Revision 03c526b3
Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 14 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Auth/ | ||
package SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy;
use strict;
use parent qw(Rose::Object);
use constant OK => 0;
use constant TOO_SHORT => 1;
use constant TOO_LONG => 2;
use constant MISSING_LOWERCASE => 4;
use constant MISSING_UPPERCASE => 8;
use constant MISSING_DIGIT => 16;
use constant MISSING_SPECIAL_CHAR => 32;
use constant INVALID_CHAR => 64;
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
'scalar --get_set_init' => 'config',
sub verify {
my ($self, $password) = @_;
my $cfg = $self->config;
return OK() unless $cfg && %{ $cfg };
my $result = OK();
$result |= TOO_SHORT() if $cfg->{min_length} && (length($password) < $cfg->{min_length});
$result |= TOO_LONG() if $cfg->{max_length} && (length($password) > $cfg->{max_length});
$result |= MISSING_LOWERCASE() if $cfg->{require_lowercase} && $password !~ m/[a-z]/;
$result |= MISSING_UPPERCASE() if $cfg->{require_uppercase} && $password !~ m/[A-Z]/;
$result |= MISSING_DIGIT() if $cfg->{require_digit} && $password !~ m/[0-9]/;
$result |= MISSING_SPECIAL_CHAR() if $cfg->{require_special_character} && $password !~ $cfg->{special_characters_re};
$result |= INVALID_CHAR() if $cfg->{invalid_characters_re} && $password =~ $cfg->{invalid_characters_re};
return $result;
sub errors {
my ($self, $result) = @_;
my @errors;
push @errors, $::locale->text('The password is too short (minimum length: #1).', $self->config->{min_length}) if $result & TOO_SHORT();
push @errors, $::locale->text('The password is too long (maximum length: #1).', $self->config->{max_length}) if $result & TOO_LONG();
push @errors, $::locale->text('A lower-case character is required.') if $result & MISSING_LOWERCASE();
push @errors, $::locale->text('An upper-case character is required.') if $result & MISSING_UPPERCASE();
push @errors, $::locale->text('A digit is required.') if $result & MISSING_DIGIT();
if ($result & MISSING_SPECIAL_CHAR()) {
my $char_list = join ' ', sort split(m//, $self->config->{special_characters});
push @errors, $::locale->text('A special character is required (valid characters: #1).', $char_list);
if (($result & INVALID_CHAR())) {
my $char_list = join ' ', sort split(m//, $self->config->{ $self->config->{invalid_characters} ? 'invalid_characters' : 'valid_characters' });
push @errors, $::locale->text('An invalid character was used (invalid characters: #1).', $char_list) if $self->config->{invalid_characters};
push @errors, $::locale->text('An invalid character was used (valid characters: #1).', $char_list) if $self->config->{valid_characters};
return @errors;
sub init_config {
my ($self) = @_;
my %cfg = %{ $::emmvee_conf{password_policy} || {} };
$cfg{valid_characters} =~ s/[ \n\r]//g if $cfg{valid_characters};
$cfg{invalid_characters} =~ s/[ \n\r]//g if $cfg{invalid_characters};
$cfg{invalid_characters_re} = '[^' . quotemeta($cfg{valid_characters}) . ']' if $cfg{valid_characters};
$cfg{invalid_characters_re} = '[' . quotemeta($cfg{invalid_characters}) . ']' if $cfg{invalid_characters};
$cfg{special_characters} = '!@#$%^&*()_+=[]{}<>\'"|\\,;.:?-';
$cfg{special_characters_re} = '[' . quotemeta($cfg{special_characters}) . ']';
print $cfg{special_characters_re}, "\n";
map { $cfg{"require_${_}"} = $cfg{"require_${_}"} =~ m/^(?:1|true|t|yes|y)$/i } qw(lowercase uppercase digit special_char);
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy - Verify a given password against the policy
set in the configuration file
my $verifier = SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy->new;
my $result = $verifier->verify($password);
if ($result != SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy->OK()) {
print "Errors: " . join(' ', $verifier->errors($result)) . "\n";
=over 4
=item C<OK>
Password is OK.
=item C<TOO_SHORT>
The password is too short.
=item C<TOO_LONG>
The password is too long.
The password is missing a lower-case character.
The password is missing an upper-case character.
The password is missing a digit.
The password is missing a special character. Special characters are
the following: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . : ; E<lt> = E<gt> ? @ [ \ ]
^ _ { | }
The password contains an invalid character.
=over 4
=item C<verify $password>
Checks whether or not the password matches the policy. Returns C<OK()>
if it does and an error code otherwise (binary or'ed of the error
=item C<errors $code>
Returns an array of human-readable strings describing the issues set
in C<$code> which should be the result of L</verify>.
=head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
config/lx_office.conf.default | ||
# location of history file for permanent history
history_file = users/console_history
# Settings used when the user changes his/her password. All options
# default to no restriction if unset.
# Minimum length in number of characters.
min_length =
# Maximum length in number of characters.
max_length =
# Require a lowe-case character?
require_lowercase =
# Require an upper-case character?
require_uppercase =
# Require a digit?
require_digit =
# Require a special char? Special chars are the following:
# ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | }
require_special_character =
# Optional list of valid characters. Spaces are ignored. If set then
# the password must only consist of these characters.
valid_characters =
# Optional list of invalid characters. Spaces are ignored.
invalid_characters =
# Whether or not to check the policy if the password is set from the
# user administration.
disable_policy_for_admin =
# Use DBIx::Log4perl for logging DBI calls. The string LXDEBUGFILE
# will be replaced by the file name configured for $::lxdebug.
locale/de/all | ||
'4. Quarter' => '4. Quartal',
'<b>What</b> do you want to look for?' => '<b>Wonach</b> wollen Sie suchen?',
'A Buchungsgruppe consists of a descriptive name and the account numbers for the income and expense accounts for those four tax zones as well as the inventory account number.' => 'Eine Buchungsgruppe besteht aus einem deskriptiven Namen, den Erlös- und Aufwandskonten für diese vier Steuerzonen sowie aus einem Inventarkonto.',
'A digit is required.' => 'Eine Ziffer ist vorgeschrieben.',
'A group named "Full Access" has been created.' => 'Eine Gruppe namens "Vollzugriff" wurde angelegt.',
'A group with that name does already exist.' => 'Eine Gruppe mit diesem Namen gibt es bereits.',
'A lot of the usability of Lx-Office has been enhanced with javascript. Although it is currently possible to use every aspect of Lx-Office without javascript, we strongly recommend it. In a future version this may change and javascript may be necessary to access advanced features.' => 'Die Bedienung von Lx-Office wurde an vielen Stellen mit Javascript verbessert. Obwohl es derzeit möglich ist, jeden Aspekt von Lx-Office auch ohne Javascript zu benutzen, empfehlen wir es. In einer zukünftigen Version wird Javascript eventuell notwendig sein um weitergehende Features zu benutzen.',
'A lower-case character is required.' => 'Ein Kleinbuchstabe ist vorgeschrieben.',
'A special character is required (valid characters: #1).' => 'Ein Sonderzeichen ist vorgeschrieben (gültige Zeichen: #1).',
'A temporary directory could not be created:' => 'Ein temporäres Verzeichnis konnte nicht erstellt werden:',
'A temporary file could not be created. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.' => 'Eine temporäre Datei konnte nicht angelegt werden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass das Verzeichnis "#1" vom Webserver beschrieben werden darf.',
'A temporary file could not be created:' => 'Eine temporäre Datei konnte nicht erstellt werden:',
... | ... | |
'Amount' => 'Betrag',
'Amount Due' => 'Betrag fällig',
'Amount has to be greater then zero! Wrong row number: ' => 'Leere Eingabe oder Werte kleiner, gleich null eingegeben. Fehler in Reihe Nummer: ',
'An invalid character was used (invalid characters: #1).' => 'Ein ungültiges Zeichen wurde benutzt (ungültige Zeichen: #1).',
'An invalid character was used (valid characters: #1).' => 'Ein ungültiges Zeichen wurde benutzt (gültige Zeichen: #1).',
'An upper-case character is required.' => 'Ein Großbuchstabe ist vorgeschrieben.',
'Annotations' => 'Anmerkungen',
'Another user with the login #1 does already exist.' => 'Es existiert bereits ein anderer Benutzer mit diesem Login.',
'Ap aging on %s' => 'Offene Verbindlichkeiten zum %s',
... | ... | |
'Help Template Variables' => 'Hilfe zu Dokumenten-Variablen',
'Here\'s an example command line:' => 'Hier ist eine Kommandozeile, die als Beispiel dient:',
'Hide by default' => 'Standardmäßig verstecken',
'History' => 'Historie',
'History Search' => 'Historien Suche',
'History Search Engine' => 'Historien Suchmaschine',
'Homepage' => 'Homepage',
... | ... | |
'The parts have been removed.' => 'Die Waren wurden aus dem Lager entnommen.',
'The parts have been stocked.' => 'Die Artikel wurden eingelagert.',
'The parts have been transferred.' => 'Die Waren wurden umgelagert.',
'The password is too long (maximum length: #1).' => 'Das Passwort ist zu lang (maximale Länge: #1).',
'The password is too short (minimum length: #1).' => 'Das Password ist zu kurz (minimale Länge: #1).',
'The payments have been posted.' => 'Die Zahlungen wurden gebucht.',
'The pg_dump process could not be started.' => 'Der pg_dump-Prozess konnte nicht gestartet werden.',
'The pg_restore process could not be started.' => 'Der pg_restore-Prozess konnte nicht gestartet werden.',
scripts/ | ||
my $basedir = "../..";
my $locales_dir = ".";
my $bindir = "$basedir/bin/mozilla";
my @progdirs = ( "$basedir/SL/Controller", "$basedir/SL/Template/Plugin" );
my @progdirs = ( "$basedir/SL/Controller", "$basedir/SL/Template/Plugin", "$basedir/SL/Auth" );
my $dbupdir = "$basedir/sql/Pg-upgrade";
my $dbupdir2 = "$basedir/sql/Pg-upgrade2";
my $menufile = "menu.ini";
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Eine Klasse zur Überprüfung der Passwortrichtlinie