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package SL::KIX18Client;

use strict;

use Data::Dumper;
use Encode qw(encode);
use Params::Validate qw(:all);
use REST::Client;
use Try::Tiny;

use SL::JSON;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);

use parent qw(Rose::Object);

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(connector) ],

sub create_ticket_with_article {
my ($self) = shift;
@_, {
ticket => { type => HASHREF },
article => { type => HASHREF },
my %params = @_;

$params{article}{TicketID} = $self->create_ticket(%{ $params{ticket} });
$self->create_article(%{ $params{article} });
return $params{article}{TicketID};

sub get_ticket {
my ($self) = shift;
die "Invalid connection state" unless $self->connector->can('GET');

@_, {
ticket_id => 1,
my %params = @_;

my $ret = _decode_and_status_code($self->connector->GET("tickets/$params{ticket_id}"));

return $ret;

sub create_ticket {
my ($self) = shift;
die "Invalid connection state" unless $self->connector->can('POST');

@_, {
Title => 1,
my %params = @_;

# create ticket with title
my %t_params = ();
foreach (keys %params) {
$t_params{Ticket}{$_} = _u8($params{$_});
my $ret = _decode_and_status_code($self->connector->POST('tickets', encode_json(\%t_params)));

return $ret->{TicketID};

sub create_article {
my ($self) = shift;
die "Invalid connection state" unless $self->connector->can('POST');

@_, {
Subject => 1,
Body => 1,
Channel => { type => SCALAR, default => 'note' },
Charset => { type => SCALAR, default => 'utf-8' },
MimeType => { type => SCALAR, default => 'text/html', },
ContentType => { type => SCALAR, default => 'text/html; charset=utf-8' },

TicketID => { callbacks => {
'is an integer' => sub {
return 1 if $_[0] =~ /^-?[1-9][0-9]*$/;
die "$_[0] is not a valid integer value";
my %params = @_;

# validate sets the params only if the caller passes them ...
# therefore the defaults need to be defined again:
$params{Channel} //= 'note';
$params{Charset} //= 'utf-8';
$params{MimeType} //= 'text/html';
$params{ContentType} //= 'text/html; charset=utf-8';

my %a_params = ();
foreach (keys %params) {
next if $_ eq 'TicketID'; # TicketID is set in POST URL
$a_params{Article}{$_} = $params{Charset} eq 'utf-8' ? _u8($params{$_}) : $params{$_};

my $ret = _decode_and_status_code($self->connector->POST("tickets/$params{TicketID}/articles", encode_json(\%a_params)));
return $ret->{ArticleID};

sub init_connector {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = $::lx_office_conf{kix18};

foreach my $key (qw(kix_api_url kix_api_user kix_api_user_pw)) {
die ("missing parameter: $key") unless $config->{$key};

my $protocol = $config->{kix_api_url} =~ /(^https:\/\/|^http:\/\/)/ ? '' : $config->{protocol} . '://';
my $client = REST::Client->new(host => $config->{kix_api_url});

$client->getUseragent()->proxy([$config->{protocol}], $config->{proxy}) if $config->{proxy};

$client->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
$client->addHeader('charset', 'UTF-8' );
$client->addHeader('Accept', 'application/json');

my %auth_req = (
UserLogin => $config->{kix_api_user},
Password => $config->{kix_api_user_pw},
UserType => "Agent",

my $ret = $client->POST('auth', encode_json(\%auth_req));
die $ret->responseContent() unless (201 == $ret->responseCode());

my $token = decode_json($ret->responseContent())->{Token};
die "No Auth-Token received" unless $token;

# persist auth token
$client->addHeader('Authorization' => 'Token ' . $token);

return $client;

# internal methods

sub _decode_and_status_code {
my ($ret) = @_;

die t8("Unsuccessful HTTP return code: #1 Details: #2", $ret->responseCode(), $ret->responseContent())
unless $ret->responseCode() == 201 || $ret->responseCode() == 200;

try {
return decode_json($ret->responseContent());
} catch { t8("Invalid JSON format"); }


sub _u8 {
my ($value) = @_;
return encode('UTF-8', $value // '');



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

SL::KIX18Client a REST Client for the KIX18 restful API


Needs at least three parameters in kivitendo.conf in
the section kix18:


With these parameters the init_connector method will
try to authenticate against a given kix18 REST-Server.
If successfull the client is able to do RESTful calls to the server, i.e. create


For a general documentation of the RESTful API for KIX take a look here:


=over 4

=item C<get_ticket $ticket_id>

Gets the specific ticket with $ticket_id and returns all standard ticket data
as a nested hash structure.

=item C<create_ticket $Title>

Creates a Ticket with the named param Title. Returns the ID of the created Ticket.
No more parameters are accepted, if needed add optional params in the validation

=item C<create_article $TicketID $Subject $Body>

Creates an article for the given TicketID. Needs a Subject and a Body as
named Params. Defaults to Channel 'note' with encoding UTF8.

=item C<create_ticket_with_article \%ticket \%article>

Calls C<create_ticket> and C<create_article> Expects the mandantory params
for the calls in the hashref ticket and article.


=head1 AUTHOR

Jan BürenE<lt>jan@kivitendo.deE<gt>
