Revision 778abbc9
Von Tamino Steinert vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
"insertdate" => "ct.itime",
"salesman" => "",
"payment" => "pt.description",
"taxzone" => "tz.description",
"pricegroup" => "pg.pricegroup",
"ustid" => "ct.ustid",
"creditlimit" => "ct.creditlimit",
... | ... | |
push(@values, $form->{payment_id});
if ($form->{taxzone_id}) {
$where .= qq| AND (ct.taxzone_id = ?)|;
push(@values, $form->{taxzone_id});
if($form->{insertdatefrom}) {
$where .= qq| AND (ct.itime::DATE >= ?)|;
push@values, conv_date($form->{insertdatefrom});
... | ... | |
my $query =
qq|SELECT ct.*, ct.itime::DATE AS insertdate, b.description AS business, as salesman, | .
qq| pt.description as payment | .
qq| pt.description as payment, tz.description as taxzone | .
$pg_select .
$main_cp_select .
(qq|, NULL AS invnumber, NULL AS ordnumber, NULL AS quonumber, NULL AS invid, NULL AS module, NULL AS formtype, NULL AS closed | x!! $join_records) .
... | ... | |
qq|LEFT JOIN business b ON (ct.business_id = | .
qq|LEFT JOIN employee e ON (ct.salesman_id = | .
qq|LEFT JOIN payment_terms pt ON (ct.payment_id = | .
qq|LEFT JOIN tax_zones tz ON (ct.taxzone_id = | .
$pg_join .
qq|WHERE $where|;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
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