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Revision 54e4131e

Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 18 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 54e4131e091831e00a861fe2c4f53e344b87ddca
  • Vorgänger ed42de15
  • Nachfolger b1f65772

Uebernahme der kompletten Version, so wie sie Philip als "Demo-Version" gezeigt hat, in das unstable-Repo. Dabei werden auch einige Patches, die seit der 2.2.0 hier eingepflegt wurden, wieder ueberschrieben. Diese werden in den naechsten Tagen wieder eingespielt, sofern noetig. Zu den neuen Features gehoeren (ohne Anspruch auf Vollstaendigkeit) Mahnwesen, Einheiten, Template-Neucodierung, AJAX-basierende Dialoge an einigen Stellen, Buchungsgruppen etc etc.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

# $locale->text('Dec')
use SL::IS;
use SL::PE;
use SL::AM;
use Data::Dumper;
# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################
my $dimension_units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form, "dimension");
my $service_units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form, "service");
my $all_units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form);
push @column_index, qw(unit);
#for pricegroups column
map {
$form->{"${_}_$i"} =
$form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"})
} qw(qty ship discount sellprice price_new price_old);
} qw(qty ship discount sellprice price_new price_old) unless ($form->{simple_save});
if (!$form->{"unit_old_$i"}) {
# Neue Ware aus der Datenbank. In diesem Fall ist unit_$i die
# Einheit, wie sie in den Stammdaten hinterlegt wurde.
# Es sollte also angenommen werden, dass diese ausgewaehlt war.
$form->{"unit_old_$i"} = $form->{"unit_$i"};
# Die zuletzt ausgewaehlte mit der aktuell ausgewaehlten Einheit
# vergleichen und bei Unterschied den Preis entsprechend umrechnen.
$form->{"selected_unit_$i"} = $form->{"unit_$i"} unless ($form->{"selected_unit_$i"});
my $check_units = $form->{"inventory_accno_$i"} ? $dimension_units : $service_units;
if (!$check_units->{$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}} ||
($check_units->{$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}}->{"base_unit"} ne
$all_units->{$form->{"unit_old_$i"}}->{"base_unit"})) {
# Die ausgewaehlte Einheit ist fuer diesen Artikel nicht gueltig
# (z.B. Dimensionseinheit war ausgewaehlt, es handelt sich aber
# um eine Dienstleistung). Dann keinerlei Umrechnung vornehmen.
$form->{"unit_old_$i"} = $form->{"selected_unit_$i"} = $form->{"unit_$i"};
if ((!$form->{"prices_$i"}) || ($form->{"new_pricegroup_$i"} == $form->{"old_pricegroup_$i"})) {
if ($form->{"unit_old_$i"} ne $form->{"selected_unit_$i"}) {
my $basefactor = 1;
if (defined($all_units->{$form->{"unit_old_$i"}}->{"factor"}) &&
$all_units->{$form->{"unit_old_$i"}}->{"factor"}) {
$basefactor = $all_units->{$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}}->{"factor"} /
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} *= $basefactor;
$form->{"unit_old_$i"} = $form->{"selected_unit_$i"};
($dec) = ($form->{"sellprice_$i"} =~ /\.(\d+)/);
$dec = length $dec;
$decimalplaces = ($dec > 2) ? $dec : 2;
# convert " to "
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} =~ s/\"/"/g }
qw(partnumber description unit);
qw(partnumber description unit unit_old);
# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
if (($rows = $form->numtextrows($form->{"description_$i"}, 30, 6)) > 1) {
$column_data{description} =
qq|<td><textarea name="description_$i" rows=$rows cols=30 wrap=soft>$form->{"description_$i"}</textarea></td>|;
qq|<td><textarea name="description_$i" rows=$rows cols=30 wrap=soft>$form->{"description_$i"}</textarea><button type="button" onclick="set_longdescription_window('longdescription_$i')">| . $locale->text('L') . qq|</button></td>|;
} else {
$column_data{description} =
qq|<td><input name="description_$i" size=30 value="$form->{"description_$i"}"></td>|;
qq|<td><input name="description_$i" size=30 value="$form->{"description_$i"}"><button type="button" onclick="set_longdescription_window('longdescription_$i')">| . $locale->text('L') . qq|</button></td>|;
(my $qty_dec) = ($form->{"qty_$i"} =~ /\.(\d+)/);
$column_data{qty} =
qq|<td align=right><input name="qty_$i" size=5 value=|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"}, $qty_dec)
. qq|></td>|;
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"}, $qty_dec) .qq|>|;
if ($form->{formel}) {
$column_data{qty} .= qq|<button type="button" onclick="calculate_qty_selection_window('qty_$i','alu_$i', 'formel_$i', $i)">| . $locale->text('*/') . qq|</button>
<input type=hidden name="formel_$i" value="$form->{"formel_$i"}"><input type=hidden name="alu_$i" value="$form->{"alu_$i"}"></td>|;
$column_data{ship} =
