


Herunterladen (3,19 KB) Statistiken
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package SL::Controller::Part;

use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use Clone qw(clone);
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::JSON;

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(parts models part) ],

# safety
__PACKAGE__->run_before(sub { $::auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit') },
except => [ qw(ajax_autocomplete part_picker_search part_picker_result) ]);

sub action_ajax_autocomplete {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $value = $::form->{column} || 'description';

# if someone types something, and hits enter, assume he entered the full name.
# if something matches, treat that as sole match
# unfortunately get_models can't do more than one per package atm, so we d it
# the oldfashioned way.
if ($::form->{prefer_exact}) {
my $exact_matches;
if (1 == scalar @{ $exact_matches = SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all(
query => [
obsolete => 0,
or => [
description => { ilike => $::form->{filter}{'all:substr:multi::ilike'} },
partnumber => { ilike => $::form->{filter}{'all:substr:multi::ilike'} },
limit => 2,
) }) {

my @hashes = map {
value => $_->$value,
label => $_->long_description,
id => $_->id,
partnumber => $_->partnumber,
description => $_->description,
type => $_->type,
unit => $_->unit,
cvars => { map { ($_->config->name => { value => $_->value_as_text, is_valid => $_->is_valid }) } @{ $_->cvars_by_config } },
} @{ $self->parts }; # neato: if exact match triggers we don't even need the init_parts

$self->render(\ SL::JSON::to_json(\@hashes), { layout => 0, type => 'json', process => 0 });

sub action_test_page {


sub action_part_picker_search {
$_[0]->render('part/part_picker_search', { layout => 0 }, parts => $_[0]->parts);

sub action_part_picker_result {
$_[0]->render('part/_part_picker_result', { layout => 0 });

sub action_show {
my ($self) = @_;

if ($::request->type eq 'json') {
my $part_hash;
if (!$self->part) {
# TODO error
} else {
require Rose::DB::Object::Helpers;
$part_hash = $self->part->as_tree;
$part_hash->{cvars} = $self->part->cvar_as_hashref;

$self->render(\ SL::JSON::to_json($part_hash), { layout => 0, type => 'json', process => 0 });

sub init_parts {
if ($::form->{no_paginate}) {


sub init_part {
SL::DB::Part->new(id => $::form->{id} || $::form->{part}{id})->load;

sub init_models {
my ($self) = @_;

controller => $self,
sorted => {
_default => {
by => 'description',
dir => 1,
partnumber => t8('Partnumber'),
description => t8('Description'),
with_objects => [ qw(unit_obj) ],
