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Revision d02f30a9

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt

  • ID d02f30a92c66a7d0af79aa9a8d83dfb250e29805
  • Vorgänger 06c4e576
  • Nachfolger 5711a976

CSV-Import Kreditorenbuchungen: Optional nichts Speichern bei Fehlern

Wenn gewünscht, werden auch fehlerfreie Datensätze auf Fehler gesetzt,
wenn in der Datei irgendwelche Datensätze mit Fehlern sind.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

1224 1224
  'Do not link to a project.'   => '',
1225 1225
  'Do not modify this position' => '',
1226 1226
  'Do not run the task server for this client' => '',
  'Do not save any datasets on errors' => '',
1227 1228
  'Do not set default booking group' => '',
1228 1229
  'Do not set this bin'         => '',
1229 1230
  'Do not set this comment'     => '',
4135 4136
  'There are no record templates yet.' => '',
4136 4137
  'There are parts with no reclamation reason at position:' => '',
4137 4138
  'There are several options you can handle this problem, please select one:' => '',
  'There are some errors in the file and it was requested to not save any datasets on errors.' => '',
4138 4140
  'There are still transfers not matching the qty of the delivery order. Stock operations can not be changed later. Do you really want to proceed?' => '',
4139 4141
  'There are undefined currencies in your system.' => '',
4140 4142
  'There are usually three ways to install Perl modules.' => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff