kivitendo/js/common.js @ b6e62764
a21720b8 | Thomas Kasulke | function setupPoints(numberformat, wrongFormat) {
030d9691 | Rolf Fluehmann | decpoint = numberformat.substring((numberformat.substring(1, 2).match(/\.|\,|\'/) ? 5 : 4), (numberformat.substring(1, 2).match(/\.|\,|\'/) ? 6 : 5));
if (numberformat.substring(1, 2).match(/\.|\,|\'/)) {
28c2764b | Sven Schöling | thpoint = numberformat.substring(1, 2);
a21720b8 | Thomas Kasulke | }
else {
thpoint = null;
28c2764b | Sven Schöling | wrongNumberFormat = wrongFormat + " ( " + numberformat + " ) ";
5def52b0 | Thomas Kasulke | }
function setupDateFormat(setDateFormat, setWrongDateFormat) {
dateFormat = setDateFormat;
wrongDateFormat = setWrongDateFormat + " ( " + setDateFormat + " ) ";
formatArray = new Array();
if(dateFormat.match(/^\w\w\W/)) {
seperator = dateFormat.substring(2,3);
else {
seperator = dateFormat.substring(4,5);
a21720b8 | Thomas Kasulke | }
54e4131e | Moritz Bunkus | function centerParms(width,height,extra) {
xPos = (screen.width - width) / 2;
yPos = (screen.height - height) / 2;
string = "left=" + xPos + ",top=" + yPos;
if (extra)
string += "width=" + width + ",height=" + height;
return string;
5def52b0 | Thomas Kasulke | function check_right_number_format(input_name) {
9c477cc8 | Wulf Coulmann | if(decpoint && thpoint && thpoint == decpoint) {
c549f7c2 | Thomas Kasulke | return show_alert_and_focus(input_name, wrongNumberFormat);
ccf566c2 | Thomas Kasulke | }
d59ca2b3 | Wulf Coulmann | var test_val = input_name.value;
if(thpoint && thpoint == ','){
test_val = test_val.replace(/,/g, '');
ccf566c2 | Thomas Kasulke | }
d59ca2b3 | Wulf Coulmann | if(thpoint && thpoint == '.'){
test_val = test_val.replace(/\./g, '');
a21720b8 | Thomas Kasulke | }
030d9691 | Rolf Fluehmann | if(thpoint && thpoint == "'"){
test_val = test_val.replace(/\'/g, '');
9c477cc8 | Wulf Coulmann | if(decpoint && decpoint == ','){
d59ca2b3 | Wulf Coulmann | test_val = test_val.replace(/,/g, '.');
5def52b0 | Thomas Kasulke | }
ae3d4c2c | Moritz Bunkus | var forbidden = test_val.match(/[^\s\d\(\)\-\+\*\/\.]/g);
d59ca2b3 | Wulf Coulmann | if (forbidden && forbidden.length > 0 ){
return show_alert_and_focus(input_name, wrongNumberFormat);
5f68c975 | Moritz Bunkus | }
d59ca2b3 | Wulf Coulmann | |||
5f68c975 | Moritz Bunkus | try{
d59ca2b3 | Wulf Coulmann | eval(test_val);
return show_alert_and_focus(input_name, wrongNumberFormat);
5f68c975 | Moritz Bunkus | }
d59ca2b3 | Wulf Coulmann | |||
5def52b0 | Thomas Kasulke | }
function check_right_date_format(input_name) {
25160f38 | Thomas Kasulke | if(input_name.value == "") {
return true;
8ee89b95 | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
if ( ( input_name.value.match(/^\d+$/ ) ) && !(dateFormat.lastIndexOf("y") == 3) ) {
// date shortcuts for entering date without separator for three date styles, e.g.
// 31122014 -> 12.04.2014
// 12312014 -> 12/31/2014
// 31122014 -> 31/12/2014
c4e13bb2 | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
8ee89b95 | Geoffrey Richardson | if (input_name.value.match(/^\d{8}$/)) {
input_name.value = input_name.value.replace(/^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)$/, "$1" + seperator + "$2" + seperator + "$3")
} else if (input_name.value.match(/^\d{6}$/)) {
// 120414 -> 12.04.2014
input_name.value = input_name.value.replace(/^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/, "$1" + seperator + "$2" + seperator + "$3")
} else if (input_name.value.match(/^\d{4}$/)) {
// 1204 -> 12.04.2014
var today = new Date();
var year = today.getYear();
if (year < 999) year += 1900;
input_name.value = input_name.value.replace(/^(\d\d)(\d\d)$/, "$1" + seperator + "$2");
input_name.value = input_name.value + seperator + year;
} else if ( input_name.value.match(/^\d{1,2}$/ ) ) {
// assume the entry is the day of the current month and current year
var today = new Date();
var day = input_name.value;
var month = today.getMonth() + 1;
var year = today.getYear();
if( day.length == 1 && day < 10) {
c4e13bb2 | Bernd Bleßmann | day='0'+day;
8ee89b95 | Geoffrey Richardson | };
if(month<10) {
if (year < 999) year += 1900;
if ( dateFormat.lastIndexOf("d") == 1) {
input_name.value = day + seperator + month + seperator + year;
} else {
input_name.value = month + seperator + day + seperator + year;
c4e13bb2 | Bernd Bleßmann | }
8ee89b95 | Geoffrey Richardson | };
5def52b0 | Thomas Kasulke | var matching = new RegExp(dateFormat.replace(/\w/g, '\\d') + "\$","ig");
if(!(dateFormat.lastIndexOf("y") == 3) && !matching.test(input_name.value)) {
matching = new RegExp(dateFormat.replace(/\w/g, '\\d') + '\\d\\d\$', "ig");
if(!matching.test(input_name.value)) {
return show_alert_and_focus(input_name, wrongDateFormat);
a21720b8 | Thomas Kasulke | }
5def52b0 | Thomas Kasulke | else {
28c2764b | Sven Schöling | if (dateFormat.lastIndexOf("y") == 3 && !matching.test(input_name.value)) {
5def52b0 | Thomas Kasulke | return show_alert_and_focus(input_name, wrongDateFormat);
function validate_dates(input_name_1, input_name_2) {
var tempArray1 = new Array();
var tempArray2 = new Array();
tempArray1 = getDateArray(input_name_1);
tempArray2 = getDateArray(input_name_2);
if(check_right_date_format(input_name_1) && check_right_date_format(input_name_2)) {
if(!((new Date(tempArray2[0], tempArray2[1], tempArray2[2])).getTime() >= (new Date(tempArray1[0], tempArray1[1], tempArray1[2])).getTime())) {
show_alert_and_focus(input_name_1, wrongDateFormat);
return show_alert_and_focus(input_name_2, wrongDateFormat);
if(!((new Date(tempArray2[0], tempArray2[1], tempArray2[2])).getTime() >= (new Date(1900, 1, 1)).getTime())) {
show_alert_and_focus(input_name_1, wrongDateFormat);
return show_alert_and_focus(input_name_2, wrongDateFormat);
function getDateArray(input_name) {
formatArray[2] = input_name.value.substring(dateFormat.indexOf("d"), 2);
formatArray[1] = input_name.value.substring(dateFormat.indexOf("m"), 2);
formatArray[0] = input_name.value.substring(dateFormat.indexOf("y"), (dateFormat.length == 10 ? 4 : 2));
if(dateFormat.length == 8) {
formatArray[0] += (formatArray[0] < 70 ? 2000 : 1900);
return formatArray;
function show_alert_and_focus(input_name, errorMessage) {
f411025c | Thomas Kasulke | alert(errorMessage + "\n\r\n\r--> " + input_name.value);
5def52b0 | Thomas Kasulke | input_name.focus();
return false;
28c2764b | Sven Schöling | |||
12a7cea9 | Moritz Bunkus | function get_input_value(input_name) {
var the_input = document.getElementsByName(input_name);
if (the_input && the_input[0])
return the_input[0].value;
return '';
f5e340df | Sven Schöling | |||
function set_cursor_position(n) {
3c2e635c | Sven Schöling | $('[name=' + n + ']').focus();
f5e340df | Sven Schöling | }
2ed420df | Sven Schöling | function focussable(e) {
26e884f3 | Sven Schöling | return e && && e.type != 'hidden' && e.type != 'submit' && e.disabled != true;
f5e340df | Sven Schöling | }
function set_cursor_to_first_element(){
var df = document.forms;
for (var f = 0; f < df.length; f++)
for (var i = 0; i < df[f].length; i++)
2ed420df | Sven Schöling | if (focussable(df[f][i]))
f5e340df | Sven Schöling | try { df[f][i].focus(); return } catch (er) { }
2ed420df | Sven Schöling | |||
3c2e635c | Sven Schöling | function getElementByIndirectName(name){
var e = document.getElementsByName(name)[0];
if (e) return document.getElementsByName(e.value)[0];
28c2764b | Sven Schöling | }
f5e340df | Sven Schöling | |||
3c2e635c | Sven Schöling | function focus_by_name(name){
var f = getElementByIndirectName(name);
if (focussable(f)) {
return true;
return false;
f5e340df | Sven Schöling | }
3c2e635c | Sven Schöling | |||
f1c3810f | Sven Schöling | $(function () {
3c2e635c | Sven Schöling | $('input').focus(function(){
if (focussable(this)) window.focused_element = this;
e92b111d | Moritz Bunkus | |||
f1c3810f | Sven Schöling | // setting focus inside a tabbed area fails if this is encountered before the tabbing is complete
// in that case the elements count as hidden and jquery aborts .focus()
// Lowest priority: first focussable element in form.
// Medium priority: class set in template
var initial_focus = $(".initial_focus").filter(':visible')[0];
if (initial_focus)
// special: honour focus_position
// if no higher priority applies set focus to the appropriate element
if ($("#display_row")[0] && kivi.myconfig.focus_position) {
switch(kivi.myconfig.focus_position) {
case 'last_partnumber' : $('#display_row tr.row:gt(-3):lt(-1) input[name*="partnumber"]').focus(); break;
case 'last_description' : $('#display_row tr.row:gt(-3):lt(-1) input[name*="description"]').focus(); break;
case 'last_qty' : $('#display_row tr.row:gt(-3):lt(-1) input[name*="qty"]').focus(); break;
case 'new_partnumber' : $('#display_row tr:gt(1) input[name*="partnumber"]').focus(); break;
case 'new_description' : $('#display_row tr:gt(1) input[name*="description"]').focus(); break;
case 'new_qty' : $('#display_row tr:gt(1) input[name*="qty"]').focus(); break;
e92b111d | Moritz Bunkus | |||
8aa278d4 | Sven Schöling | // all of this screws with the native location.hash focus, so reimplement this as well
if (location.hash) {
var hash_name = location.hash.substr(1);
var $hash_by_id = $(location.hash + ':visible');
if ($hash_by_id.length > 0) {
} else {
var $by_name = $('[name=' + hash_name + ']:visible');
if ($by_name.length > 0) {
9e85c889 | Bernd Bleßmann | // legacy. some forms install these
f1c3810f | Sven Schöling | if (typeof fokus == 'function') { fokus(); return; }
if (focus_by_name('cursor_fokus')) return;
}, 0);
3c2e635c | Sven Schöling | });
if (window.focused_element)
document.forms[0].cursor_fokus.value =;