Revision fa5d2a24
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 6 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/DB/Helper/ | ||
my $item_unit = $data->{units_by_name}->{ $item->unit };
croak("Undefined unit " . $part->unit) if !$part_unit;
croak("Undefined unit " . $item->unit) if !$item_unit;
croak("Undefined unit " . $item->unit) if !$item_unit;
$item->base_qty($item_unit->convert_to($item->qty, $part_unit));
$item->fxsellprice($item->sellprice) if $data->{is_invoice};
my $num_dec = max 2, _num_decimal_places($item->sellprice);
# my $discount = _round($item->sellprice * ($item->discount || 0), $num_dec);
# my $sellprice; # = _round($item->sellprice - $discount, $num_dec);
my $sellprice = $item->sellprice; # don't include rounded discount into sellprice
# don't include rounded discount into sellprice
# any time the sellprice is multiplied with qty discount has to be considered as part of the multiplication
my $sellprice = $item->sellprice;
$item->price_factor( ! $item->price_factor_obj ? 1 : ($item->price_factor_obj->factor || 1));
$item->marge_price_factor(! $part->price_factor ? 1 : ($part->price_factor->factor || 1));
my $linetotal = _round($sellprice * (1-$item->discount) * $item->qty / $item->price_factor, 2) * $data->{exchangerate};
$linetotal = _round($linetotal, 2);
my $linetotal = _round($sellprice * (1 - $item->discount) * $item->qty / $item->price_factor, 2) * $data->{exchangerate};
$linetotal = _round($linetotal, 2);
$data->{invoicediff} += $sellprice * (1-$item->discount) * $item->qty * $data->{exchangerate} / $item->price_factor - $linetotal if $self->taxincluded;
$data->{invoicediff} += $sellprice * (1 - $item->discount) * $item->qty * $data->{exchangerate} / $item->price_factor - $linetotal if $self->taxincluded;
my $linetotal_cost = 0;
... | ... | |
die "tax_amount != 0 but no chart_id for taxkey " . $taxkey->id . " tax " . $taxkey->tax->id;
$self->netamount($self->netamount + $sellprice * (1-$item->discount) * $item->qty / $item->price_factor);
$self->netamount($self->netamount + $sellprice * (1 - $item->discount) * $item->qty / $item->price_factor);
my $chart = $part->get_chart(type => $data->{is_sales} ? 'income' : 'expense', taxzone => $self->taxzone_id);
$data->{amounts}->{ $chart->id } ||= { taxkey => $taxkey->taxkey_id, tax_id => $taxkey->tax_id, amount => 0 };
... | ... | |
next unless $qty;
my $linetotal = _round(($entry->sellprice * (1-$entry->discount) * $qty) / $base_factor, 2);
my $linetotal = _round(($entry->sellprice * (1 - $entry->discount) * $qty) / $base_factor, 2);
$data->{amounts_cogs}->{ $expense_income_chart->id } -= $linetotal;
$data->{amounts_cogs}->{ $inventory_chart->id } += $linetotal;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
PTC: Kosmetik/Kommentare