qq|<td align=right><input name="ship_$i" size=5 value=|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"ship_$i"})
. qq|></td>|;
$column_data{unit} =
qq|<td><input name="unit_$i" size=5 value="$form->{"unit_$i"}"></td>|;
my $is_part = $form->{"inventory_accno_$i"};
my $is_assigned = $form->{"id_$i"};
my $this_unit = $form->{"unit_$i"};
if ($form->{"selected_unit_$i"} && $this_unit &&
$all_units->{$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}} && $all_units->{$this_unit} &&
($all_units->{$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}}->{"base_unit"} eq $all_units->{$this_unit}->{"base_unit"})) {
$this_unit = $form->{"selected_unit_$i"};
} elsif (!$is_assigned ||
($is_part && !$this_unit && ($all_units->{$this_unit} && ($all_units->{$this_unit}->{"base_unit"} eq $all_units->{"kg"}->{"base_unit"})))) {
$this_unit = "kg";
$column_data{"unit"} = "<td>" .
($qty_readonly ? "&nbsp;" :
AM->unit_select_html($is_part ? $dimension_units :
$is_assigned ? $service_units : $all_units,
"unit_$i", $this_unit,
$is_assigned ? $form->{"unit_$i"} : undef))
. "</td>";
# build in dragdrop for pricesgroups
if ($form->{"prices_$i"}) {
$price_tmp =
$form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"price_new_$i"}, 2);
if ($form->{"new_pricegroup_$i"} != $form->{"old_pricegroup_$i"}) {
$price_tmp = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"price_new_$i"}, $decimalplaces);
} else {
$price_tmp = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"}, $decimalplaces);
$column_data{sellprice_drag} =
qq|<td align=right><select name="sellprice_drag_$i">$form->{"prices_$i"}</select></td>|;
$column_data{sellprice} =
qq|<td><input name="sellprice_$i" size=5 value=$price_tmp></td>|;
qq|<td><input name="sellprice_$i" size=10 value=$price_tmp></td>|;
} else {
# for last row and report
. qq|></td>|;
print(STDERR "Sellprice vor Ausgabe: ",$form->{"sellprice_$i"},"\n");
$column_data{sellprice} =
qq|<td><input name="sellprice_$i" size=5 value=|
qq|<td><input name="sellprice_$i" size=10 value=|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"},
. qq|></td>|;
# $column_data{projectnr} = qq|<td><input name="projectnumber_$i" size=10 value="$form->{"projectnumber_$i"}"></td>|;
############## ENDE Neueintrag ##################
my $j = $i % 2;
print qq|
<tr valign=top>|;
<tr valign=top class=listrow$j>|;
map { print "\n$column_data{$_}" } @column_index;
<input type=hidden name="pricegroup_old_$i" value=$form->{"pricegroup_old_$i"}>
<input type=hidden name="price_old_$i" value=$form->{"price_old_$i"}>
<input type=hidden name="unit_old_$i" value="$form->{"selected_unit_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="price_new_$i" value=|
. $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"price_new_$i"}) . qq|>
<input type=hidden name="ordnumber_$i" value="$form->{"ordnumber_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="transdate_$i" value="$form->{"transdate_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="cusordnumber_$i" value="$form->{"cusordnumber_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="longdescription_$i" value="$form->{"longdescription_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="basefactor_$i" value="$form->{"basefactor_$i"}">
<input type=hidden name="adr_description_$i" value="$form->{"adr_description_$i"}">
# print second row
print qq|
<tr class=listrow$j>
<td colspan=$colspan>
if ($lizenzen && $form->{type} eq "invoice" && $form->{vc} eq "customer") {
<b>${$reqdate_term}</b>&nbsp;<input name="${reqdate_term}_$i" size=11 value="$form->{"${reqdate_term}_$i"}">
my $subtotalchecked = ($form->{"subtotal_$i"}) ? "checked" : "";
print qq|
<b>|.$locale->text('Subtotal').qq|</b>&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="subtotal_$i" value="1" "$subtotalchecked">
<input name="new_assembly_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{assembly}">
<input name="new_taxaccounts_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{taxaccounts}">
<input name="new_partsgroup_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{partsgroup}">
<input name="new_formel_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{formel}">
<input name="new_alu_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{alu}">
<input name="new_longdescription_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{longdescription}">
<input name="new_not_discountable_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{not_discountable}">
<input name="new_part_payment_id_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{part_payment_id}">
<input name="new_adr_description_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{adr_description}">
<input name="new_id_$i" type=hidden value=$ref->{id}>
$sellprice = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"});
