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Revision 65d2537d

Von Martin Helmling vor etwa 8 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 65d2537d658b99b005a18c6663bc1293b41a1d83
  • Vorgänger 2ee7cc2f
  • Nachfolger 219d88ab


Die Klassifizierung von Artikeln dient einer weiteren Gliederung um zum Beispiel den Einkauf vom Verkauf zu trennen, etc.
Gekennzeichnet durch eine Beschreibung (z.B. "Einkauf") und ein Kürzel (z.B. "E")
Flexibel änderbar und erweiterbar.
- Neue Datenbanktablle und Rose-Objekte, sowie Controller zum Bearbeiten der Tabelle
- Zwei-Zeichen Abkürzung:
Der Typ des Artikel und die Klassifizierung werden durch zwei Buchstaben dargestellt.
Der erste Buchstabe ist eine Lokalisierung des Typs des Artikel ('P','A','S') ,
deutch 'W', 'E', und 'D' für Ware Erzeugnis oder Dienstleistung, ggf. weitere Typen.
Der zweite Buchstabe ist eine Lokalisierung der Klassifizierungsabkürzung (abbreviation).
Die Abkürzungen sind aus dem Part Presenter abholbar:
- SL::Presenter::Part->type_abbreviation($part_type)
- SL::Presenter::Part->classification_abbreviation($classification_id)
Anpassung des CSV Import,
nun wird alternativ zur 'part_type'-Spalte die 'pclass'-Spalte mit zwei Buchstaben geparsed und entsprechend
classification_id, part_type gesetzt.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

296 296
  'Article'                     => '',
297 297
  'Article Code'                => '',
298 298
  'Article Code missing!'       => '',
  'Article classification'      => '',
299 300
  'Article type'                => '',
300 301
  'Articles'                    => '',
301 302
  'As a result, the saved onhand values of the present goods can be stored into a warehouse designated by you, or will be reset for a proper warehouse tracking' => '',
302 303
  'Assemblies'                  => '',
  'Assemblies can not be imported (yet). But the type column is used for sanity checks on price updates in order to prevent that articles with the wrong type will be updated.' => '',
304 304
  'Assembly'                    => '',
  'Assembly (typeabbreviation)' => 'A',
305 306
  'Assembly Description'        => '',
306 307
  'Assembly Number'             => '',
307 308
  'Assembly Number missing!'    => '',
316 317
  'Assignment of articles to sections' => '',
317 318
  'Assistant for general ledger corrections' => '',
318 319
  'Assortment'                  => '',
  'Assortment (typeabbreviation)' => 'As',
319 321
  'Assortment items'            => '',
320 322
  'Assortments'                 => '',
321 323
  'Assume Tax Consultant Data in Tax Computation?' => '',
662 664
  'Create a new delivery term'  => '',
663 665
  'Create a new department'     => '',
664 666
  'Create a new group'          => '',
  'Create a new parts classification' => '',
665 668
  'Create a new payment term'   => '',
666 669
  'Create a new predefined text' => '',
667 670
  'Create a new price rule'     => '',
1067 1070
  'Edit Follow-Up'              => '',
1068 1071
  'Edit Follow-Up for #1'       => '',
1069 1072
  'Edit General Ledger Transaction' => '',
  'Edit Group'                  => '',
1071 1073
  'Edit Language'               => '',
1072 1074
  'Edit Lead'                   => '',
1073 1075
  'Edit Letter'                 => '',
1107 1109
  'Edit general settings'       => '',
1108 1110
  'Edit greetings'              => '',
1109 1111
  'Edit note'                   => '',
  'Edit parts classification'   => '',
1110 1113
  'Edit partsgroup'             => '',
1111 1114
  'Edit payment term'           => '',
1112 1115
  'Edit picture'                => '',
1392 1395
  'Group Invoices'              => '',
1393 1396
  'Group Items'                 => '',
1394 1397
  'Group assignment'            => '',
  'Group deleted!'              => '',
1396 1398
  'Group list'                  => '',
1397 1399
  'Group membership'            => '',
  'Group missing!'              => '',
  'Group saved!'                => '',
  'Groups'                      => '',
1401 1400
  'Groups that are valid for this client for access rights' => '',
1402 1401
  'Groups this user is a member in' => '',
1403 1402
  'Groups valid for this client' => '',
1445 1444
  'If all of the following match' => '',
1446 1445
  'If amounts differ more than "Maximal amount difference" (see settings), this item is marked as invalid.' => '',
1447 1446
  'If checked the taxkey will not be exported in the DATEV Export, but only IF chart taxkeys differ from general ledger taxkeys' => '',
  'If column \'pclass\' is present the article type is then irrelevant or used as default ' => '',
1448 1448
  'If configured this bin will be preselected for all new parts. Also this bin will be used as the master default bin, if default transfer out with master bin is activated.' => '',
1449 1449
  'If disabled purchase delivery orders can only be created by conversion from existing requests for quotations and purchase orders.' => '',
1450 1450
  'If disabled purchase invoices can only be created by conversion from existing requests for quotations, purchase orders and purchase delivery orders.' => '',
1451 1451
  'If disabled sales orders cannot be converted into sales invoices directly.' => '',
1452 1452
  'If disabled sales quotations cannot be converted into sales invoices directly.' => '',
1453 1453
  'If enabled a column will be shown in sales and purchase orders that lists both the amount and the value not shipped yet for each item.' => '',
  'If enabled a warning will be shown in sales and purchase orders if there are two or more positions of the same part (new controller only).' => 'Falls eingeschaltet, wird eine Warnung angezeigt, wenn der Auftrag mehrere gleiche Artikel enthält (nur neuer Controller).',
  'If enabled a warning will be shown in sales and purchase orders if there are two or more positions of the same part (new controller only).' => '',
1455 1455
  'If enabled only those projects that are assigned to the currently selected customer are offered for selection in sales records.' => '',
1456 1456
  'If enabled purchase and sales records cannot be saved if no transaction description has been entered.' => '',
  'If item not found, allow creation of new item' => '',
1457 1458
  'If left empty the default sender from the kivitendo configuration will be used (key \'email_from\' in section \'periodic_invoices\'; current value: #1).' => '',
1458 1459
  'If missing then the start date will be used.' => '',
  'If the article type is set to \'mixed\' then a column called \'type\' must be present.' => '',
  'If searching a part from a document and no part is found then offer to create a new part.' => '',
  'If the article type is set to \'mixed\' then a column called \'part_type\' or called \'pclass\' must be present.' => '',
1460 1462
  'If the automatic creation of invoices for fees and interest is switched on for a dunning level then the following accounts will be used for the invoice.' => '',
1461 1463
  'If the database user listed above does not have the right to create a database then enter the name and password of the superuser below:' => '',
1462 1464
  'If the default transfer out always succeed use this bin for negative stock quantity.' => '',
1571 1573
  'It will not be further modified by any other source, and will be offered in records like this.' => '',
1572 1574
  'It will simply set the taxkey to 0 (meaning "no taxes") which is the correct value for such inventory transactions.' => '',
1573 1575
  'Italy'                       => '',
  'Item does not exists in the database' => '',
1574 1577
  'Item mode'                   => '',
1575 1578
  'Item multi selection with qty' => '',
  'Item not on file!'           => '',
1577 1579
  'Item values'                 => '',
1578 1580
  'Item variables'              => '',
1579 1581
  'Jahresverkehrszahlen neu'    => '',
1733 1735
  'Media \'#1\' is not supported yet/anymore.' => '',
1734 1736
  'Medium Number'               => '',
1735 1737
  'Memo'                        => '',
  'Merchandise'                 => 'Merchandise',
  'Merchandise (typeabbreviation)' => 'M',
1736 1740
  'Message'                     => '',
1737 1741
  'Method'                      => '',
1738 1742
  'Microfiche'                  => '',
1749 1753
  'Missing taxkeys in invoices with taxes.' => '',
1750 1754
  'Missing transport cost: #1  Are you sure?' => '',
1751 1755
  'Mitarbeiter'                 => '',
  'Mixed (requires column "type")' => '',
  'Mixed (requires column "type" or "pclass")' => '',
1753 1757
  'Mobile'                      => '',
1754 1758
  'Mobile1'                     => '',
1755 1759
  'Mobile2'                     => '',
1787 1791
  'New Password'                => '',
1788 1792
  'New Purchase Price Rule'     => '',
1789 1793
  'New Sales Price Rule'        => '',
  'New assembly'                => '',
1791 1794
  'New client #1: The database configuration fields "host", "port", "name" and "user" must not be empty.' => '',
1792 1795
  'New client #1: The name must be unique and not empty.' => '',
1793 1796
  'New contact'                 => '',
1799 1802
  'New row, description'        => '',
1800 1803
  'New row, partnumber'         => '',
1801 1804
  'New sales order'             => '',
  'New service'                 => '',
1803 1805
  'New shipto'                  => '',
1804 1806
  'New vendor'                  => '',
1805 1807
  'New window/tab'              => '',
1845 1847
  'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/kivitendo.conf".' => '',
1846 1848
  'No part was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
1847 1849
  'No part was selected.'       => '',
  'No parts classification has been created yet.' => '',
1848 1851
  'No payment term has been created yet.' => '',
1849 1852
  'No picture has been uploaded' => '',
1850 1853
  'No picture uploaded yet'     => '',
1888 1891
  'None'                        => '',
1889 1892
  'None (PriceSource Discount)' => '',
1890 1893
  'None (PriceSource)'          => '',
  'None (typeabbreviation)'     => '-',
1891 1895
  'Normal'                      => '',
1892 1896
  'Normal users cannot log in.' => '',
1893 1897
  'Normalize Customer / Vendor names' => '',
2010 2014
  'POSTED'                      => '',
2011 2015
  'POSTED AS NEW'               => '',
2012 2016
  'PRINTED'                     => '',
  'PType'                       => '',
2013 2018
  'Package name'                => '',
2014 2019
  'Packing Lists'               => '',
2015 2020
  'Page'                        => '',
2019 2024
  'Part'                        => '',
2020 2025
  'Part "#1" has chargenumber or best before date set. So it cannot be transfered automatically.' => '',
2021 2026
  'Part (database ID)'          => '',
  'Part (typeabbreviation)'     => 'P',
  'Part Classification'         => '',
2022 2029
  'Part Description'            => '',
2023 2030
  'Part Description missing!'   => '',
2024 2031
  'Part Notes'                  => '',
2030 2037
  'Partial invoices'            => '',
2031 2038
  'Partnumber'                  => '',
2032 2039
  'Parts'                       => '',
  'Parts Classification'        => '',
  'Parts Classifications'       => '',
2033 2042
  'Parts Inventory'             => '',
2034 2043
  'Parts Master Data'           => '',
2035 2044
  'Parts with existing part numbers' => '',
2181 2190
  'Print template base file name' => '',
2182 2191
  'Print templates'             => '',
2183 2192
  'Print templates to use'      => '',
  'Printdate'                   => '',
2184 2194
  'Printer'                     => '',
2185 2195
  'Printer Command'             => '',
2186 2196
  'Printer Description'         => '',
2194 2204
  'Private Phone'               => '',
2195 2205
  'Problem'                     => '',
2196 2206
  'Produce Assembly'            => '',
  'Production'                  => 'Production',
  'Production (typeabbreviation)' => 'W',
2197 2209
  'Productivity'                => '',
2198 2210
  'Profit determination'        => '',
2199 2211
  'Proforma Invoice'            => '',
2217 2229
  'Proposal'                    => '',
2218 2230
  'Proposals'                   => '',
2219 2231
  'Prozentual/Absolut'          => '',
  'Purchase'                    => 'Purchase',
  'Purchase (typeabbreviation)' => 'P',
2220 2234
  'Purchase Delivery Order'     => '',
2221 2235
  'Purchase Delivery Orders'    => '',
2222 2236
  'Purchase Delivery Orders deleteable' => '',
2336 2350
  'Report and misc. Preferences' => '',
2337 2351
  'Report date'                 => '',
2338 2352
  'Report for'                  => '',
  'Report separately'           => '',
2339 2354
  'Reports'                     => '',
2340 2355
  'Representative'              => '',
2341 2356
  'Representative for Customer' => '',
2416 2431
  'Saldo Debit'                 => '',
2417 2432
  'Saldo neu'                   => '',
2418 2433
  'Saldo per'                   => '',
  'Sales'                       => 'Sales',
  'Sales (typeabbreviation)'    => 'S',
2419 2436
  'Sales Delivery Order'        => '',
2420 2437
  'Sales Delivery Orders'       => '',
2421 2438
  'Sales Delivery Orders deleteable' => '',
2538 2555
  'Serial No.'                  => '',
2539 2556
  'Serial Number'               => '',
2540 2557
  'Service'                     => '',
  'Service (typeabbreviation)'  => 'Sv',
2541 2559
  'Service Items'               => '',
2542 2560
  'Service Number missing!'     => '',
2543 2561
  'Service, assembly or part'   => '',
2791 2809
  'That export does not exist.' => '',
2792 2810
  'That is why kivitendo could not find a default currency.' => '',
2793 2811
  'The \'name\' is the field shown to the user during login.' => '',
  'The \'pclass\' column has the same abbreviation like a part export. The first letter is for the type Part,Assembly or Service, the second(and third) for Part Classification' => '',
2794 2813
  'The \'tag\' field must only consist of alphanumeric characters or the carachters - _ ( )' => '',
2795 2814
  'The AP transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
2796 2815
  'The AR transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
2807 2826
  'The SEPA export has been created.' => '',
2808 2827
  'The SEPA strings have been saved.' => '',
2809 2828
  'The WebDAV feature has been used.' => '',
  'The abbreviation is missing.' => '',
2810 2830
  'The acceptance status has been created.' => '',
2811 2831
  'The acceptance status has been deleted.' => '',
2812 2832
  'The acceptance status has been saved.' => '',
2841 2861
  'The base unit does not exist.' => '',
2842 2862
  'The base unit relations must not contain loops (e.g. by saying that unit A\'s base unit is B, B\'s base unit is C and C\'s base unit is A) in row %d.' => '',
2843 2863
  'The basic client tables have not been created for this client\'s database yet.' => '',
  'The basic parts classification cannot be deleted.' => '',
2844 2865
  'The body is missing.'        => '',
2845 2866
  'The booking group has been created.' => '',
2846 2867
  'The booking group has been deleted.' => '',
2976 2997
  'The partnumber already exists!' => '',
2977 2998
  'The partnumber already exists.' => '',
2978 2999
  'The partnumber is missing.'  => '',
  'The parts classification has been created.' => '',
  'The parts classification has been deleted.' => '',
  'The parts classification has been saved.' => '',
  'The parts classification is in use and cannot be deleted.' => '',
2979 3004
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred in.' => '',
2980 3005
  'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.' => '',
2981 3006
  'The parts have been removed.' => '',
3288 3313
  'Type of Business'            => '',
3289 3314
  'Type of Customer'            => '',
3290 3315
  'Type of Vendor'              => '',
  'TypeAbbreviation'            => '',
3291 3317
  'Types of Business'           => '',
3292 3318
  'USTVA'                       => '',
3293 3319
  'USTVA 2004'                  => '',
3362 3388
  'Use linked items'            => '',
3363 3389
  'Use master default bin for Default Transfer, if no default bin for the part is configured' => '',
3364 3390
  'Useable for…'                => '',
  'Used for Purchase'           => '',
  'Used for Sale'               => '',
3365 3393
  'User'                        => '',
3366 3394
  'User Config'                 => '',
3367 3395
  'User Preferences'            => '',
3535 3563
  'ap_aging_list'               => '',
3536 3564
  'ar_aging_list'               => '',
3537 3565
  'ar_chart isn\'t a valid chart' => '',
  'article_list'                => '',
3538 3567
  'as at'                       => '',
3539 3568
  'assembled'                   => '',
3540 3569
  'assembly'                    => '',
3721 3750
  'saved'                       => '',
3722 3751
  'saved!'                      => '',
3723 3752
  'saving data'                 => '',
  'searched part not for purchase' => '',
  'searched part not for sale'  => '',
3724 3755
  'semiannually'                => '',
3725 3756
  'sent'                        => '',
3726 3757
  'sent to printer'             => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff