


Herunterladen (4,31 KB) Statistiken
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package SL::BackgroundJob::UpdateExchangerates;

use strict;
use utf8;

use parent qw(SL::BackgroundJob::Base);

use SL::DB::Exchangerate;
use SL::DB::Currency;

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
scalar => [ qw(worker) ],

sub create_job {
my $self_or_class = shift;

my $package = ref($self_or_class) || $self_or_class;
$package =~ s/SL::BackgroundJob:://;

my $cron_spec = ('35 4 * * *'); # every day at 4:35 am

my $data = <<DATA;
module: FromYahoo
£: GBP

my %params = (cron_spec => $cron_spec,
type => 'interval',
active => 1,
package_name => $package,
data => $data);

my $job = SL::DB::Manager::BackgroundJob->find_by(package_name => $params{package_name});
if (!$job) {
$job = SL::DB::BackgroundJob->new(%params)->update_next_run_at;
} else {

return $job;

sub run {
my ($self, $db_obj) = @_;

my $params = $db_obj->data_as_hash;

return $::locale->text('Parameter module must be given.') if !$params->{module};

# instanciate worker for given module
my $error;
eval {
my $worker_class = 'SL::BackgroundJob::UpdateExchangerates::' . $params->{module};
eval "require $worker_class";
$self->worker($worker_class->new(options => $params->{options}));
} or do {
$error = $::locale->text('Could not load class #1 (#2): "#3"', $params->{module}, 'SL/BackgroundJob/UpdateExchangerates', $@);
return $error if $error;

my $default_currency = SL::DB::Currency->new(id => $::instance_conf->get_currency_id)->load;
my $transdate = DateTime->today_local;
my @rates_to_update;

# collect currencies that should be updated
foreach my $currency (@{SL::DB::Manager::Currency->get_all_sorted}) {
next if $currency->id == $default_currency->id;

my $exrate = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(transdate => $transdate, currency_id => $currency->id);

if (!$exrate) {
push @rates_to_update, {from => $default_currency,
to => $currency,
dir => 'buy'};
push @rates_to_update, {from => $default_currency,
to => $currency,
dir => 'sell'};

if (!$exrate->buy) {
push @rates_to_update, {from => $default_currency,
to => $currency,
dir => 'buy'};
if (!$exrate->sell) {
push @rates_to_update, {from => $default_currency,
to => $currency,
dir => 'sell'};

return "updated: 0" if scalar @rates_to_update == 0;

# update rates

# save rates
my @updated;
foreach my $rate (@rates_to_update) {
my $exrate = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by_or_create(transdate => $transdate, currency_id => $rate->{to}->id);

next if !$exrate; # should not happen

if ($rate->{rate}) {
$exrate->transdate($transdate) if !$exrate->transdate;
$exrate->currency($rate->{to}) if !$exrate->currency;

my $method = $rate->{dir};
if (!$exrate->$method) {
push @updated, $rate->{to}->name . " ($method: " . $rate->{rate} . ")";

return "updated: " . scalar @updated . ': ' . join ', ', @updated;



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

SL::BackgroundJob::UpdateExchangerates - Background job for updating the
exchange rates for currencies


This background job can update all exchange rates for currencies if the rates
are not already present for the current date.
A worker module must be given as data to the job (see documentation at
SL::BackgroundJob::UpdateExchangerates::Base and
SL::BackgroundJob::UpdateExchangerates::* as examples).
The worker will be used to get the actual rates from some kind of service.
Options to the worker can be given as data to the background job:

module: FromOpenexchangerates
api_id: 1234565789
£: GBP

=head1 Todo

Better error handling / error notification

=head1 AUTHOR

Bernd Bleßmann E<lt>bernd@kivitendo-premium.deE<gt>

