Revision e848dbf1
Von Stephan Köhler vor mehr als 19 Jahren hinzugefügt
bin/mozilla/ | ||
<tr valign=top>
<td><input name=category type=radio class=radio value=A $checked{A_}> |
. $locale->text('Asset')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Asset') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=category type=radio class=radio value=L $checked{L_}> |
. $locale->text('Liability')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Liability') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=category type=radio class=radio value=Q $checked{Q_}> |
. $locale->text('Equity')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Equity') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=category type=radio class=radio value=I $checked{I_}> |
. $locale->text('Revenue')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Revenue') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=category type=radio class=radio value=E $checked{E_}> |
. $locale->text('Expense')
. qq|</td>
. $locale->text('Expense') . qq|</td>
<td width=50> </td>
<input name=charttype type=radio class=radio value="H" $checked{H}> |
. $locale->text('Heading') . qq|<br>
<input name=charttype type=radio class=radio value="A" $checked{A}> |
. $locale->text('Account')
. qq|</td>
. $locale->text('Account') . qq|</td>
... | ... | |
<th align=left>|
. $locale->text('Is this a summary account to record')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Is this a summary account to record') . qq|</th>
<input name=AR type=checkbox class=checkbox value=AR $form->{AR}> |
. $locale->text('AR')
... | ... | |
<input name=AR_amount type=checkbox class=checkbox value=AR_amount $form->{AR_amount}> |
. $locale->text('Revenue')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Revenue') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=AR_paid type=checkbox class=checkbox value=AR_paid $form->{AR_paid}> |
. $locale->text('Receipt')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Receipt') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=AR_tax type=checkbox class=checkbox value=AR_tax $form->{AR_tax}> |
. $locale->text('Tax') . qq|
<input name=AP_amount type=checkbox class=checkbox value=AP_amount $form->{AP_amount}> |
. $locale->text('Expense/Asset')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Expense/Asset') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=AP_paid type=checkbox class=checkbox value=AP_paid $form->{AP_paid}> |
. $locale->text('Payment')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Payment') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=AP_tax type=checkbox class=checkbox value=AP_tax $form->{AP_tax}> |
. $locale->text('Tax') . qq|
<input name=IC_sale type=checkbox class=checkbox value=IC_sale $form->{IC_sale}> |
. $locale->text('Revenue')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Revenue') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=IC_cogs type=checkbox class=checkbox value=IC_cogs $form->{IC_cogs}> |
. $locale->text('COGS')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('COGS') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=IC_taxpart type=checkbox class=checkbox value=IC_taxpart $form->{IC_taxpart}> |
. $locale->text('Tax') . qq|
<input name=IC_income type=checkbox class=checkbox value=IC_income $form->{IC_income}> |
. $locale->text('Revenue')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Revenue') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=IC_expense type=checkbox class=checkbox value=IC_expense $form->{IC_expense}> |
. $locale->text('Expense')
. qq|\n<br>
. $locale->text('Expense') . qq|\n<br>
<input name=IC_taxservice type=checkbox class=checkbox value=IC_taxservice $form->{IC_taxservice}> |
. $locale->text('Tax') . qq|
... | ... | |
<th align=left><input name=sictype type=checkbox style=checkbox value="H" $checked> |
. $locale->text('Heading')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Heading') . qq|</th>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Description') . qq|</th>
... | ... | |
%countrycodes = User->country_codes;
$countrycodes = '';
foreach $key (sort { $countrycodes{$a} cmp $countrycodes{$b} }
keys %countrycodes) {
keys %countrycodes
) {
$countrycodes .=
($myconfig{countrycode} eq $key)
? "<option selected value=$key>$countrycodes{$key}\n"
... | ... | |
if ($myconfig{menustyle} eq "old") { $oldS = "checked"; }
else { $newS = "checked"; }
print qq|
... | ... | |
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Stylesheet') . qq|</th>
<td><select name=usestylesheet>$selectstylesheet</select></td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Setup Menu') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=menustyle type=radio class=radio value=neu $newS> New
<input name=menustyle type=radio class=radio value=old $oldS> Old</td>
<input name=printer type=hidden value="$myconfig{printer}">
<tr class=listheading>
<th colspan=2> </th>
... | ... | |
<tr class=listheading>
<th colspan=2>|
. $locale->text('Last Numbers & Default Accounts')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Last Numbers & Default Accounts') . qq|</th>
<td colspan=2>
... | ... | |
<td colspan=2>|
. $locale->text('Enter up to 3 letters separated by a colon (i.e CAD:USD:EUR) for your native and foreign currencies')
. $locale->text(
'Enter up to 3 letters separated by a colon (i.e CAD:USD:EUR) for your native and foreign currencies'
. qq|<br><input name=curr size=40 value="$form->{defaults}{curr}"></td>
... | ... | |
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Last Invoice Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=invnumber size=10 value=$form->{defaults}{invnumber}></td>
<th align=right nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Last Customer Number')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Last Customer Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=customernumber size=10 value=$form->{defaults}{customernumber}></td>
<th align=right nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Last Sales Order Number')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Last Sales Order Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=sonumber size=10 value=$form->{defaults}{sonumber}></td>
<th align=right nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Last Vendor Number')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Last Vendor Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=vendornumber size=10 value=$form->{defaults}{vendornumber}></td>
<th align=right nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Last Purchase Order Number')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Last Purchase Order Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=ponumber size=10 value=$form->{defaults}{ponumber}></td>
<th align=right nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Last Article Number')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Last Article Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=articlenumber size=10 value=$form->{defaults}{articlenumber}></td>
<th align=right nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Last Sales Quotation Number')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Last Sales Quotation Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=sqnumber size=10 value=$form->{defaults}{sqnumber}></td>
<th align=right nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Last Service Number')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Last Service Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=servicenumber size=10 value=$form->{defaults}{servicenumber}></td>
... | ... | |
. $locale->text('Enforce transaction reversal for all dates')
. qq|</th>
. $locale->text('Enforce transaction reversal for all dates') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=revtrans class=radio type=radio value="1" $checked{Y}> |
. $locale->text('Yes')
. qq| <input name=revtrans class=radio type=radio value="0" $checked{N}> |
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Merge von 550-553,567,603 aus unstable: Neue Menu