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Revision 8280f487

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor 4 Monaten hinzugefügt

  • ID 8280f487cca74c5f70138091a27b53818f48d77f
  • Vorgänger cef9432f
  • Nachfolger 6fb744b2

Sichtbarkeit neuer Belege: Einstellung in Mandantenkonfig-Maske

Unterschiede anzeigen:

3680 3680
  'Show all details'            => '',
3681 3681
  'Show all parts'              => '',
3682 3682
  'Show by default'             => '',
  'Show certain sales and purchase documents' => '',
3683 3684
  'Show chart list'             => '',
3684 3685
  'Show charts'                 => '',
3685 3686
  'Show custom variable search inputs' => '',
3712 3713
  'Show parts longdescription (notes) in select list' => '',
3713 3714
  'Show purchase basket'        => '',
3714 3715
  'Show purchase letters report' => '',
  'Show purchase order confirmation' => '',
3715 3717
  'Show purchase order reports with amounts (and links to open documents)' => '',
  'Show purchase quotation intake' => '',
  'Show purchase reclamation'   => '',
3716 3720
  'Show record tab in customer' => '',
3717 3721
  'Show record tab in vendor'   => '',
3718 3722
  'Show requirement spec'       => '',
3719 3723
  'Show requirement spec template' => '',
3720 3724
  'Show sales letters report'   => '',
  'Show sales order intake'     => '',
3721 3726
  'Show sales order reports with amounts (and links to open documents)' => '',
  'Show sales reclamation'      => '',
3722 3728
  'Show settings'               => '',
3723 3729
  'Show subtotals'              => '',
3724 3730
  'Show the picture in the part form' => '',
4857 4863
  'What this template contains' => '',
4858 4864
  'What type of item is this?'  => '',
4859 4865
  'When converting a requirement spec into a quotation or an oder each section gets converted into a line position in the new record. This is the article used by default for this conversion.' => '',
  'When disabled, purchase order confirmations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => '',
  'When disabled, purchase quotation intakes do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => '',
  'When disabled, purchase reclamations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => '',
  'When disabled, sales order intakes do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => '',
  'When disabled, sales reclamations do not show up in the menu and in the workflow actions.' => '',
4860 4871
  'When using Swiss QR-bill, copy the invoice number to the unstructured message automatically' => '',
4861 4872
  'Whether or not to replace variable placeholders such as "<%invdate%>" in texts in positions such as the part description by the record\'s actual value' => '',
4862 4873
  'Which is located at doc/kivitendo-Dokumentation.pdf. Click here: ' => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff