitendo invoice number. A string containing up to 14 digits, may be zero.
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
=item C<get_ref_number_formatted>
Given a reference number, return it in format:
'XX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX' (2 digits + 5 x 5 digits)
=item C<get_iban_formatted>
Given a IBAN number, return it in format:
'XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX X' (5 x 4 + 1digits)
=item C<get_amount_formatted>
Given an amount, return it in format: 'X XXX.XX'
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | Or undef if an error occurred.
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | The functions C<get_qrbill_account> and C<assemble_ref_number> return
undef when an error occurs and a string containing an error message as
second return value.
The function C<get_amount_formatted> returns undef if an error occurred.
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
64ba4cbb | Cem Aydin | The other functions always return a result.
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | |||
1bf0cb6e | Cem Aydin | =head1 TESTS
Tests for functions see t/helper/qrbill_functions.t.
Run: C<t/ t/helper/qrbill_functions.t>
16485ecf | Cem Aydin | =head1 AUTHOR
Cem Aydin E<lt>cem.aydin@gmx.chE<gt>