


Herunterladen (3,65 KB) Statistiken
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ff058663 Moritz Bunkus
namespace('kivi.SalesPurchase', function(ns) {
this.edit_longdescription = function(row) {
var $element = $('#longdescription_' + row);

if (!$element.length) {
console.error("kivi.SalesPurchase.edit_longdescription: Element #longdescription_" + row + " not found");

c3d10ace Moritz Bunkus
var $container = $('#popup_edit_longdescription_input_container');
var $edit = $('<textarea id="popup_edit_longdescription_input" class="texteditor-in-dialog" wrap="soft" style="width: 750px; height: 220px;"></textarea>');

$'element', $element);

ff058663 Moritz Bunkus

c3d10ace Moritz Bunkus

ff058663 Moritz Bunkus
$('#popup_edit_longdescription_partnumber').html($('#partnumber_' + row).val() || '');

var description = ($('#description_' + row).val() || '').replace(/[\n\r]+/, '');
if (description.length >= 50)
description = description.substring(0, 50) + "";

id: 'edit_longdescription_dialog',
dialog: {
5f6d6d4e Moritz Bunkus
title: kivi.t8('Enter longdescription'),
c3d10ace Moritz Bunkus
open: function() { kivi.focus_ckeditor_when_ready('#popup_edit_longdescription_input'); },
close: function() { $('#popup_edit_longdescription_input_container').children().remove(); }
ff058663 Moritz Bunkus

this.set_longdescription = function() {
c3d10ace Moritz Bunkus
.val( $('#popup_edit_longdescription_input').val() );
ff058663 Moritz Bunkus
ffbde3ef Moritz Bunkus
this.delivery_order_check_transfer_qty = function() {
var all_match = true;
var rowcount = $('input[name=rowcount]').val();
for (var i = 1; i < rowcount; i++)
if ($('#stock_in_out_qty_matches_' + i).val() != 1)
all_match = false;

if (all_match)
return true;

return confirm(kivi.t8('There are still transfers not matching the qty of the delivery order. Stock operations can not be changed later. Do you really want to proceed?'));

a0d3ac64 Moritz Bunkus
this.oe_warn_save_active_periodic_invoice = function() {
return confirm(kivi.t8('This sales order has an active configuration for periodic invoices. If you save then all subsequently created invoices will contain those changes as well, but not those that have already been created. Do you want to continue?'));

0194799c Moritz Bunkus
this.check_transaction_description = function() {
if ($('#transaction_description').val() != '')
return true;

alert(kivi.t8('A transaction description is required.'));
return false;

ffbde3ef Moritz Bunkus
this.on_submit_checks = function() {
var $button = $(this);
if (($'check-transfer-qty') == 1) && !kivi.SalesPurchase.delivery_order_check_transfer_qty())
return false;

a0d3ac64 Moritz Bunkus
if (($'warn-save-active-periodic-invoice') == 1) && !kivi.SalesPurchase.oe_warn_save_active_periodic_invoice())
return false;

0194799c Moritz Bunkus
if (($'require-transaction-description') == 1) && !kivi.SalesPurchase.check_transaction_description())
return false;

ffbde3ef Moritz Bunkus
return true;

this.init_on_submit_checks = function() {
5bc87ade Moritz Bunkus
this.set_duedate_on_reference_date_change = function(reference_field_id) {
setTimeout(function() {
var data = {
action: 'set_duedate',
invdate: $('#' + reference_field_id).val(),
duedate: $('#duedate').val(),
payment_id: $('#payment_id').val(),
$.post('', data, kivi.eval_json_result);
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