kivitendo/js/jquery.selectboxes.js @ 57a728bd
f09ed6e1 | Moritz Bunkus | /*
* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Sam Collett (
* Dual licensed under the MIT (
* and GPL ( licenses.
* Version 2.2.5
* Demo:
;(function($) {
* Adds (single/multiple) options to a select box (or series of select boxes)
* @name addOption
* @author Sam Collett (
* @type jQuery
* @example $("#myselect").addOption("Value", "Text"); // add single value (will be selected)
* @example $("#myselect").addOption("Value 2", "Text 2", false); // add single value (won't be selected)
* @example $("#myselect").addOption({"foo":"bar","bar":"baz"}, false); // add multiple values, but don't select
$.fn.addOption = function()
var add = function(el, v, t, sO, index)
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = v, option.text = t;
// get options
var o = el.options;
// get number of options
var oL = o.length;
el.cache = {};
// loop through existing options, adding to cache
for(var i = 0; i < oL; i++)
el.cache[o[i].value] = i;
if (index || index == 0)
// we're going to insert these starting at a specific index...
// this has the side effect of el.cache[v] being the
// correct value for the typeof check below
var ti = option;
for(var ii =index; ii <= oL; ii++)
var tmp = el.options[ii];
el.options[ii] = ti;
o[ii] = ti;
el.cache[o[ii].value] = ii;
ti = tmp;
// add to cache if it isn't already
if(typeof el.cache[v] == "undefined") el.cache[v] = oL;
el.options[el.cache[v]] = option;
option.selected = true;
var a = arguments;
if(a.length == 0) return this;
// select option when added? default is true
var sO = true;
// multiple items
var m = false;
// other variables
var items, v, t;
if(typeof(a[0]) == "object")
m = true;
items = a[0];
if(a.length >= 2)
if(typeof(a[1]) == "boolean")
sO = a[1];
startindex = a[2];
else if(typeof(a[2]) == "boolean")
sO = a[2];
startindex = a[1];
startindex = a[1];
v = a[0];
t = a[1];
if(this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "select") return;
for(var item in items)
add(this, item, items[item], sO, startindex);
startindex += 1;
add(this, v, t, sO, startindex);
return this;
* Add options via ajax
* @name ajaxAddOption
* @author Sam Collett (
* @type jQuery
* @param String url Page to get options from (must be valid JSON)
* @param Object params (optional) Any parameters to send with the request
* @param Boolean select (optional) Select the added options, default true
* @param Function fn (optional) Call this function with the select object as param after completion
* @param Array args (optional) Array with params to pass to the function afterwards
* @example $("#myselect").ajaxAddOption("myoptions.php");
* @example $("#myselect").ajaxAddOption("myoptions.php", {"code" : "007"});
* @example $("#myselect").ajaxAddOption("myoptions.php", {"code" : "007"}, false, sortoptions, [{"dir": "desc"}]);
$.fn.ajaxAddOption = function(url, params, select, fn, args)
if(typeof(url) != "string") return this;
if(typeof(params) != "object") params = {};
if(typeof(select) != "boolean") select = true;
var el = this;
$(el).addOption(r, select);
if(typeof fn == "function")
if(typeof args == "object")
fn.apply(el, args);
return this;
* Removes an option (by value or index) from a select box (or series of select boxes)
* @name removeOption
* @author Sam Collett (
* @type jQuery
* @param String|RegExp|Number what Option to remove
* @param Boolean selectedOnly (optional) Remove only if it has been selected (default false)
* @example $("#myselect").removeOption("Value"); // remove by value
* @example $("#myselect").removeOption(/^val/i); // remove options with a value starting with 'val'
* @example $("#myselect").removeOption(/./); // remove all options
* @example $("#myselect").removeOption(/./, true); // remove all options that have been selected
* @example $("#myselect").removeOption(0); // remove by index
* @example $("#myselect").removeOption(["myselect_1","myselect_2"]); // values contained in passed array
$.fn.removeOption = function()
var a = arguments;
if(a.length == 0) return this;
var ta = typeof(a[0]);
var v, index;
// has to be a string or regular expression (object in IE, function in Firefox)
if(ta == "string" || ta == "object" || ta == "function" )
v = a[0];
// if an array, remove items
if(v.constructor == Array)
var l = v.length;
for(var i = 0; i<l; i++)
this.removeOption(v[i], a[1]);
return this;
else if(ta == "number") index = a[0];
else return this;
if(this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "select") return;
// clear cache
if(this.cache) this.cache = null;
// does the option need to be removed?
var remove = false;
// get options
var o = this.options;
// get number of options
var oL = o.length;
for(var i=oL-1; i>=0; i--)
if(v.constructor == RegExp)
remove = true;
else if(o[i].value == v)
remove = true;
// if the option is only to be removed if selected
if(remove && a[1] === true) remove = o[i].selected;
o[i] = null;
remove = false;
// only remove if selected?
