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Revision 63a1c75d

Von Stephan Köhler vor mehr als 18 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 63a1c75d320045aea95c6bfd2444716d34882a56
  • Vorgänger ae940205
  • Nachfolger c1dafb84

Merge von 816-819,828 aus unstable: UStVa Bugfix, Bug 262 & 264
Bug 262 fixed!
USTVA UPDATE der Positionen und Verknuepfungen.
Die UPDATEs sind relativ vollstaendig und sortiert,
so dass eine weitere Pflege einfach ist. taxkey's sind noch nicht
integriert, deshalb sind einige updates in liste.aql doppelt gemoppelt,
was m.E. unproblematisch ist, gleiches gilt für
den Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU-chart.sql
Bug 264 fixed. Thanks to Martin Krung.
Fixed date problems between database and screen-output,
reported by Holger on the devel-ML.
Update table tax
USTVA: Fixed upgrade Problems for tax table

Unterschiede anzeigen:

1 1
-- Swiss chart of accounts
2 2
-- adapted to numeric representation of chart no.
-- contributed by Martin Krung
4 4
INSERT INTO chart (accno,description,charttype,gifi_accno,category,link) VALUES ('10000','AKTIVEN','H','1','A','');
5 5
INSERT INTO chart (accno,description,charttype,gifi_accno,category,link) VALUES ('11000','UMLAUFSVERM?GEN','H','10000','A','');
6 6
INSERT INTO chart (accno,description,charttype,gifi_accno,category,link) VALUES ('11100','Fl?ssige Mittel','H','11000','A','');
151 151
INSERT INTO chart (accno,description,charttype,gifi_accno,category,link) VALUES ('21231','Passive Rechnungsabgrenzung','A','21230','L','');
152 152
INSERT INTO chart (accno,description,charttype,gifi_accno,category,link) VALUES ('67002','Produkteentwicklung','A','67000','E','');
153 153
insert into tax (chart_id,rate) values ((select id from chart where accno = '21222'),0.036);
insert into tax (chart_id,rate) values ((select id from chart where accno = '21223'),0.076);
insert into tax (chart_id,rate) values ((select id from chart where accno = '21221'),0.024);
insert into tax (chart_id,rate) values ((select id from chart where accno = '21224'),0.076);
insert into tax (taxdescription,taxkey,chart_id,rate) values ('MWST 3.6%',1,(select id from chart where accno = '21222'),0.036);
insert into tax (taxdescription,taxkey,chart_id,rate) values ('MWST 7.6%',2,(select id from chart where accno = '21223'),0.076);
insert into tax (taxdescription,taxkey,chart_id,rate) values ('MWST 2.4%',3,(select id from chart where accno = '21221'),0.024);
insert into tax (taxdescription,taxkey,chart_id,rate) values ('MWST 7.6% 1/2',4,(select id from chart where accno = '21224'),0.076);
158 158
159 159
update defaults set inventory_accno_id = (select id from chart where accno = '11121'), income_accno_id = (select id from chart where accno = '34002'), expense_accno_id = (select id from chart where accno = '42005'), fxgain_accno_id = (select id from chart where accno = '36005'), fxloss_accno_id = (select id from chart where accno = '39006'), invnumber = '2002000', sonumber = '2002000', ponumber = '2002000', curr = 'EUR:USD', weightunit = 'kg';
160 160

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff