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Revision 03c526b3

Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 14 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 03c526b3b946d62f95ce78420552d62b39e03bed
  • Vorgänger 0b2ca0ab
  • Nachfolger f07df483

Eine Klasse zur Überprüfung der Passwortrichtlinie



Unterschiede anzeigen:

# location of history file for permanent history
history_file = users/console_history
# Settings used when the user changes his/her password. All options
# default to no restriction if unset.
# Minimum length in number of characters.
min_length =
# Maximum length in number of characters.
max_length =
# Require a lowe-case character?
require_lowercase =
# Require an upper-case character?
require_uppercase =
# Require a digit?
require_digit =
# Require a special char? Special chars are the following:
# ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | }
require_special_character =
# Optional list of valid characters. Spaces are ignored. If set then
# the password must only consist of these characters.
valid_characters =
# Optional list of invalid characters. Spaces are ignored.
invalid_characters =
# Whether or not to check the policy if the password is set from the
# user administration.
disable_policy_for_admin =
# Use DBIx::Log4perl for logging DBI calls. The string LXDEBUGFILE
# will be replaced by the file name configured for $::lxdebug.

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff