[% 'Date Format' | $T8 %] |
[% L.select_tag('dateformat', DATEFORMATS, value_key = 'value', title_key = 'name') %]
[% 'Time Format' | $T8 %] |
[% L.select_tag('timeformat', TIMEFORMATS, value_key = 'value', title_key = 'name') %]
[% 'Output Number Format' | $T8 %] |
[% L.select_tag('numberformat', NUMBERFORMATS, value_key = 'value', title_key = 'name') %]
[% 'Language' | $T8 %] |
[% L.select_tag('countrycode', COUNTRYCODES, value_key = 'value', title_key = 'name') %]
[% 'Forced Layout Style' | $T8 %] |
[% L.select_tag('layout_style', [['', LxERP.t8('Use settings from client configuration')], ['auto', LxERP.t8('Automatic')], ['desktop', LxERP.t8('desktop version')]], default=layout_style, with_empty=0) %]
[% 'Stylesheet' | $T8 %] |
[% L.select_tag('usestylesheet', STYLESHEETS, value_key = 'value', title_key = 'name') %]
[% 'Setup Menu' | $T8 %] |
[% 'Form details (second row)' | $T8 %] |
[% 'Longdescription dialog size percentage from main window (0 means fix values)' | $T8 %] |
[% L.input_tag('longdescription_dialog_size_percentage', longdescription_dialog_size_percentage, size = 5) %]
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_feature_experimental_order -%]
[% 'Scrollbar height percentage for form postion area (0 means no scrollbar)' | $T8 %] |
[% L.input_tag('positions_scrollbar_height', positions_scrollbar_height, size = 5) %]
[% 'Search parts by vendor partnumber (model) in purchase order forms' | $T8 %] |
[% L.yes_no_tag('purchase_search_makemodel', purchase_search_makemodel) %]
[%- 'This also enables displaying a column with the vendor partnumber (model) (new order controller).' | $T8 %]
[% 'Search parts by customer partnumber in sales order forms' | $T8 %] |
[% L.yes_no_tag('sales_search_customer_partnumber', sales_search_customer_partnumber) %]
[%- 'This also enables displaying a column with the customer partnumber (new order controller).' | $T8 %]
[% 'Show update button for positions in order forms' | $T8 %] |
[% L.yes_no_tag('positions_show_update_button', positions_show_update_button) %]
[%- END -%]
[% 'Show custom variable search inputs' | $T8 %] |
[% 'Number of columns of custom variables in form details (second row)' | $T8 %] |
[% L.input_tag('form_cvars_nr_cols', MYCONFIG.form_cvars_nr_cols || 3, size = 5) %]
[% 'Quick Searches that will be shown in the header for this user' | $T8 %] |
[% L.select_tag("quick_search_modules[]",
value_key = "name",
title_key = "description_config",
id = "quick_searches",
multiple = 1,
with_empty = 1
size = enabled_quick_searchmodules.size,
default = default_quick_searchmodules) %]
[% 'Displayable Name Preferences' | $T8 %] |
[% FOREACH module=displayable_name_specs_by_module.keys.sort %]
[%- SET spec=displayable_name_specs_by_module.$module -%]
[% spec.specs.title %] |
[% 'Option' | $T8 %] |
[% 'Name' | $T8 %] |
[% FOREACH option=spec.specs.options %]
[% option.title %] |
[% option.name %] |
[% END %]
[% 'Display' | $T8 %]: |
[% L.hidden_tag("displayable_name_specs[+].module", module) %]
[% L.input_tag("displayable_name_specs[].value", spec.prefs.get, size=50) %]
[% END %]