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Revision 8743f3cf

Von Tamino Steinert vor 11 Monaten hinzugefügt

  • ID 8743f3cfd51467267369c026b35173192a67d70d
  • Vorgänger b635fe0c

FIX: Beleg-Export -> PDF-Export in Bericht VK-Rechnung, ...

Füge jetzt alle Dateien aus Dokumente zur ZIP-Datei hinzu.
Gebe Fehler direkt aus, wenn Dateien fehlen oder Beleg keine Datei

Unterschiede anzeigen:

2475 2475
  'No Company Address given'    => '',
2476 2476
  'No Company Name given'       => '',
2477 2477
  'No Customer was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
  'No Dokument found for record \'#1\'. Please deselect it or create a document it.' => '',
  'No File Management enabled.' => '',
2478 2480
  'No GL template was found.'   => '',
2479 2481
  'No Journal'                  => '',
2480 2482
  'No Order Number'             => '',
2530 2532
  'No file selected, please set one checkbox!' => '',
2531 2533
  'No file uploaded yet'        => '',
2532 2534
  'No filename exists!'         => '',
  'No files backend enabled.'   => '',
2534 2535
  'No function blocks have been created yet.' => '',
2535 2536
  'No groups have been created yet.' => '',
2536 2537
  'No internal phone extensions have been configured yet.' => '',
2584 2585
  'No vendor selected or found!' => '',
2585 2586
  'No vendors to add to purchasebasket' => '',
2586 2587
  'No warehouse has been created yet or the quantity of the bins is not configured yet.' => '',
  'No webdav backend enabled.'  => '',
2588 2588
  'No year given for method year' => '',
2589 2589
  'No.'                         => '',
2590 2590
  'No/individual shipping address' => '',
2764 2764
  'PDF export'                  => '',
2765 2765
  'PDF export -- options'       => '',
2766 2766
  'PDF export with attachments' => '',
  'PDF-Export'                  => '',
2767 2768
  'PLZ Grosskunden'             => '',
2768 2769
  'POSTED'                      => '',
2769 2770
  'POSTED AS NEW'               => '',
3219 3220
  'Record templates'            => '',
3220 3221
  'Record type to create'       => '',
3221 3222
  'Record\'s files'             => '',
  'Record-Export'               => '',
3223 3223
  'Recorded Tax'                => '',
3224 3224
  'Recorded taxkey'             => '',
3225 3225
  'Records'                     => '',
4813 4813
  'We need a valid to date'     => '',
4814 4814
  'Web shops'                   => '',
4815 4815
  'WebDAV'                      => '',
  'WebDAV is not enabled.'      => '',
4816 4817
  'WebDAV link'                 => '',
4817 4818
  'WebDAV save documents'       => '',
4818 4819
  'WebDAV sync extern'          => '',
5112 5113
  'no shipping address'         => '',
5113 5114
  'no skonto_chart configured for taxkey #1 : #2 : #3' => '',
5114 5115
  'no tax_id in acc_trans'      => '',
  'no_file_found.txt'           => '',
5116 5116
  'not a valid DTVF file, expected field header start with \'Umsatz; (..) ;Konto;Gegenkonto\'' => '',
5117 5117
  'not a valid DTVF file, expected first field in A1 \'DTVF\'' => '',
5118 5118
  'not configured'              => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff