namespace("kivi", function(ns) {
ns._locale = {};
ns.t8 = function(text, params) {
var text = ns._locale[text] || text;
if( Object.prototype.toString.call( params ) === '[object Array]' ) {
var len = params.length;
for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
var key = i + 1;
var value = params[i];
text = text.split("#"+ key).join(value);
else if( typeof params == 'object' ) {
for(var key in params) {
var value = params[key];
text = text.split("#{"+ key +"}").join(value);
return text;
ns.setupLocale = function(locale) {
ns._locale = locale;
ns.set_focus = function(element) {
var $e = $(element).eq(0);
if ($e.data('ckeditorInstance'))
ns.focus_ckeditor_when_ready = function(element) {
$(element).ckeditor(function() { ns.focus_ckeditor(element); });
ns.focus_ckeditor = function(element) {
var editor = $(element).ckeditorGet();
var editable = editor.editable();
if (editable.is('textarea')) {
var textarea = editable.$;
if (CKEDITOR.env.ie)
else {
textarea.selectionStart = 0;
textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length;
} else {
if (editable.is('body'))
editor.document.$.execCommand('SelectAll', false, null);
else {
var range = editor.createRange();
ns.init_tabwidget = function(element) {
var $element = $(element);
var tabsParams = {};
var elementId = $element.attr('id');
if (elementId) {
var cookieName = 'jquery_ui_tab_'+ elementId;
tabsParams.active = $.cookie(cookieName);
tabsParams.activate = function(event, ui) {
var i = ui.newTab.parent().children().index(ui.newTab);
$.cookie(cookieName, i);
ns.init_text_editor = function(element) {
var layouts = {
all: [ [ 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', '-', 'Subscript', 'Superscript' ], [ 'BulletedList', 'NumberedList' ], [ 'RemoveFormat' ] ],
default: [ [ 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', '-', 'Subscript', 'Superscript' ], [ 'BulletedList', 'NumberedList' ], [ 'RemoveFormat' ] ]
var $e = $(element);
var buttons = layouts[ $e.data('texteditor-layout') || 'default' ] || layouts['default'];
var config = {
entities: false,
language: 'de',
removePlugins: 'resize',
toolbar: buttons
var style = $e.prop('style');
$(['width', 'height']).each(function(idx, prop) {
var matches = (style[prop] || '').match(/(\d+)px/);
if (matches && (matches.length > 1))
config[prop] = matches[1];
if ($e.hasClass('texteditor-autofocus'))
$e.ckeditor(function() { ns.focus_ckeditor($e); });
ns.reinit_widgets = function() {
ns.run_once_for('.datepicker', 'datepicker', function(elt) {
if (ns.PartPicker)
ns.run_once_for('input.part_autocomplete', 'part_picker', function(elt) {
if (ns.CustomerVendorPicker)
ns.run_once_for('input.customer_vendor_autocomplete', 'customer_vendor_picker', function(elt) {
if (ns.ChartPicker)
ns.run_once_for('input.chart_autocomplete', 'chart_picker', function(elt) {
var func = kivi.get_function_by_name('local_reinit_widgets');
if (func)
ns.run_once_for('.tooltip', 'tooltip', function(elt) {
ns.run_once_for('.tabwidget', 'tabwidget', kivi.init_tabwidget);
ns.run_once_for('.texteditor', 'texteditor', kivi.init_text_editor);
ns.submit_ajax_form = function(url, form_selector, additional_data) {
url: url,
data: additional_data,
success: ns.eval_json_result
return true;
// Return a function object by its name (a string). Works both with
// global functions (e.g. "check_right_date_format") and those in
// namespaces (e.g. "kivi.t8").
// Returns null if the object is not found.
ns.get_function_by_name = function(name) {
var parts = name.match("(.+)\\.([^\\.]+)$");
if (!parts)
return window[name];
return namespace(parts[1])[ parts[2] ];
// Open a modal jQuery UI popup dialog. The content can be either
// loaded via AJAX (if the parameter 'url' is given) or simply
// displayed if it exists in the DOM already (referenced via
// 'id'). If an existing DOM div should be used then the element
// won't be removed upon closing the dialog which allows re-opening
// it later on.
// Parameters:
// - id: dialog DIV ID (optional; defaults to 'jqueryui_popup_dialog')
// - url, data, type: passed as the first three arguments to the $.ajax() call if an AJAX call is made, otherwise ignored.
// - dialog: an optional object of options passed to the $.dialog() call
ns.popup_dialog = function(params) {
var dialog;
params = params || { };
var id = params.id || 'jqueryui_popup_dialog';
var dialog_params = $.extend(
{ // kivitendo default parameters:
width: 800
, height: 500
, modal: true
// User supplied options:
params.dialog || { },
{ // Options that must not be changed:
close: function(event, ui) { if (params.url) dialog.remove(); else dialog.dialog('close'); }
if (!params.url) {
// Use existing DOM element and show it. No AJAX call.
dialog =
$('#' + id)
.bind('dialogopen', function() {
ns.run_once_for('.texteditor-in-dialog,.texteditor-dialog', 'texteditor', kivi.init_text_editor);
return true;
$('#' + id).remove();
dialog = $('<div style="display:none" class="loading" id="' + id + '"></div>').appendTo('body');
url: params.url,
data: params.data,
type: params.type,
success: function(new_html) {
return true;
// Run code only once for each matched element
// This allows running the function 'code' exactly once for each
// element that matches 'selector'. This is achieved by storing the
// state with jQuery's 'data' function. The 'identification' is
// required for differentiating unambiguously so that different code
// functions can still be run on the same elements.
// 'code' can be either a function or the name of one. It must
// resolve to a function that receives the jQueryfied element as its
// sole argument.
// Returns nothing.
ns.run_once_for = function(selector, identification, code) {
var attr_name = 'data-run-once-for-' + identification.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '-');
var fn = typeof code === 'function' ? code : ns.get_function_by_name(code);
if (!fn) {
console.error('kivi.run_once_for(..., "' + code + '"): No function by that name found');
$(selector).filter(function() { return $(this).data(attr_name) != true; }).each(function(idx, elt) {
var $elt = $(elt);
$elt.data(attr_name, true);
// Run a function by its name passing it some arguments
// This is a function useful mainly for the ClientJS functionality.
// It finds a function by its name and then executes it on an empty
// object passing the elements in 'args' (an array) as the function
// parameters retuning its result.
// Logs an error to the console and returns 'undefined' if the
// function cannot be found.
ns.run = function(function_name, args) {
var fn = ns.get_function_by_name(function_name);
if (fn)
return fn.apply({}, args);
console.error('kivi.run("' + function_name + '"): No function by that name found');
return undefined;
kivi = namespace('kivi');