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->{"new_${_}_$j"} }
qw(id partnumber description sellprice listprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno bin unit weight assembly taxaccounts partsgroup);
qw(id partnumber description sellprice listprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno bin unit weight assembly taxaccounts partsgroup formel alu longdescription not_discountable adr_description);
if ($form->{"part_payment_id_$i"} ne "") {
$form->{payment_id} = $form->{"part_payment_id_$i"};
if ($lizenzen) {
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->{"new_${_}_$j"} } qw(lizenzen);
$form->{sellprice} += ($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"});
$form->{weight} += ($form->{"weight_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"});
if ($form->{"not_discountable_$i"}) {
$form->{"discount_$i"} = 0;
$amount =
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} * (1 - $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100) *
sub display_form {
# if we have a display_form
if ($form->{display_form}) {
$subroutine = "makemodel_row";
if ($form->{item} eq 'assembly') {
$numrows = ++$form->{price_rows};
$numrows = $form->{price_rows};
$subroutine = "price_row";
my @a = ();
my $count = 0;
my @flds = (
qw(id partnumber description qty ship sellprice unit discount inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno listprice taxaccounts bin assembly weight projectnumber project_id oldprojectnumber runningnumber serialnumber partsgroup)
qw(id partnumber description qty ship sellprice unit discount inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno listprice taxaccounts bin assembly weight projectnumber project_id oldprojectnumber runningnumber serialnumber partsgroup payment_id not_discountable shop ve gv buchungsgruppen_id adr_id language_values)
# remove any makes or model rows
if ($form->{item} eq 'part') {
map { $form->{$_} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}) }
($null, $form->{cp_id}) = split /--/, $form->{contact};
$form->{cp_id} *= 1;
require "$form->{path}/$form->{script}";
$buysell = 'buy';
($null, $form->{cp_id}) = split /--/, $form->{contact};
$form->{cp_id} *= 1;
$form->{script} = '';
. $locale->text('Bin List');
if ($form->{type} eq 'credit_note') {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=credit_note $form->{PD}{credit_note}>|
. $locale->text('Credit Note');
if ($form->{type} eq 'sales_order') {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=sales_order $form->{PD}{sales_order}>|
. $locale->text('Confirmation') . qq|
<option value=proforma $form->{PD}{proforma}>|
. $locale->text('Proforma Invoice') . qq|
<option value=pick_list $form->{PD}{pick_list}>|
. $locale->text('Pick List') . qq|
<option value=packing_list $form->{PD}{packing_list}>|
. $locale->text('Packing List');
. $locale->text('Packing List') . qq|
<option value=agb $form->{PD}{agb}>|
. $locale->text('AGB') . qq|
<option value=bunker_receipt $form->{PD}{bunker_receipt}>|
. $locale->text('Bunker Receipt');
if ($form->{type} =~ /_quotation$/) {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value="$`_quotation" $form->{PD}{"$`_quotation"}>|
. $locale->text('Quotation') . qq|
. $locale->text('Quotation')
if ($form->{type} eq 'invoice') {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=invoice $form->{PD}{invoice}>|
. $locale->text('Invoice') . qq|
<option value=proforma $form->{PD}{proforma}>|
. $locale->text('Proforma Invoice') . qq|
<option value=packing_list $form->{PD}{packing_list}>|
. $locale->text('Packing List');
if ($form->{type} eq 'invoice' && $form->{storno}) {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=storno_invoice $form->{PD}{storno_invoice}>|
. $locale->text('Storno Invoice') . qq|
<option value=storno_packing_list $form->{PD}{storno_packing_list}>|
. $locale->text('Storno Packing List');
if ($form->{type} eq 'credit_note') {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=credit_note $form->{PD}{credit_note}>|
. $locale->text('Credit Note');
if ($form->{type} eq 'ship_order') {
$type = qq|<select name=formname>
<option value=pick_list $form->{PD}{pick_list}>|
} else {
$media = qq|<select name=media>
<option value=screen $form->{OP}{screen}>| . $locale->text('Screen');
if ($myconfig{printer} && $latex_templates) {
if (scalar(keys (%{ $form->{printers} })) !=0 && $latex_templates) {
$media .= qq|
<option value=printer $form->{OP}{printer}>|
. $locale->text('Printer');
$format = qq|<select name=format>
<option value=html $form->{DF}{html}>html|;
$format = qq|<select name=format>|;
if ($opendocument_templates && $openofficeorg_writer_bin &&
$xvfb_bin && (-x $openofficeorg_writer_bin) && (-x $xvfb_bin)) {
$format .= qq|<option value=opendocument_pdf | .
