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Revision 8b383953

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 2 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 8b383953b33db9457d76c00ae43c49da6a8f1f8a
  • Vorgänger 420d3963
  • Nachfolger 6587b90e

locales-Lauf en

Unterschiede anzeigen:

3644 3644
  'The following transactions are concerned:' => '',
3645 3645
  'The following users are a member of this group' => '',
3646 3646
  'The following users will have access to this client' => '',
  'The form is not valid anymore.' => '',
3647 3648
  'The formula needs the following syntax:<br>For regular article:<br>Variablename= Variable Unit;<br>Variablename2= Variable2 Unit2;<br>...<br>###<br>Variable + ( Variable2 / Variable )<br><b>Please be beware of the spaces in the formula</b><br>' => '',
3648 3649
  'The greetings have been saved.' => '',
3649 3650
  'The installation is currently locked.' => '',
4003 4004
  'Transaction'                 => '',
4004 4005
  'Transaction %d cancelled.'   => '',
4005 4006
  'Transaction Date missing!'   => '',
  'Transaction Description is not yet implemented' => '',
4007 4007
  'Transaction ID missing.'     => '',
4008 4008
  'Transaction Value'           => '',
4009 4009
  'Transaction Value Currency Code' => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff