-- @tag: letter_cleanup -- @description: Tabelle »letter«: Unbenutzte Spalten entfernen und andere Spalten umbenennen -- @depends: release_3_4_0 ALTER TABLE letter RENAME COLUMN vc_id TO customer_id; ALTER TABLE letter_draft RENAME COLUMN vc_id TO customer_id; ALTER TABLE letter DROP COLUMN close, DROP COLUMN company_name, DROP COLUMN employee_position, DROP COLUMN jobnumber, DROP COLUMN page_created_for, DROP COLUMN rcv_address, DROP COLUMN rcv_city, DROP COLUMN rcv_contact, DROP COLUMN rcv_country, DROP COLUMN rcv_countrycode, DROP COLUMN rcv_name, DROP COLUMN rcv_zipcode, DROP COLUMN salesman_position, DROP COLUMN text_created_for, ADD FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customer (id); ALTER TABLE letter_draft DROP COLUMN close, DROP COLUMN company_name, DROP COLUMN employee_position, DROP COLUMN jobnumber, DROP COLUMN page_created_for, DROP COLUMN rcv_address, DROP COLUMN rcv_city, DROP COLUMN rcv_contact, DROP COLUMN rcv_country, DROP COLUMN rcv_countrycode, DROP COLUMN rcv_name, DROP COLUMN rcv_zipcode, DROP COLUMN salesman_position, DROP COLUMN text_created_for, ADD FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customer (id);