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Revision 7130c4c1

Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 7 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 7130c4c1a0cd348455b9b046b58edd6b45ec47a8
  • Vorgänger 39499f9d
  • Nachfolger 18a2ca33

DATEV: Saubere Objektmethoden für implementiert

PODs ergänzt.
Hintergrund: Sehr klare Ideen von Sven implementiert, sprengt den
Rahmen der Commit-Message, Details siehe Doku in redmine

Unterschiede anzeigen:

$self->generate_datev_data(from_to => $self->fromto);
return if $self->errors;
my $datev_ref;
($datev_ref, $self->{warnings}) = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $self->generate_datev_lines,
from => $self->from,
to => $self->to,
locked => $self->locked,
my $datev_csv = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(
datev_lines => $self->generate_datev_lines,
from => $self->from,
to => $self->to,
locked => $self->locked,
my $filename = "EXTF_DATEV_kivitendo" . $self->from->ymd() . '-' . $self->to->ymd() . ".csv";
}) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV_XS->error_diag();
my $csv_file = IO::File->new($self->export_path . '/' . $filename, '>:encoding(cp1252)') or die "Can't open: $!";
$csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_ref };
$csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_csv->header };
$csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_csv->lines };
$self->{warnings} = $datev_csv->warnings;
return { download_token => $self->download_token, filenames => $filename };
# };
=item csv_buchungsexport
Generates the CSV-Format data for the CSV DATEV export and returns
an 2-dimensional array as an array_ref.
Requires $self->fromto for a valid DATEV header.
Furthermore we assume that the first day of the fiscal year is
the first of January and we cannot guarantee that our data in kivitendo
is locked, that means a booking cannot be modified after a defined (vat tax)
Some validity checks (max_length and regex) will be done if the
data structure contains them and the field is defined.
To add or alter the structure of the data take a look at
=item _csv_buchungsexport_to_file
Generates one downloadable csv file wrapped in a zip archive.
Basically this method is just a thin wrapper for
Generates a CSV-file with the same encodings as defined in DATEV Format CSV 2015:
$ file
$ EXTF_Buchungsstapel.csv: ISO-8859 text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators
Usage: _csv_buchungsexport_to_file($self, data => $self->csv_buchungsexport);
=item check_vcnumbers_are_valid_pk_numbers
Returns 1 if all vcnumbers are suitable for the DATEV export, 0 if not.

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff