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Revision 951c7c92

Von Tamino Steinert vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt

  • ID 951c7c921b67ceebeded8e8e86a912b2e7ebc144
  • Vorgänger 449fa8e3
  • Nachfolger 467f6a49

Order: nutze TypeData

Unterschiede anzeigen:

title => $self->get_title_for('add'),
title => $self->type_data->text('add'),
title => $self->get_title_for('edit'),
title => $self->type_data->text('edit'),
title => $self->get_title_for('edit'),
title => $self->type_data->text('edit'),
email_form => $email_form,
show_bcc => $::auth->assert('email_bcc', 'may fail'),
FILES => \%files,
is_customer => $self->cv eq 'customer',
is_customer => $self->type_data->properties('is_customer'),
ALL_EMPLOYEES => \@employees_with_email,
ALL_PARTNER_EMAIL_ADDRESSES => $all_partner_email_addresses,
is_final_version => $self->is_final_version,
title => $self->get_title_for('edit'),
title => $self->type_data->text('edit'),
sub action_show_customer_vendor_details_dialog {
my ($self) = @_;
my $is_customer = 'customer' eq $::form->{vc};
my $is_customer = $self->type_data->properties('is_customer');
my $cv;
if ($is_customer) {
$cv = SL::DB::Customer->new(id => $::form->{vc_id})->load;
title => $self->get_title_for('edit'),
title => $self->type_data->text('edit'),
sub init_cv {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cv = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE(), SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE())) ? 'customer'
: die "Not a valid type for order";
return $cv;
return $self->type_data->properties('customervendor');
sub init_search_cvpartnumber {
sub init_part_picker_classification_ids {
my ($self) = @_;
my $attribute = 'used_for_' . ($self->type =~ m{sales} ? 'sale' : 'purchase');
return [ map { $_->id } @{ SL::DB::Manager::PartClassification->get_all(where => [ $attribute => 1 ]) } ];
return [ map { $_->id } @{ SL::DB::Manager::PartClassification->get_all(
where => $self->type_data->part_classification_query()) } ];
sub init_is_final_version {
sub check_auth {
my ($self) = @_;
my $right_for = { map { $_ => $_.'_edit' . ' | ' . $_.'_view' } @{$self->valid_types} };
$right_for->{ SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE() } = 'sales_order_edit | sales_order_view';
$right_for->{ PURCHASE_QUOTATION_INTAKE_TYPE() } = 'request_quotation_edit | request_quotation_view';
my $right = $right_for->{ $self->type };
$right ||= 'DOES_NOT_EXIST';
sub check_auth_for_edit {
my ($self) = @_;
my $right_for = { map { $_ => $_.'_edit' } @{$self->valid_types} };
$right_for->{ SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE() } = 'sales_order_edit';
$right_for->{ PURCHASE_QUOTATION_INTAKE_TYPE() } = 'request_quotation_edit';
my $right = $right_for->{ $self->type };
$right ||= 'DOES_NOT_EXIST';
# build the selection box for contacts
sub setup_edit_action_bar {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $deletion_allowed = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), PURCHASE_QUOTATION_INTAKE_TYPE()))
|| (($self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE()) && $::instance_conf->get_sales_order_show_delete)
|| (($self->type eq SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE()) && $::instance_conf->get_sales_order_show_delete)
|| (($self->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE()) && $::instance_conf->get_purchase_order_show_delete);
my @req_trans_cost_art = qw(kivi.Order.check_transport_cost_article_presence) x!!$::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id;
my @req_cusordnumber = qw(kivi.Order.check_cusordnumber_presence) x(( any {$self->type eq $_} (SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE(), SALES_ORDER_TYPE()) ) && $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_cusordnumber);
$has_final_invoice = any {'SL::DB::Invoice' eq ref $_ && "final_invoice" eq $_->type} @$lr;
my $right_for = { map { $_ => $_.'_edit' } @{$self->valid_types} };
$right_for->{ SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE() } = 'sales_order_edit';
$right_for->{ PURCHASE_QUOTATION_INTAKE_TYPE() } = 'request_quotation_edit';
my $right = $right_for->{ $self->type };
$right ||= 'DOES_NOT_EXIST';
my $may_edit_create = $::auth->assert($right, 'may fail');
my $may_edit_create = $::auth->assert($self->type_data->rights('edit'), 'may fail');
my $is_final_version = $self->is_final_version;
t8('Save and Quotation'),
call => [ 'kivi.submit_ajax_form', $self->url_for(action => "save_and_order_workflow", to_type => SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE()), '#order_form' ],
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber ],
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_quotation'),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and RFQ'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_check_for_direct_delivery', { to_type => REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() } ],
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_rfq'),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Sales Order Confirmation'),
call => [ 'kivi.submit_ajax_form', $self->url_for(action => "save_and_order_workflow", to_type => SALES_ORDER_TYPE()), '#order_form' ],
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art ],
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_sales_order'),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Purchase Order'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_check_for_direct_delivery', { to_type => PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() } ],
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber ],
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_purchase_order'),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices',
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE())),
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_delivery_order'),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices',
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE())),
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_supplier_delivery_order'),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
call => [ '', { action => 'save_and_reclamation',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts },
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE()))
only_if =>$self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_reclamation')
action => [
t8('Save and Invoice'),
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
not_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE(), PURCHASE_QUOTATION_INTAKE_TYPE())),
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_invoice'),
action => [
($has_invoice_for_advance_payment ? t8('Save and Further Invoice for Advance Payment') : t8('Save and Invoice for Advance Payment')),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: $has_final_invoice ? t8('This order has already a final invoice.')
: undef,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE())),
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_invoice_for_advance_payment'),
action => [
t8('Save and Final Invoice'),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: $has_final_invoice ? t8('This order has already a final invoice.')
: undef,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE())) && $has_invoice_for_advance_payment,
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_final_invoice') && $has_invoice_for_advance_payment,
action => [
t8('Save and AP Transaction'),
call => [ '', { action => 'save_and_ap_transaction',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts },
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE())),
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('save_and_ap_transaction'),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: !$self->order->id ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.')
: undef,
only_if => $deletion_allowed,
only_if => $self->type_data->show_menu('delete'),
combobox => [
return $active ? t8('active') : t8('inactive');
sub get_title_for {
my ($self, $action) = @_;
return '' if none { lc($action)} qw(add edit);
# for locales:
# $::locale->text("Add Sales Order Intake");
# $::locale->text("Add Sales Order");
# $::locale->text("Add Purchase Order");
# $::locale->text("Add Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Add Request for Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Add Purchase Quotation Intake");
# $::locale->text("Edit Sales Order Intake");
# $::locale->text("Edit Sales Order");
# $::locale->text("Edit Purchase Order");
# $::locale->text("Edit Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Edit Request for Quotation");
# $::locale->text("Edit Purchase Quotation Intake");
$action = ucfirst(lc($action));
return $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE() ? $::locale->text("$action Sales Order Intake")
: $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text("$action Sales Order")
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text("$action Purchase Order")
: $self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text("$action Quotation")
: $self->type eq REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text("$action Request for Quotation")
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_QUOTATION_INTAKE_TYPE() ? $::locale->text("$action Purchase Quotation Intake")
: '';
sub get_item_cvpartnumber {
my ($self, $item) = @_;
sub nr_key {
return $_[0]->type eq SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? 'quonumber'
: $_[0]->type eq REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? 'quonumber'
: $_[0]->type eq PURCHASE_QUOTATION_INTAKE_TYPE() ? 'quonumber'
: '';
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->type_data->properties('nr_key');
sub save_and_redirect_to {
my $text = $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_INTAKE_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order intake has been saved')
: $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order confirmation has been saved')
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been saved')
: $self->type eq REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been saved')
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_QUOTATION_INTAKE_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The quotation intake has been saved')
: '';
flash_later('info', $text);
flash_later('info', $self->type_data->text('saved'));
$self->redirect_to(%params, id => $self->order->id);

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