if(a[1] === true)
remove = o[index].selected;
remove = true;
return this;
* Sort options (ascending or descending) in a select box (or series of select boxes)
* @name sortOptions
* @author Sam Collett (
* @type jQuery
* @param Boolean ascending (optional) Sort ascending (true/undefined), or descending (false)
* @example // ascending
* $("#myselect").sortOptions(); // or $("#myselect").sortOptions(true);
* @example // descending
* $("#myselect").sortOptions(false);
$.fn.sortOptions = function(ascending)
// get selected values first
var sel = $(this).selectedValues();
var a = typeof(ascending) == "undefined" ? true : !!ascending;
if(this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "select") return;
// get options
var o = this.options;
// get number of options
var oL = o.length;
// create an array for sorting
var sA = [];
// loop through options, adding to sort array
for(var i = 0; i<oL; i++)
sA[i] = {
v: o[i].value,
t: o[i].text
// sort items in array
function(o1, o2)
// option text is made lowercase for case insensitive sorting
o1t = o1.t.toLowerCase(), o2t = o2.t.toLowerCase();
// if options are the same, no sorting is needed
if(o1t == o2t) return 0;
return o1t < o2t ? -1 : 1;
return o1t > o2t ? -1 : 1;
// change the options to match the sort array
for(var i = 0; i<oL; i++)
o[i].text = sA[i].t;
o[i].value = sA[i].v;
).selectOptions(sel, true); // select values, clearing existing ones
return this;
* Selects an option by value
* @name selectOptions
* @author Mathias Bank (, original function
* @author Sam Collett (, addition of regular expression matching
* @type jQuery
* @param String|RegExp|Array value Which options should be selected
* can be a string or regular expression, or an array of strings / regular expressions
* @param Boolean clear Clear existing selected options, default false
* @example $("#myselect").selectOptions("val1"); // with the value 'val1'
* @example $("#myselect").selectOptions(["val1","val2","val3"]); // with the values 'val1' 'val2' 'val3'
* @example $("#myselect").selectOptions(/^val/i); // with the value starting with 'val', case insensitive
$.fn.selectOptions = function(value, clear)
var v = value;
var vT = typeof(value);
// handle arrays
if(vT == "object" && v.constructor == Array)
var $this = this;
$.each(v, function()
$this.selectOptions(this, clear);
var c = clear || false;
// has to be a string or regular expression (object in IE, function in Firefox)
if(vT != "string" && vT != "function" && vT != "object") return this;
if(this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "select") return this;
// get options
var o = this.options;
// get number of options
var oL = o.length;
for(var i = 0; i<oL; i++)
if(v.constructor == RegExp)
o[i].selected = true;
else if(c)
o[i].selected = false;
if(o[i].value == v)
o[i].selected = true;
else if(c)
o[i].selected = false;
return this;
* Copy options to another select
* @name copyOptions
* @author Sam Collett (
* @type jQuery
* @param String to Element to copy to
* @param String which (optional) Specifies which options should be copied - 'all' or 'selected'. Default is 'selected'
* @example $("#myselect").copyOptions("#myselect2"); // copy selected options from 'myselect' to 'myselect2'
* @example $("#myselect").copyOptions("#myselect2","selected"); // same as above
* @example $("#myselect").copyOptions("#myselect2","all"); // copy all options from 'myselect' to 'myselect2'
$.fn.copyOptions = function(to, which)
var w = which || "selected";
if($(to).size() == 0) return this;
if(this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "select") return this;
// get options
var o = this.options;
// get number of options
var oL = o.length;
for(var i = 0; i<oL; i++)
if(w == "all" || (w == "selected" && o[i].selected))
$(to).addOption(o[i].value, o[i].text);
return this;
* Checks if a select box has an option with the supplied value
* @name containsOption
* @author Sam Collett (
* @type Boolean|jQuery
* @param String|RegExp value Which value to check for. Can be a string or regular expression
* @param Function fn (optional) Function to apply if an option with the given value is found.
* Use this if you don't want to break the chaining
* @example if($("#myselect").containsOption("val1")) alert("Has an option with the value 'val1'");
* @example if($("#myselect").containsOption(/^val/i)) alert("Has an option with the value starting with 'val'");
* @example $("#myselect").containsOption("val1", copyoption).doSomethingElseWithSelect(); // calls copyoption (user defined function) for any options found, chain is continued
$.fn.containsOption = function(value, fn)
var found = false;
var v = value;
var vT = typeof(v);
var fT = typeof(fn);
// has to be a string or regular expression (object in IE, function in Firefox)
if(vT != "string" && vT != "function" && vT != "object") return fT == "function" ? this: found;
if(this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "select") return this;
// option already found
if(found && fT != "function") return false;
// get options
var o = this.options;
// get number of options
var oL = o.length;
for(var i = 0; i<oL; i++)
if(v.constructor == RegExp)
if (o[i].value.match(v))
found = true;
if(fT == "function")[i], i);
if (o[i].value == v)
found = true;
if(fT == "function")[i], i);
return fT == "function" ? this : found;
* Returns values which have been selected
* @name selectedValues
* @author Sam Collett (
* @type Array
* @example $("#myselect").selectedValues();
$.fn.selectedValues = function()
var v = [];
v[v.length] = this.value;
return v;
* Returns text which has been selected
* @name selectedTexts
* @author Sam Collett (
* @type Array
* @example $("#myselect").selectedTexts();
$.fn.selectedTexts = function()
var t = [];
t[t.length] = this.text;
return t;
* Returns options which have been selected
* @name selectedOptions
* @author Sam Collett (
* @type jQuery
* @example $("#myselect").selectedOptions();
$.fn.selectedOptions = function()
return this.find("option:selected");