namespace('kivi.FileUploader', function(ns) {
//opens a popupdialog for fileupload
//id = id of the id in the table files
//trans_id = id of the object (part_id, shoppart_id, project_id,...) where the file belongs to
//modul = name where the file belongs to like IC, shop_part, CV ....
//controller_action = Controller/Action wich will be called by button save in popupdialog the todo whatever you want to to with the file(save it to db, save it to webdav)
// controller_action is passed to the popup_dialog fileupload form and can/will be called from the form to deal with the uploaded file
//allowed_filetypes = must be seperated by | like jpg|gif|pdf
ns.add_file = function(id,trans_id,modul,controller_action,allowed_filetypes) {
url : 'controller.pl?action=FileUploader/ajax_add_file',
data: 'id=' + id + '&trans_id=' + trans_id + '&modul=' + modul + '&ca=' + controller_action + '&aft=' + allowed_filetypes,
dialog: { title: kivi.t8('File upload') }
} );
return true;
ns.delete_file = function(id,controller_action) {
$.post('controller.pl', { action: controller_action, id: id }, function(data) {