


Herunterladen (5,38 KB) Statistiken
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9589ecd7 Sven Schöling
# This file has been auto-generated only because it didn't exist.
# Feel free to modify it at will; it will not be overwritten automatically.

package SL::DB::Manager::PriceRuleItem;

use strict;

use SL::DB::Helper::Manager;
use base qw(SL::DB::Helper::Manager);

sub object_class { 'SL::DB::PriceRuleItem' }


use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
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use List::Util qw(first);

use SL::DB::CustomVariableConfig;
9589ecd7 Sven Schöling
my %ops = (
49eebab7 Sven Schöling
'num' => { eq => '=', le => '<=', ge => '>=' },
9589ecd7 Sven Schöling
'date' => { eq => '=', lt => '<', gt => '>' },

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my @types = (
{ type => 'customer', description => t8('Customer'), customer => 1, vendor => 0, data_type => 'int', data => sub { $_[0]->customer->id }, },
{ type => 'vendor', description => t8('Vendor'), customer => 0, vendor => 1, data_type => 'int', data => sub { $_[0]->vendor->id }, },
{ type => 'business', description => t8('Type of Business'), customer => 1, vendor => 1, data_type => 'int', data => sub { $_[0]->customervendor->business_id }, exclude_nulls => 1 },
{ type => 'reqdate', description => t8('Reqdate'), customer => 1, vendor => 1, data_type => 'date', data => sub { $_[0]->reqdate }, ops => 'date' },
{ type => 'transdate', description => t8('Transdate'), customer => 1, vendor => 1, data_type => 'date', data => sub { $_[0]->transdate }, ops => 'date' },
{ type => 'part', description => t8('Part'), customer => 1, vendor => 1, data_type => 'int', data => sub { $_[1]->part->id }, },
{ type => 'pricegroup', description => t8('Pricegroup'), customer => 1, vendor => 1, data_type => 'int', data => sub { $_[1]->pricegroup_id }, exclude_nulls => 1 },
{ type => 'partsgroup', description => t8('Partsgroup'), customer => 1, vendor => 1, data_type => 'int', data => sub { $_[1]->part->partsgroup_id }, exclude_nulls => 1 },
{ type => 'qty', description => t8('Qty'), customer => 1, vendor => 1, data_type => 'num', data => sub { $_[1]->qty }, ops => 'num' },
9589ecd7 Sven Schöling

sub not_matching_sql_and_values {
my ($class, %params) = @_;

die 'must be called with a customer/vendor type' unless $params{type};
0fe023a4 Sven Schöling
my @args = @params{'record', 'record_item'};
9589ecd7 Sven Schöling
my (@tokens, @values);

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for my $def (@types, cached_cvar_types()) {
my $type = $def->{type};
9589ecd7 Sven Schöling
next unless $def->{$params{type}};

0fe023a4 Sven Schöling
my $value = $def->{data}->(@args);
9589ecd7 Sven Schöling
f7e3b59b Sven Schöling
my $type_token = $def->{cvar_config} ? "custom_variable_configs_id = '$def->{cvar_config}'" : "type = '$type'";

0fe023a4 Sven Schöling
if ($def->{exclude_nulls} && !defined $value) {
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push @tokens, $type_token;
0fe023a4 Sven Schöling
} else {
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my @sub_tokens;
0fe023a4 Sven Schöling
if ($def->{ops}) {
my $ops = $ops{$def->{ops}};

for (keys %$ops) {
19586862 Sven Schöling
push @sub_tokens, "op = '$_' AND NOT ? $ops->{$_} value_$def->{data_type}";
0fe023a4 Sven Schöling
push @values, $value;
} else {
push @sub_tokens, "NOT value_$def->{data_type} = ?";
push @values, $value;
9589ecd7 Sven Schöling

f7e3b59b Sven Schöling
push @tokens, "$type_token AND (@{[ join(' OR ', map qq|($_)|, @sub_tokens) ]})";
9589ecd7 Sven Schöling

return join(' OR ', map "($_)", @tokens), @values;

f7e3b59b Sven Schöling
sub cached_cvar_types {
my $cache = $::request->cache("SL::DB::PriceRuleItem::cvar_types", []);

@$cache = generate_cvar_types() if !@$cache;

# we only generate cvar types for cvar price_rules that are actually used to keep the query smaller
# these are cached per request
sub generate_cvar_types {
cdb719c4 Sven Schöling
my $cvar_configs = SL::DB::Manager::CustomVariableConfig->get_all(query => [
id => [ \"(select distinct custom_variable_configs_id from price_rule_items where custom_variable_configs_id is not null)" ]
f7e3b59b Sven Schöling
my @types;

for my $config (@$cvar_configs) {

push @types, {
type => "cvar_" . $config->id,
description => $config->description,
customer => 1,
vendor => 1,
data_type => 'text',
cdb719c4 Sven Schöling
data => sub {
? $_[1]->cvar_by_name($config->name)->value
: $_[1]->part->cvar_by_name($config->name)->value
f7e3b59b Sven Schöling
exclude_nulls => 1,
cvar_config => $config->id,
cdb719c4 Sven Schöling
} if $config->module eq 'IC' && $config->type eq 'select';
f7e3b59b Sven Schöling


9589ecd7 Sven Schöling
sub get_all_types {
my ($class, $vc) = @_;

c383fc0b Sven Schöling
f7e3b59b Sven Schöling
? [ map { [ $_->{type}, $_->{description} ] } grep { $_->{$vc} } @types ]
: [ map { [ $_->{type}, $_->{description} ] } @types ]
9589ecd7 Sven Schöling

986282c1 Sven Schöling
sub get_type {
f7e3b59b Sven Schöling
grep { $_->{type} eq $_[1] } @types
986282c1 Sven Schöling

sub filter_match {
my ($self, $type, $value) = @_;

f7e3b59b Sven Schöling
my $type_def = first { $_->{type} eq $type } @types;
986282c1 Sven Schöling
if (!$type_def->{ops}) {
my $evalue = $::form->get_standard_dbh->quote($value);
return "value_$type_def->{data_type} = $evalue";
} elsif ($type_def->{ops} eq 'date') {
my $date_value = $::form->get_standard_dbh->quote(DateTime->from_kivitendo($value));
return "
(value_$type_def->{data_type} > $date_value AND op = 'lt') OR
(value_$type_def->{data_type} < $date_value AND op = 'gt') OR
(value_$type_def->{data_type} = $date_value AND op = 'eq')
} elsif ($type_def->{ops} eq 'num') {
my $num_value = $::form->get_standard_dbh->quote($::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $value));
return "
(value_$type_def->{data_type} >= $num_value AND op = 'le') OR
(value_$type_def->{data_type} <= $num_value AND op = 'ge') OR
(value_$type_def->{data_type} = $num_value AND op = 'eq')

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