$form->{DF}{"opendocument_pdf"} . qq|>| .
$locale->text("PDF (OpenDocument/OASIS)") . qq|</option>|;
if ($latex_templates) {
$format = qq|<select name=format>
<option value=pdf $form->{DF}{pdf}>| . $locale->text('PDF') . qq|
<option value=html $form->{DF}{html}>html
<option value=postscript $form->{DF}{postscript}>|
. $locale->text('Postscript');
$format .= qq|<option value=pdf $form->{DF}{pdf}>| .
$locale->text('PDF') . qq|</option>|;
$format .= qq|<option value=html $form->{DF}{html}>HTML</option>|;
if ($latex_templates) {
if ($latex) {
$format .= qq|<option value=postscript $form->{DF}{postscript}>| .
$locale->text('Postscript') . qq|</option>|;
$language_select = qq|<select name=language>
<option value=""></option>|;
%lang = (de => "deutsch", en => "englisch", fr => "franz?sisch");
foreach $item (keys %lang) {
if ($form->{language} eq $item) {
$language_select .= qq|<option value="$item" selected>$lang{$item}</option>|;
} else {
$language_select .= qq|<option value="$item">$lang{$item}</option>|;
if ($opendocument_templates) {
$format .= qq|<option value=opendocument $form->{DF}{opendocument}>| .
$locale->text("OpenDocument/OASIS") . qq|</option>|;
$format .= qq|</select>|;
if (scalar(keys (%{ $form->{languages} })) !=0) {
$language_select = qq|<select name=language_id>|;
foreach $item (@{ $form->{languages} }) {
if ($form->{language_id} eq $item->{id}) {
$language_select .= qq|<option value="$item->{id}" selected>$item->{description}</option>|;
} else {
$language_select .= qq|<option value="$item->{id}">$item->{description}</option>|;
if (scalar(keys (%{ $form->{printers} })) !=0) {
$printer_select = qq|<select name=printer_id>
<option value=""></option>|;
foreach $item (@{ $form->{printers} }) {
$printer_select .= qq|<option value="$item->{id}">$item->{printer_description}</option>|;
print qq|
<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
if (scalar(keys (%{ $form->{languages} })) !=0) {
print qq|
print qq|
if (scalar(keys (%{ $form->{printers} })) !=0) {
print qq|
if ($myconfig{printer} && $latex_templates && $form->{media} ne 'email') {
if (scalar(keys (%{ $form->{printers} })) !=0 && $latex_templates && $form->{media} ne 'email') {
print qq|
<td>| . $locale->text('Copies') . qq|
<input name=copies size=2 value=$form->{copies}></td>
map { $old_form->{$_} = $form->{$_} } keys %$form;
if (!$form->{id} || (($form->{formname} eq "proforma") && !$form->{proforma} && (($form->{type} =~ /_order$/) || ($form->{type} =~ /_quotation$/)))) {
if ($form->{formname} eq "proforma") {
$form->{proforma} = 1;
$form->{print_and_save} = 1;
my $formname = $form->{formname};
$form->{formname} = $formname;
# this is from an invoice
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Packing List');
if ($form->{formname} eq 'sales_order') {
if (($form->{formname} eq 'sales_order') || ($form->{formname} eq 'agb') || ($form->{formname} eq 'bunker_receipt')) {
$inv = "ord";
$due = "req";
$form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$numberfld = "sonumber";
$order = 1;
if (($form->{type} eq 'invoice') && ($form->{formname} eq 'proforma') ) {
$inv = "inv";
$due = "due";
$form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{"invdate"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Proforma Invoice');
$numberfld = "sonumber";
$order = 0;
if (($form->{type} eq 'sales_order') && ($form->{formname} eq 'proforma') ) {
$inv = "inv";
$due = "due";
$form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{"invdate"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{invnumber} = $form->{ordnumber};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Proforma Invoice');
$numberfld = "sonumber";
$order = 1;
if ($form->{formname} eq 'packing_list' && $form->{type} ne 'invoice') {
# we use the same packing list as from an invoice
$form->{invdate} = $form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Packing List');
$order = 1;
# set invnumber for template packing_list
$form->{invnumber} = $form->{ordnumber};
if ($form->{formname} eq 'pick_list') {
$inv = "ord";
$numberfld = "sqnumber";
$order = 1;
if (($form->{type} eq 'sales_quotation') && ($form->{formname} eq 'proforma') ) {
$inv = "quo";
$due = "req";
$form->{"${inv}date"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{"invdate"} = $form->{transdate};
$form->{label} = $locale->text('Proforma Invoice');
$numberfld = "sqnumber";
$order = 1;
if ($form->{formname} eq 'request_quotation') {
$inv = "quo";
$due = "req";
my ($saved_email, $saved_cc, $saved_bcc) =
($form->{"email"}, $form->{"cc"}, $form->{"bcc"});
$language_saved = $form->{language};
$language_saved = $form->{language_id};
$form->{language} = $language_saved;
$form->{language_id} = $language_saved;
$form->{"email"} = $saved_email if ($saved_email);
$form->{"cc"} = $saved_cc if ($saved_cc);
$form->{"bcc"} = $saved_bcc if ($saved_bcc);
@a = ();
foreach $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
push @a,
("partnumber_$i", "description_$i",
"partsgroup_$i", "serialnumber_$i",
"bin_$i", "unit_$i",
"transdate_$i", "ordnumber_$i");
map { push @a, "${_}_description" } split / /, $form->{taxaccounts};
$ARAP = ($form->{vc} eq 'customer') ? "AR" : "AP";
push @a, $ARAP;
# format payment dates
for $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts} - 1) {
$form->{"datepaid_$i"} = $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{"datepaid_$i"});
push @a, "${ARAP}_paid_$i", "source_$i", "memo_$i";
($form->{employee}) = split /--/, $form->{employee};
($form->{warehouse}, $form->{warehouse_id}) = split /--/, $form->{warehouse};
} 0 .. $#{ $form->{$field} };
if ($form->{shipto_id}) {
@a = qw(name street zipcode city country);
$shipto = 1;
$form->{notes} =~ s/^\s+//g;
# some of the stuff could have umlauts so we translate them
push @a,
qw(shiptoname shiptostreet shiptozipcode shiptocity shiptocountry shiptoemail shippingpoint shipvia company address signature employee contact department_1 department_2);
push @a, ("${inv}date", "${due}date", "deliverydate", email, cc, bcc);
$form->{templates} = "$myconfig{templates}";
$form->{language} = $form->get_template_language(\%myconfig);
$form->{printer_code} = $form->get_printer_code(\%myconfig);
$form->{templates} = "$myconfig{templates}";
if ($form->{language} ne "") {
$form->{language} = "_" . $form->{language};
$form->{IN} = "$form->{formname}$form->{language}.html";
if ($form->{printer_code} ne "") {
$form->{printer_code} = "_" . $form->{printer_code};
$form->{IN} = "$form->{formname}$form->{language}$form->{printer_code}.html";
if ($form->{format} eq 'postscript') {
$form->{postscript} = 1;
$form->{IN} =~ s/html$/tex/;
if ($form->{format} eq 'pdf') {
} elsif ($form->{"format"} =~ /pdf/) {
$form->{pdf} = 1;
$form->{IN} =~ s/html$/tex/;
if ($form->{"format"} =~ /opendocument/) {
$form->{IN} =~ s/html$/odt/;
} else {
$form->{IN} =~ s/html$/tex/;
} elsif ($form->{"format"} =~ /opendocument/) {
$form->{"opendocument"} = 1;
$form->{"IN"} =~ s/html$/odt/;
if ($form->{media} eq 'printer') {
$form->{OUT} = "| $myconfig{printer}";
$form->{OUT} = "| $form->{printer_command} &>/dev/null";
$form->{printed} .= " $form->{formname}";
$form->{printed} =~ s/^ //;
: $locale->text('emailed to') . " $form->{email}";
$form->redirect(qq|$form->{label} $form->{"${inv}number"} $msg|);
if ($form->{printing}) {

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