Revision 5d6e7d01
Von Jan Büren vor etwa 2 Jahren hinzugefügt
t/bank/bank_transactions.t | ||
use Test::More tests => 297;
use Test::More tests => 395;
use strict;
... | ... | |
use SL::DB::Currency;
use SL::DB::Customer;
use SL::DB::Default;
use SL::DB::Exchangerate;
use SL::DB::Vendor;
use SL::DB::Invoice;
use SL::DB::Unit;
... | ... | |
use Data::Dumper;
my ($customer, $vendor, $currency_id, $unit, $tax, $tax0, $tax7, $tax_9, $payment_terms, $bank_account);
my ($currency);
my ($currency, $currency_usd, $fxgain_chart, $fxloss_chart);
my ($ar_chart,$bank,$ar_amount_chart, $ap_chart, $ap_amount_chart);
my ($ar_transaction, $ap_transaction);
my ($dt, $dt_5, $dt_10, $year);
... | ... | |
SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::InvoiceItem->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::InvoiceItem->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->delete_all(all => 1);
... | ... | |
SL::DB::Manager::SepaExport->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::PaymentTerm->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->delete_all(all => 1);
SL::DB::Manager::Currency->delete_all(where => [ name => 'CUR' ]);
SL::DB::Manager::Currency->delete_all(where => [ name => 'USD' ]);
# SL::DB::Manager::Default->delete_all(all => 1);
... | ... | |
reset_state(); # initialise customers/vendors/bank/currency/...
... | ... | |
... | ... | |
$currency_id = $::instance_conf->get_currency_id;
$currency_usd = SL::DB::Currency->new(name => 'USD')->save;
$fxgain_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '2660') or die "Can't find fxgain_chart in test";
$fxloss_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '2150') or die "Can't find fxloss_chart in test";
$currency_usd->db->dbh->do('UPDATE defaults SET fxgain_accno_id = ' . $fxgain_chart->id);
$currency_usd->db->dbh->do('UPDATE defaults SET fxloss_accno_id = ' . $fxloss_chart->id);
is($fxgain_chart->id, $::instance_conf->get_fxgain_accno_id, "fxgain_chart was updated in defaults");
is($fxloss_chart->id, $::instance_conf->get_fxloss_accno_id, "fxloss_chart was updated in defaults");
$bank_account = SL::DB::BankAccount->new(
account_number => '123',
bank_code => '123',
... | ... | |
is($credit_note->amount ,'-844.9' ,"$testname: amount before booking ok");
is($credit_note->paid ,'0' ,"$testname: paid before booking ok");
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $credit_note,
amount => $credit_note->amount,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt_10,
amount => abs($credit_note->amount),
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt_10,
my ($agreement, $rule_matches) = $bt->get_agreement_with_invoice($credit_note);
is($agreement, 14, "points for credit note ok");
is($rule_matches, 'remote_account_number(3) exact_amount(4) depositor_matches(2) remote_name(2) payment_within_30_days(1) datebonus14(2) ', "rules_matches for credit note ok");
... | ... | |
is($invoice->amount , -23.8, "$testname: amount ok");
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $invoice,
amount => $invoice->amount,
amount => abs($invoice->amount),
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt_10,
... | ... | |
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $invoice_two,
amount => $invoice_two->amount + $invoice->amount,
amount => abs($invoice_two->amount + $invoice->amount),
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt_10,
... | ... | |
is($bt->invoice_amount , '113.05000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was assigned");
sub ap_transaction_fx_gain_fees {
my $testname = 'ap_transaction_fx_gain_fees';
my $usd_amount = 83300;
my $fx_rate = 2;
my $fx_rate_bank = 1.75;
my $eur_amount = $usd_amount * $fx_rate;
my $ap_transaction_fx = create_ap_fx_transaction (invnumber => 'ap transaction fx amount',
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
fx_rate => $fx_rate,
netamount => $eur_amount,
invoice_set => 1,
buysell => 'sell',
# check exchangerate
is($ap_transaction_fx->currency->name , 'USD' , "$testname: USD currency");
is($ap_transaction_fx->get_exchangerate , '2.00000' , "$testname: fx rate record");
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $ap_transaction_fx,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt,
valutadate => $dt,
amount => 145949.93,
exchangerate => $fx_rate_bank,
) or die "Couldn't create bank_transaction";
# 'exchangerates' => [
# '1.75'
# ],
# 'book_fx_bank_fees' => [
# '1'
# ],
# book_fx_bank_fees => [ map { $::form->{"book_fx_bank_fees_${bank_transaction_id}_${_}"} } @{ $invoice_ids } ],
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt->id => [ $ap_transaction_fx->id ]
$::form->{"book_fx_bank_fees_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = 1;
$::form->{"exchangerate_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = "1,75"; # will be parsed
$::form->{"currency_id_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = $currency_usd->id;
my $ret = save_btcontroller_to_string();
is(scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id ] )},
5, "$testname 5 acc_trans entries created");
my $gl_fee_booking = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id, '!gl_id' => undef ] );
is(scalar @{ $gl_fee_booking }, 2, 'Two GL acc_trans bookings');
my $gl = SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->get_first(where => [ id => $gl_fee_booking->[0]->gl_id ]);
is (abs($gl->transactions->[0]->amount), '174.93', 'fee abs amount correct');
my $fx_gain_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where =>
[ trans_id => $ap_transaction_fx->id, chart_id => $fxgain_chart->id ],
sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_gain_transactions->[0]->amount, '20825.00000', "$testname: fx gain amount ok");
is($ap_transaction_fx->paid , '166600.00000' , "$testname: ap transaction skonto was paid");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '-145949.93000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was assigned");
sub ap_transaction_fx_gain_fees_two_payments {
my $testname = 'ap_transaction_fx_gain_fees_two_payments';
my $usd_amount = 11901.19;
my $fx_rate = 2;
my $fx_rate_bank = 1.75;
my $eur_amount = $usd_amount * $fx_rate;
my $ap_transaction_fx = create_ap_fx_transaction (invnumber => 'ap transaction fx amount',
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
fx_rate => $fx_rate,
netamount => $eur_amount,
invoice_set => 0,
buysell => 'sell',
# check exchangerate
is($ap_transaction_fx->currency->name , 'USD' , "$testname: USD currency");
is($ap_transaction_fx->get_exchangerate , '2.00000' , "$testname: fx rate record");
is($ap_transaction_fx->amount , 23802.38 , "$testname: record amount");
is($ap_transaction_fx->paid , 0 , "$testname: record amount");
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $ap_transaction_fx,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt,
valutadate => $dt,
amount => 18698.25,
exchangerate => $fx_rate_bank,
) or die "Couldn't create bank_transaction";
is($bt->amount , '-18698.25' , "$testname: bt amount ok");
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt->id => [ $ap_transaction_fx->id ]
$::form->{"book_fx_bank_fees_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = 1;
$::form->{"exchangerate_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = "1,75"; # will be parsed
$::form->{"currency_id_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = $currency_usd->id;
my $ret = save_btcontroller_to_string();
is($ap_transaction_fx->get_exchangerate , '2.00000' , "$testname: fx rate record");
is(scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id ] )},
3, "$testname 3 acc_trans entries created");
my $gl_fee_booking = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id, '!gl_id' => undef ] );
is(scalar @{ $gl_fee_booking }, 0, 'Zero GL acc_trans bookings');
my $fx_gain_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where =>
[ trans_id => $ap_transaction_fx->id, chart_id => $fxgain_chart->id ],
sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_gain_transactions->[0]->amount, '2671.18000', "$testname: fx gain amount ok");
is($ap_transaction_fx->paid, '21369.43000' , "$testname: ap transaction fx two payment was paid");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '-18698.25000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was assigned");
my $bt2 = create_bank_transaction(record => $ap_transaction_fx,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt,
valutadate => $dt,
amount => 1264.20,
exchangerate => 0.1,
) or die "Couldn't create bank_transaction";
is($bt2->amount , '-1264.2' , "$testname: bt amount ok");
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt2->id => [ $ap_transaction_fx->id ]
$::form->{"book_fx_bank_fees_" . $bt2->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = 1;
$::form->{"exchangerate_" . $bt2->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = "0,1"; # will be parsed
$::form->{"currency_id_" . $bt2->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = $currency_usd->id;
$ret = save_btcontroller_to_string();
is($ap_transaction_fx->get_exchangerate , '2.00000' , "$testname: fx rate record");
is($ap_transaction_fx->paid , $ap_transaction_fx->amount , "$testname: paid equals amount");
is($ap_transaction_fx->get_exchangerate , '2.00000' , "$testname: fx rate record");
is(scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt2->id ] )},
5, "$testname 5 acc_trans entries created");
my $gl_fee_booking2 = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt2->id, '!gl_id' => undef ] );
is(scalar @{ $gl_fee_booking2 }, 2, 'Two GL acc_trans bookings');
my $gl = SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->get_first(where => [ id => $gl_fee_booking2->[0]->gl_id ]);
is (abs($gl->transactions->[0]->amount), 1142.55, 'fee2 abs amount correct');
$fx_gain_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where =>
[ trans_id => $ap_transaction_fx->id, chart_id => $fxgain_chart->id ],
sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_gain_transactions->[0]->amount, '2671.18000' ,"$testname: fx gain 1 amount ok");
is($fx_gain_transactions->[1]->amount, '2311.30000' ,"$testname: fx gain 2 amount ok");
is($ap_transaction_fx->paid , $ap_transaction_fx->amount, "$testname: paid equals amount");
is($bt2->invoice_amount , '-1264.20000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was assigned");
# unlink bank transaction bt2 and reassign
$::form->{ids} = [ $bt2->id ];
my $bt_controller = SL::Controller::BankTransaction->new;
$bt_controller->action_unlink_bank_transaction('testcase' => 1);
# and check the cleared state of bt and the acc_transactions
is($bt2->cleared, '0' , "$testname: bt undo cleared");
is($bt2->invoice_amount, '0.00000' , "$testname: bt undo invoice amount");
is(scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt2->id ] )},
0, "$testname 0 acc_trans entries there");
$gl_fee_booking = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt2->id, '!gl_id' => undef ] );
is(scalar @{ $gl_fee_booking }, 0, 'Zero GL acc_trans bookings');
$fx_gain_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where =>
[ trans_id => $ap_transaction_fx->id, chart_id => $fxgain_chart->id ],
sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_gain_transactions->[0]->amount, '2671.18000' , "$testname: fx gain amount ok");
is($ap_transaction_fx->paid , '21369.43000', "$testname: ap transaction fx two payment was paid");
sub ap_transaction_fx_loss_fees {
my $testname = 'ap_transaction_fx_loss_fees';
my $usd_amount = 166600;
my $fx_rate = 1.5;
my $fx_rate_bank = 3;
my $eur_amount = $usd_amount * $fx_rate;
my $ap_transaction_fx = create_ap_fx_transaction (invnumber => 'ap transaction fx amount',
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
fx_rate => $fx_rate,
netamount => $eur_amount,
invoice_set => 1,
buysell => 'sell',
# check exchangerate
is($ap_transaction_fx->currency->name , 'USD' , "$testname: USD currency");
is($ap_transaction_fx->get_exchangerate , '1.50000' , "$testname: fx rate record");
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $ap_transaction_fx,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt,
valutadate => $dt,
amount => 505797.60,
exchangerate => $fx_rate_bank,
) or die "Couldn't create bank_transaction";
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt->id => [ $ap_transaction_fx->id ]
$::form->{"book_fx_bank_fees_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = 1;
$::form->{"exchangerate_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = "3,00"; # will be parsed
$::form->{"currency_id_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = $currency_usd->id;
my $ret = save_btcontroller_to_string();
is(scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id ] )},
5, "$testname 2 acc_trans entries created");
my $gl_fee_booking = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id, '!gl_id' => undef ] );
is(scalar @{ $gl_fee_booking }, 2, 'One GL Booking');
my $gl = SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->get_first(where => [ id => $gl_fee_booking->[0]->gl_id ]);
is (abs($gl->transactions->[0]->amount), '5997.6', 'fee abs amount correct');
my $fx_loss_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where =>
[ trans_id => $ap_transaction_fx->id, chart_id => $fxloss_chart->id ],
sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_loss_transactions->[0]->amount, '-249900.00000', "$testname: fx loss amount ok");
is($ap_transaction_fx->paid , $ap_transaction_fx->amount , "$testname: paid equals amount");
is($ap_transaction_fx->paid , '249900.00000' , "$testname: ap transaction was paid");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '-505797.60000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was assigned");
sub negative_ap_transaction_fx_gain_fees_error {
my $testname = 'negative_ap_transaction_fx_gain_fees';
my $usd_amount = -890.90;
my $fx_rate = 0.545;
my $fx_rate_bank = 0.499;
my $eur_amount = $usd_amount * $fx_rate;
my $ap_transaction_fx = create_ap_fx_transaction (invnumber => 'ap transaction fx amount',
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
fx_rate => $fx_rate,
netamount => $eur_amount,
invoice_set => 0,
buysell => 'sell',
# check exchangerate
is($ap_transaction_fx->currency->name , 'USD' , "$testname: USD currency");
is($ap_transaction_fx->get_exchangerate , '0.54500' , "$testname: fx rate record");
is($ap_transaction_fx->amount , $eur_amount , "$testname: negative record amount");
is($ap_transaction_fx->invoice_type , "purchase_credit_note" , "$testname: negative record amount");
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $ap_transaction_fx,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt,
valutadate => $dt,
amount => 4440,
exchangerate => $fx_rate_bank,
) or die "Couldn't create bank_transaction";
is($bt->amount , '4440' , "$testname: positive bt amount");
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt->id => [ $ap_transaction_fx->id ]
$::form->{"book_fx_bank_fees_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = 1;
$::form->{"exchangerate_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = "0,499"; # will be parsed
$::form->{"currency_id_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = $currency_usd->id;
my @bt_errors = @{ $bt_controller->problems };
is(substr($bt_errors[0]->{message},0,69), 'Bank Fees can only be added for AP transactions or Sales Credit Notes', "$testname: Fehlermeldung ok");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '0.00000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount is not yet assigned");
sub negative_ap_transaction_fx_gain_fees {
my $testname = 'negative_ap_transaction_fx_gain_fees';
my $usd_amount = -890.90;
my $fx_rate = 0.545;
my $fx_rate_bank = 0.499;
my $eur_amount = $usd_amount * $fx_rate;
my $ap_transaction_fx = create_ap_fx_transaction (invnumber => 'ap transaction fx amount',
payment_id => $payment_terms->id,
fx_rate => $fx_rate,
netamount => $eur_amount,
invoice_set => 0,
buysell => 'sell',
# check exchangerate
is($ap_transaction_fx->currency->name , 'USD' , "$testname: USD currency");
is($ap_transaction_fx->get_exchangerate , '0.54500' , "$testname: fx rate record");
is($ap_transaction_fx->amount , $eur_amount , "$testname: negative record amount");
is($ap_transaction_fx->invoice_type , "purchase_credit_note" , "$testname: negative record amount");
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $ap_transaction_fx,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt,
valutadate => $dt,
amount => 4440,
exchangerate => $fx_rate_bank,
) or die "Couldn't create bank_transaction";
is($bt->amount , '4440' , "$testname: positive bt amount");
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt->id => [ $ap_transaction_fx->id ]
$::form->{"exchangerate_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = "0,499"; # will be parsed
$::form->{"currency_id_" . $bt->id . "_" . $ap_transaction_fx->id} = $currency_usd->id;
is(scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id ] )},
3, "$testname 5 acc_trans entries created");
my $gl_fee_booking = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id, '!gl_id' => undef ] );
is(scalar @{ $gl_fee_booking }, 0, 'Zero GL acc_trans bookings');
my $fx_loss_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where =>
[ trans_id => $ap_transaction_fx->id, chart_id => $fxloss_chart->id ],
sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_loss_transactions->[0]->amount, '-40.98000', "$testname: fx loss amount ok");
is($ap_transaction_fx->paid , '-485.54000' , "$testname: ap transaction skonto was paid");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '444.56000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was assigned");
sub test_neg_sales_invoice_fx {
my $testname = 'test_neg_sales_invoice_fx';
my $part1 = new_part( partnumber => 'Funkenhaube öhm')->save;
my $part2 = new_service(partnumber => 'Service-Pauschale Pasch!')->save;
my $ex = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt)
|| SL::DB::Exchangerate->new(currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt);
$ex->update_attributes(buy => 1.772);
my $neg_sales_inv = create_sales_invoice(
invnumber => '20222201-USD',
customer => $customer,
taxincluded => 0,
currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt,
invoiceitems => [ create_invoice_item(part => $part1, qty => 3, sellprice => 70),
create_invoice_item(part => $part2, qty => 10, sellprice => -50),
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $neg_sales_inv,
amount => $neg_sales_inv->amount,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt,
valutadate => $dt,
exchangerate => 2.11,
is($neg_sales_inv->amount , '-611.52000', "$testname: amount ok");
is($neg_sales_inv->netamount, '-513.88000', "$testname: netamount ok");
is($neg_sales_inv->currency->name , 'USD' , "$testname: USD currency");
is($neg_sales_inv->get_exchangerate , '1.77200' , "$testname: fx rate record");
is($bt->exchangerate , '2.11' , "$testname: bt fx rate record");
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt->id => [ $neg_sales_inv->id ]
is($neg_sales_inv->paid , '-611.52000', "$testname: paid ok");
is($bt->amount , '-611.52000', "$testname: bt amount ok");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '-611.52000', "$testname: bt invoice_amount ok");
my $fx_loss_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where =>
[ trans_id => $neg_sales_inv->id, chart_id => $fxloss_chart->id ],
sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_loss_transactions->[0]->amount, '-116.64000', "$testname: fx loss amount ok");
sub test_negative_ar_transaction_fx_loss {
my (%params) = @_;
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount($params{amount}, 2) || 100 * 1.772 * -1;
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2);
# set exchangerate
my $ex = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt)
|| SL::DB::Exchangerate->new(currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt);
$ex->update_attributes(buy => 1.772);
my $testname = 'test_negative_ar_transaction_fx_gain';
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(
invoice => 0,
invnumber => $params{invnumber} || undef, # let it use its own invnumber
amount => $amount,
netamount => $netamount,
transdate => $dt,
taxincluded => $params{taxincluded } || 0,
customer_id => $customer->id,
taxzone_id => $customer->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transactions => [],
payment_id => $params{payment_id} || undef,
notes => 'test_ar_transaction',
amount => $invoice->netamount,
chart => $ar_amount_chart,
tax_id => $params{tax_id} || $tax->id,
$invoice->create_ar_row(chart => $ar_chart);
is($invoice->currency_id , $currency_usd->id , 'currency_id has been saved');
is($invoice->netamount , '-177.2' , 'fx ar amount has been converted');
is($invoice->amount , '-210.87' , 'fx ar amount has been converted');
is($invoice->taxincluded , 0 , 'fx ar transaction doesn\'t have taxincluded');
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $invoice,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt,
valutadate => $dt,
amount => (119 + 178.38) * -1,
exchangerate => 2.499,
) or die "Couldn't create bank_transaction";
is($bt->amount , '-297.38' , "$testname: negative bt amount");
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt->id => [ $invoice->id ]
$::form->{"exchangerate_" . $bt->id . "_" . $invoice->id} = "2,499"; # will be parsed
$::form->{"currency_id_" . $bt->id . "_" . $invoice->id} = $currency_usd->id;
is(scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id ] )},
3, "$testname 3 acc_trans entries created");
my $gl_fee_booking = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id, '!gl_id' => undef ] );
is(scalar @{ $gl_fee_booking }, 0, 'Zero GL acc_trans bookings');
my $fx_loss_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where =>
[ trans_id => $invoice->id, chart_id => $fxloss_chart->id ],
sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_loss_transactions->[0]->amount, '-86.51000', "$testname: fx gain amount ok");
is($invoice->paid , '-210.87000' , "$testname: ar transaction was paid");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '-297.38000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was assigned");
sub test_ar_transaction_fx_gain {
my (%params) = @_;
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount($params{amount}, 2) || 100 * 1.772;
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2);
# set exchangerate
my $ex = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt)
|| SL::DB::Exchangerate->new(currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt);
$ex->update_attributes(buy => 1.772);
my $testname = 'test_ar_transaction';
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(
invoice => 0,
invnumber => $params{invnumber} || undef, # let it use its own invnumber
amount => $amount,
netamount => $netamount,
transdate => $dt,
taxincluded => $params{taxincluded } || 0,
customer_id => $customer->id,
taxzone_id => $customer->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transactions => [],
payment_id => $params{payment_id} || undef,
notes => 'test_ar_transaction',
amount => $invoice->netamount,
chart => $ar_amount_chart,
tax_id => $params{tax_id} || $tax->id,
$invoice->create_ar_row(chart => $ar_chart);
is($invoice->currency_id , $currency_usd->id , 'currency_id has been saved');
is($invoice->netamount , '177.2' , 'fx ar amount has been converted');
is($invoice->amount , '210.87' , 'fx ar amount has been converted');
is($invoice->taxincluded , 0 , 'fx ar transaction doesn\'t have taxincluded');
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $invoice,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt,
valutadate => $dt,
amount => 119 + 178.38,
exchangerate => 2.499,
) or die "Couldn't create bank_transaction";
is($bt->amount , '297.38' , "$testname: positive bt amount");
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt->id => [ $invoice->id ]
$::form->{"exchangerate_" . $bt->id . "_" . $invoice->id} = "2,499"; # will be parsed
$::form->{"currency_id_" . $bt->id . "_" . $invoice->id} = $currency_usd->id;
is(scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id ] )},
3, "$testname 3 acc_trans entries created");
my $gl_fee_booking = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id, '!gl_id' => undef ] );
is(scalar @{ $gl_fee_booking }, 0, 'Zero GL acc_trans bookings');
my $fx_gain_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where =>
[ trans_id => $invoice->id, chart_id => $fxgain_chart->id ],
sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_gain_transactions->[0]->amount, '86.51000', "$testname: fx gain amount ok");
is($invoice->paid , '210.87000' , "$testname: ar transaction was paid");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '297.38000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was assigned");
sub test_ar_transaction_fx_loss {
my (%params) = @_;
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount($params{amount}, 2) || 100 * 1.772;
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2);
# set exchangerate
my $ex = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt)
|| SL::DB::Exchangerate->new(currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt);
$ex->update_attributes(buy => 1.772);
my $testname = 'test_ar_transaction';
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(
invoice => 0,
invnumber => $params{invnumber} || undef, # let it use its own invnumber
amount => $amount,
netamount => $netamount,
transdate => $dt,
taxincluded => $params{taxincluded } || 0,
customer_id => $customer->id,
taxzone_id => $customer->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transactions => [],
payment_id => $params{payment_id} || undef,
notes => 'test_ar_transaction',
amount => $invoice->netamount,
chart => $ar_amount_chart,
tax_id => $params{tax_id} || $tax->id,
$invoice->create_ar_row(chart => $ar_chart);
is($invoice->currency_id , $currency_usd->id , 'currency_id has been saved');
is($invoice->netamount , '177.2' , 'fx ar amount has been converted');
is($invoice->amount , '210.87' , 'fx ar amount has been converted');
is($invoice->taxincluded , 0 , 'fx ar transaction doesn\'t have taxincluded');
my $bt = create_bank_transaction(record => $invoice,
bank_chart_id => $bank->id,
transdate => $dt,
valutadate => $dt,
amount => 210.87,
exchangerate => 1.499,
) or die "Couldn't create bank_transaction";
is($bt->amount , '210.87' , "$testname: positive bt amount");
$::form->{invoice_ids} = {
$bt->id => [ $invoice->id ]
$::form->{"exchangerate_" . $bt->id . "_" . $invoice->id} = "1,499"; # will be parsed
$::form->{"currency_id_" . $bt->id . "_" . $invoice->id} = $currency_usd->id;
is(scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id ] )},
3, "$testname 3 acc_trans entries created");
my $gl_fee_booking = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt->id, '!gl_id' => undef ] );
is(scalar @{ $gl_fee_booking }, 0, 'Zero GL acc_trans bookings');
my $fx_loss_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where =>
[ trans_id => $invoice->id, chart_id => $fxloss_chart->id ],
sort_by => ('acc_trans_id'));
is($fx_loss_transactions->[0]->amount, '-32.49000', "$testname: fx loss amount ok");
is($invoice->paid , '210.87000' , "$testname: ar transaction was paid");
is($bt->invoice_amount , '178.38000' , "$testname: bt invoice amount was assigned");
sub create_ap_fx_transaction {
my (%params) = @_;
my $netamount = $params{netamount};
my $amount = $params{netamount};
my $invoice_set = $params{invoice};
my $fx_rate = $params{fx_rate};
my $buysell = $params{buysell};
my $ex = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt)
|| SL::DB::Exchangerate->new(currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transdate => $dt);
$ex->update_attributes($buysell => $fx_rate);
my $invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(
invoice => $invoice_set,
invnumber => $params{invnumber} || '27ab',
amount => $amount,
netamount => $netamount,
transdate => $dt,
taxincluded => 0,
vendor_id => $vendor->id,
taxzone_id => $vendor->taxzone_id,
currency_id => $currency_usd->id,
transactions => [],
notes => 'ap_transaction_fx',
amount => $netamount,
chart => $ap_amount_chart,
tax_id => 0,
$invoice->create_ap_row(chart => $ap_chart);
return $invoice;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
bank_transactions: Neue Wechselkurstestfälle
- negative Debitorenbuchung
- negative Kreditorenbuchung
- Zwei Banktransaktionen (eine wieder rückgängig machen)
- Wechselkursgewinn und Verlusttest
- Prüfung ob Gebühren verbucht werden
- Prüfung ob Fehlermeldung bei Gebühren im Verkauf erscheint