kivitendo/js/kivi.MassInvoiceCreatePrint.js @ b1aea59d
b7e394f2 | Jan Büren | namespace('kivi.MassInvoiceCreatePrint', function(ns) {
this.checkSalesOrderSelection = function() {
if ($("[data-checkall=1]:checked").size() > 0)
return true;
alert(kivi.t8('No delivery orders have been selected.'));
return false;
this.checkDeliveryOrderSelection = function() {
if ($("[data-checkall=1]:checked").size() > 0)
return true;
alert(kivi.t8('No delivery orders have been selected.'));
return false;
4a1b6455 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
b7e394f2 | Jan Büren | this.checkInvoiceSelection = function() {
if ($("[data-checkall=1]:checked").size() > 0)
return true;
alert(kivi.t8('No invoices have been selected.'));
return false;
this.submitMassCreationForm = function() {
if (!kivi.MassInvoiceCreatePrint.checkDeliveryOrderSelection())
return false;
31f98925 | Moritz Bunkus | kivi.submit_form_with_action('form', 'MassInvoiceCreatePrint/create_invoices');
b7e394f2 | Jan Büren | return false;
this.createPrintAllInitialize = function() {
id: 'create_print_all_dialog',
dialog: {
title: kivi.t8('Create and print all invoices')
this.createPrintAllStartProcess = function() {
$('#cpa_start_process_button,.ui-dialog-titlebar button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').prop('disabled', 'disabled');
01074b6e | Geoffrey Richardson | var filter = $('[name^=filter\\.]').serializeArray();
b7e394f2 | Jan Büren | var data = {
01074b6e | Geoffrey Richardson | action: 'MassInvoiceCreatePrint/create_print_all_start',
b7e394f2 | Jan Büren | number_of_invoices: $('#cpa_number_of_invoices').val(),
54ce5144 | Martin Helmling | bothsided: $('#cpa_bothsided').val(),
b74a00e5 | Jan Büren | printer_id: $('#cpa_printer_id').val(),
copy_printer_id: $('#cpa_copy_printer_id').val(),
transdate: $('#transdate').val()
b7e394f2 | Jan Büren | };
01074b6e | Geoffrey Richardson | |||
$(filter).each(function(index, obj){ data[] = obj.value; });
$.post('', data, kivi.eval_json_result);
b7e394f2 | Jan Büren | };
this.createPrintAllFinishProcess = function() {
window.location.href = '';
this.massConversionStarted = function() {
$('#create_print_all_dialog').data('timerId', setInterval(function() {
$.get("", {
action: 'MassInvoiceCreatePrint/create_print_all_status',
job_id: $('#cpa_job_id').val()
}, kivi.eval_json_result);
}, 5000));
this.massConversionFinished = function() {
$('.ui-dialog-titlebar button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').prop('disabled', '')
4a1b6455 | Moritz Bunkus | ns.showMassPrintOptions = function() {
id: 'print_options',
dialog: {
title: kivi.t8('Print options'),
width: 600,
height: 200
return true;
ns.showMassPrintOptionsOrDownloadDirectly = function() {
if (!kivi.MassInvoiceCreatePrint.checkInvoiceSelection())
return false;
if ($('#print_options_printer_id').length === 0)
return kivi.MassInvoiceCreatePrint.massPrint();
return kivi.MassInvoiceCreatePrint.showMassPrintOptions();
ns.massPrint = function() {
8298c2ea | Bernd Bleßmann | $('#bothsided').val($('#print_options_bothsided').prop('checked') ? 1 : 0);
4a1b6455 | Moritz Bunkus | $('#action').val('MassInvoiceCreatePrint/print');
return true;
b7e394f2 | Jan Büren | };
fdbdd0b1 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
this.resetSearchForm = function() {
$("#filter_table input").val("");
b7e394f2 | Jan Büren | });