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Revision d1d96e5d

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 12 Jahren hinzugefügt

Optionen für Gewinnermittlung, Warenbuchungsmethode und Versteuerungsart in Mandantenkonfiguration verschoben.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

56 56
  'AR Transactions'             => 'Sales Transactions',
57 57
  'ASSETS'                      => '',
58 58
  'ATTENTION! If you enabled this feature you can not simply turn it off again without taking care that best_before fields are emptied in the database.' => '',
  'ATTENTION! You can not simply change it from periodic to perpetual once you started posting.' => '',
59 60
  'Abort'                       => '',
60 61
  'Abrechnungsnummer'           => '',
61 62
  'Abteilung'                   => '',
1980 1981
  'This list is capped at 15 items to keep it fast. If you need a full list, please use reports.' => '',
1981 1982
  'This means that the user has created an AP transaction and chosen a taxkey for sales taxes, or that he has created an AR transaction and chosen a taxkey for input taxes.' => '',
1982 1983
  'This module can help you identify and correct such entries by analyzing the general ledger and presenting you likely solutions but also allowing you to fix problems yourself.' => '',
  'This option controls the inventory system.' => '',
  'This option controls the method used for profit determination.' => '',
  'This option controls the posting and calculation behavior for the accounting method.' => '',
1983 1987
  'This transaction has to be split into several transactions manually.' => '',
1984 1988
  'This update will change the nature the onhand of goods is tracked.' => '',
1985 1989
  'This upgrade script tries to map all existing parts in the database to the newly created Buchungsgruppen.' => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff