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Revision 54e4131e

Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 18 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 54e4131e091831e00a861fe2c4f53e344b87ddca
  • Vorgänger ed42de15
  • Nachfolger b1f65772

Uebernahme der kompletten Version, so wie sie Philip als "Demo-Version" gezeigt hat, in das unstable-Repo. Dabei werden auch einige Patches, die seit der 2.2.0 hier eingepflegt wurden, wieder ueberschrieben. Diese werden in den naechsten Tagen wieder eingespielt, sofern noetig. Zu den neuen Features gehoeren (ohne Anspruch auf Vollstaendigkeit) Mahnwesen, Einheiten, Template-Neucodierung, AJAX-basierende Dialoge an einigen Stellen, Buchungsgruppen etc etc.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

# $locale->text('Add Vendor')
use SL::CT;
use CGI::Ajax;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
sub search_delivery {
$label = ucfirst $form->{db};
$form->{title} = $locale->text($label . "s");
if ($form->{db} eq 'vendor') {
$gifi = qq|
<td><input name="l_gifi_accno" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text('GIFI') . qq|</td>
print qq|
<form method=post action=$form->{script}>
<input type=hidden name=db value=$form->{db}>
<table width=100%>
<th class=listtop>$form->{title}</th>
<tr height="5"></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text($label . ' Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=$form->{db}number size=35></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Company Name') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=name size=35></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Contact') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=contact size=35></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('E-mail') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=email size=35></td>
<td><input name=status class=radio type=radio value=all checked>&nbsp;|
. $locale->text('All') . qq|
<input name=status class=radio type=radio value=orphaned>&nbsp;|
. $locale->text('Orphaned') . qq|</td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Include in Report') . qq|</th>
<td><input name="l_id" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text('ID') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_$form->{db}number" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text($label . ' Number') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_name" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y checked> |
. $locale->text('Company Name') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_address" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text('Address') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_contact" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y checked> |
. $locale->text('Contact') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_phone" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y checked> |
. $locale->text('Phone') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_fax" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text('Fax') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_email" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y checked> |
. $locale->text('E-mail') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_taxnumber" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text('Tax Number') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_sic_code" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text('SIC') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_business" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text('Type of Business') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_invnumber" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text('Invoices') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_ordnumber" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text('Orders') . qq|</td>
<td><input name="l_quonumber" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=Y> |
. $locale->text('Quotations') . qq|</td>
<td><hr size=3 noshade></td>
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=list_names>
<input type=hidden name=path value=$form->{path}>
<input type=hidden name=login value=$form->{login}>
<input type=hidden name=password value=$form->{password}>
<input type=submit class=submit name=action value="|
. $locale->text('Continue') . qq|">
sub search_adr {
$form->{title} = $locale->text('ADR Report');
# use JavaScript Calendar or not
$form->{jsscript} = $jscalendar;
$jsscript = "";
if ($form->{jsscript}) {
# with JavaScript Calendar
$button1 = qq|
<td><input name=from id=from size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value=$form->{from}></td>
<td><input type=button name=from id="trigger1" value=|
. $locale->text('button') . qq|></td>
$button2 = qq|
<td width="13"><input name=to id=to size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value=$form->{to}></td>
<td width="4"><input type=button name=to id="trigger2" value=|
. $locale->text('button') . qq|></td></td>
#write Trigger
$jsscript =
Form->write_trigger(\%myconfig, "2",
"from", "BL",
"trigger1", "to",
"BL", "trigger2");
} else {
# without JavaScript Calendar
$button1 =
qq|<td><input name=from size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value=$form->{from}></td>|;
$button2 =
qq|<td width="13"><input name=to size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}" value=$form->{to}></td>|;
print qq|
<form method=post action=$form->{script}>
<table width=100%>
<th class=listtop>$form->{title}</th>
<tr height="5"></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Year') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=year type=input value=$form->{year}></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('From') . qq|</th>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Bis') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=format class=radio type=radio value=html checked>&nbsp;|
. $locale->text('HTML') . qq|
<input name=format class=radio type=radio value=csv>&nbsp;|
. $locale->text('CSV') . qq|</td>
<td><hr size=3 noshade></td>
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=adr_report>
<input type=hidden name=path value=$form->{path}>
<input type=hidden name=login value=$form->{login}>
<input type=hidden name=password value=$form->{password}>
<input type=submit class=submit name=action value="|
. $locale->text('Continue') . qq|">
sub adr_report {
CT->adr(\%myconfig, \%$form);
$form->{title} = $locale->text('ADR Report');
if ($form->{from} || $form->{to}) {
$option = "F?r den Zeitraum $form->{from} bis $form->{to}";
} elsif ($form->{year}) {
$option = "F?r das Jahr $form->{year}";
if ($form->{format} eq "html") {
print qq|
<table width=100%>
<th class=listtop>$form->{title}</th>
<tr height="5"></tr>
@column_index =
$column_header{adr_code} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('ADR Code') . qq|</th>|;
$column_header{adr_description} =
qq|<th class=listheading>|. $locale->text('ADR Description'). qq|</th>|;
$column_header{sum} =
qq|<th class=listheading>|. $locale->text('Quantity'). qq|</th>|;
$column_header{unit} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Unit') . qq|</th>|;
print qq|
<table width=100%>
<table width=100%>
<tr class=listheading>
map { print "$column_header{$_}\n" } @column_index;
print qq|
foreach $ref (@{ $form->{ADR} }) {
map { $column_data{$_} = "<td>$ref->{$_}&nbsp;</td>" } @column_index;
$i %= 2;
print "
<tr class=listrow$i>
map { print "$column_data{$_}\n" } @column_index;
print qq|
print qq|
} else {
my $filename = "adr-report-$form->{from}-$form->{to}.csv";
if ($form->{year}) {
$filename = "adr-report-$form->{year}.csv";
@column_index =
$tmpfile = qq|ADR Code;ADR Beschreibung;Menge;Einheit\n|;
foreach $ref (@{ $form->{ADR} }) {
map { $column_data{$_} = qq|"$ref->{$_}"| } @column_index;
$line = "";
map { $line .= "$column_data{$_};" } @column_index;
$tmpfile .= qq|$line\n|;;
my $size = length($tmpfile);
# launch application
print qq|Content-Type: application/csv
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="$filename"
Content-Length: $size
sub list_names {
$form->{taxincluded} = ($form->{taxincluded}) ? "checked" : "";
$form->{creditlimit} =
$form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{creditlimit}, 0);
$form->{discount} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{discount});
if ($myconfig{role} eq 'admin') {
$bcc = qq|
$form->{obsolete} = "checked" if $form->{obsolete};
%langs = (de => "deutsch", en => "englisch", fr => "franz?sisch");
$lang = qq|<option value=""></option>|;
foreach $item (keys %langs) {
if ($form->{language} eq $item) {
$lang .= qq|<option value="$item" selected>$langs{$item}</option>|;
foreach $item (@{ $form->{languages} }) {
if ($form->{language_id} eq $item->{id}) {
$lang .= qq|<option value="$item->{id}" selected>$item->{description}</option>|;
} else {
$lang .= qq|<option value="$item">$langs{$item}</option>|;
$lang .= qq|<option value="$item->{id}">$item->{description}</option>|;
$payment = qq|<option value=""></option>|;
foreach $item (@{ $form->{payment_terms} }) {
if ($form->{payment_id} eq $item->{id}) {
$payment .= qq|<option value="$item->{id}" selected>$item->{description}</option>|;
} else {
$payment .= qq|<option value="$item->{id}">$item->{description}</option>|;
if (!$form->{id}) {
if ($form->{db} eq "customer") {
$form->{taxzone_id} = 0;
} else {
$form->{taxzone_id} = 0;
if (@{ $form->{TAXZONE} }) {
foreach $item (@{ $form->{TAXZONE} }) {
if ($item->{id} == $form->{taxzone_id}) {
$form->{selecttaxzone} .=
"<option value=$item->{id} selected>$item->{description}\n";
} else {
$form->{selecttaxzone} .=
"<option value=$item->{id}>$item->{description}\n";
$taxzone = qq|
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Steuersatz') . qq|</th>
<td><select name=taxzone_id>$form->{selecttaxzone}</select></td>
<input type=hidden name=selecttaxzone value="$form->{selecttaxzone}">
$get_contact_url =
my $pjx = new CGI::Ajax( 'get_contact' => $get_contact_url );
$form->{selectcontact} = "<option value=0></option>";
if (@{ $form->{CONTACTS} }) {
foreach $item (@{ $form->{CONTACTS} }) {
if ($item->{cp_id} == $form->{cp_id}) {
$form->{selectcontact} .=
qq|<option value=$item->{cp_id} selected>$item->{cp_name}</option>\n|;
} else {
$form->{selectcontact} .=
qq|<option value=$item->{cp_id}>$item->{cp_name}</option>\n|;
push(@ { $form->{AJAX} }, $pjx);
$ansprechpartner = qq|
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Ansprechpartner') . qq|</th>
<td><select id=cp_id name=cp_id onChange="get_contact(['cp_id__' + this.value], ['cp_name', 'cp_greeting', 'cp_title', 'cp_givenname', 'cp_phone1', 'cp_phone2', 'cp_email', 'cp_abteilung', 'cp_fax', 'cp_mobile1', 'cp_mobile2', 'cp_satphone', 'cp_satfax', 'cp_project', 'cp_privatphone', 'cp_privatemail', 'cp_birthday'])">$form->{selectcontact}</select></td>
<input type=hidden name=selectcontact value="$form->{selectcontact}">
$get_shipto_url =
my $pjy = new CGI::Ajax( 'get_shipto' => $get_shipto_url );
$form->{selectshipto} = "<option value=0></option>";
if (@{ $form->{SHIPTO} }) {
foreach $item (@{ $form->{SHIPTO} }) {
if ($item->{id} == $form->{shipto_id}) {
$form->{selectshipto} .=
"<option value=$item->{id} selected>$item->{shiptoname}\n";
} else {
$form->{selectshipto} .=
"<option value=$item->{id}>$item->{shiptoname}\n";
push(@ { $form->{AJAX} }, $pjy);
$shipto = qq|
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Shipping Address') . qq|</th>
<td><select id=shipto_id name=shipto_id onChange="get_shipto(['shipto_id__' + this.value], ['shiptoname','shiptodepartment_1', 'shiptodepartment_2','shiptostreet','shiptozipcode','shiptocity','shiptocountry','shiptocontact','shiptophone','shiptofax','shiptoemail'])">$form->{selectshipto}</select></td>
<input type=hidden name=selectshipto value="$form->{selectshipto}">
$get_delivery_url =
my $pjz = new CGI::Ajax( 'get_delivery' => $get_delivery_url );
push(@ { $form->{AJAX} }, $pjz);
$delivery = qq|
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Shipping Address') . qq|</th>
<td><select id=delivery_id name=delivery_id onChange="get_delivery(['shipto_id__' + this.value, 'from__' + from.value, 'to__' + to.value], ['delivery'])">$form->{selectshipto}</select></td>
foreach $item (split / /, $form->{taxaccounts}) {
if (($form->{tax}{$item}{taxable}) || !($form->{id})) {
$taxable .=
s/<option value=$form->{business}>/<option value=$form->{business} selected>/;
$label = ucfirst $form->{db};
$form->{title} = $locale->text("$form->{title} $label");
if ($form->{title} eq "Edit") {
$form->{title} = $locale->text("$form->{title} $label") . " $form->{name}";
} else {
$form->{title} = $locale->text("$form->{title} $label");
if ($form->{title_save}) {
$form->{title} = $form->{title_save};
{ $select_greeting .= qq|<option>$_</option>|; } @{ $form->{GREETINGS} });
$select_greeting .= qq|</select>|;
$select_company_greeting =
qq|&nbsp;<select name=selected_company_greeting><option></option>|;
{ $select_company_greeting .= qq|<option>$_</option>|; } @{ $form->{COMPANY_GREETINGS} });
$select_company_greeting .= qq|</select>|;
$select_department =
qq|&nbsp;<select name=selected_cp_abteilung><option></option>|;
{ $select_department .= qq|<option>$_</option>|; } @{ $form->{DEPARTMENT} });
$select_department .= qq|</select>|;
if ($form->{db} eq 'customer') {
$form->{selectpricegroup} =~
s/(<option value="\Q$form->{klass}\E")/$1 selected/;
$pricegroup .=
qq|<select name=klass tabindex=24>$form->{selectpricegroup}</select>|;
$pricegroup .= qq|<select name=klass>$form->{selectpricegroup}</select>|;
# $locale->text('Customer Number')
# $locale->text('Vendor Number')
$form->{fokus} = "";
$form->{fokus} = "ct.greeting";
print qq|
<body onLoad="fokus()">
<form method=post name="ct" action=$form->{script}>
<table width=100%>
<th class=listtop>$form->{title}</th>
<form method=post name="ct" action=$form->{script} onKeyUp="highlight(event)" onClick="highlight(event)">
<ul id="maintab" class="shadetabs">
<li class="selected"><a href="#" rel="billing">|
. $locale->text('Billing Address') . qq|</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="shipto">|
. $locale->text('Shipping Address') . qq|</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="contacts">Ansprechpartner</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="deliveries">|
. $locale->text('Lieferungen') . qq|</a></li>
<div class="tabcontentstyle">
<div id="billing" class="tabcontent">
<table width=100%>
<tr class=listheading>
<th class=listheading colspan=2 width=50%>|
. $locale->text('Billing Address') . qq|</th>
<th class=listheading width=50%>|
. $locale->text('Shipping Address') . qq|</th>
<tr height="5"></tr>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text($label . ' Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name="$form->{db}number" size=35 maxlength=35 value="$form->{"$form->{db}number"}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Greeting') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=greeting name=greeting size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{greeting}">&nbsp;
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Company Name') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=name size=35 maxlength=75 tabindex=1 value="$form->{name}"></td>
<td><input name=shiptoname size=35 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptoname}"></td>
<td><input name=name size=35 maxlength=75 value="$form->{name}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Abteilung') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=department_1 size=16 maxlength=75 tabindex=2 value="$form->{department_1}">
<input name=department_2 size=16 maxlength=75 tabindex=3 value="$form->{department_2}"></td>
<td><input name=shiptodepartment_1 size=16 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptodepartment_1}">
<input name=shiptodepartment_2 size=16 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptodepartment_2}"></td>
<td><input name=department_1 size=16 maxlength=75 value="$form->{department_1}">
<input name=department_2 size=16 maxlength=75 value="$form->{department_2}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Street') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=street size=35 tabindex=4 maxlength=75 value="$form->{street}"></td>
<td><input name=shiptostreet size=35 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptostreet}"></td>
<td><input name=street size=35 maxlength=75 value="$form->{street}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Zipcode') . "/" . $locale->text('City') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=zipcode size=5 tabindex=5 maxlength=10 value="$form->{zipcode}">
<input name=city size=30 tabindex=6 maxlength=75 value="$form->{city}"></td>
<td><input name=shiptozipcode size=5 maxlength=10 value="$form->{shiptozipcode}">
<input name=shiptocity size=30 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptocity}"></td>
<td><input name=zipcode size=5 maxlength=10 value="$form->{zipcode}">
<input name=city size=30 maxlength=75 value="$form->{city}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Country') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=country size=35 tabindex=7 maxlength=75 value="$form->{country}"></td>
<td><input name=shiptocountry size=35 maxlength=35 value="$form->{shiptocountry}"></td>
<td><input name=country size=35 maxlength=75 value="$form->{country}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Contact') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=contact size=28 tabindex=8 maxlength=75 value="$form->{contact}"></td>
<td><input name=shiptocontact size=30 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptocontact}"></td>
<td><input name=contact size=28 maxlength=75 value="$form->{contact}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Phone') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=phone size=30 tabindex=9 maxlength=30 value="$form->{phone}"></td>
<td><input name=shiptophone size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{shiptophone}"></td>
<td><input name=phone size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{phone}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Fax') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=fax size=30 tabindex=10 maxlength=30 value="$form->{fax}"></td>
<td><input name=shiptofax size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{shiptofax}"></td>
<td><input name=fax size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{fax}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('E-mail') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=email tabindex=11 size=45 value="$form->{email}"></td>
<td><input name=shiptoemail size=45 value="$form->{shiptoemail}"></td>
<td><input name=email size=45 value="$form->{email}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Homepage') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=homepage tabindex=12 size=45 value="$form->{homepage}"></td>
<td><input name=homepage size=45 value="$form->{homepage}"></td>
##LINET - added fields for contact person
print qq| <tr>
<td colspan=3>
<input type=hidden name=cp_id value=$form->{cp_id}>
<th align=right nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Contact Person') . qq|</th>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Greeting') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=cp_greeting size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_greeting}">&nbsp;
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Title') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=cp_title size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_title}">&nbsp;
<th align=left nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Given Name') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=cp_givenname size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_givenname}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Name') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=cp_name size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_name}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Phone1') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=cp_phone1 size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_phone1}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Phone2') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=cp_phone2 size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_phone2}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('E-mail') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=cp_email size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_email}"></td>
</tr> </table>
<tr height="5"></tr>|;
print qq| $bcc
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Credit Limit') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=creditlimit tabindex=13 size=9 value="$form->{creditlimit}"></td>
<td><input name=creditlimit size=9 value="$form->{creditlimit}"></td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Terms: Net') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=terms tabindex=14 size=2 value="$form->{terms}">|
<td><input name=terms size=2 value="$form->{terms}">|
. $locale->text('days') . qq|</td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Discount') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=discount tabindex=15 size=4 value="$form->{discount}">
<td><input name=discount size=4 value="$form->{discount}">
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Tax Number / SSN') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=taxnumber tabindex=16 size=20 value="$form->{taxnumber}"></td>
<td><input name=taxnumber size=20 value="$form->{taxnumber}"></td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('USt-IdNr.') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=ustid tabindex=17 size=20 value="$form->{ustid}"></td>
<td><input name=ustid size=20 value="$form->{ustid}"></td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Account Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=account_number size=10 tabindex=19 value="$form->{account_number}"></td>
<td><input name=account_number size=10 value="$form->{account_number}"></td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Bank Code Number') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=bank_code size=10 tabindex=20 value="$form->{bank_code}"></td>
<td><input name=bank_code size=10 value="$form->{bank_code}"></td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Bank') . qq|</th>
<td><input name=bank size=30 tabindex=21 value="$form->{bank}"></td>
<td><input name=bank size=30 value="$form->{bank}"></td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Language') . qq|</th>
<td><select name=language tabindex=23>$lang
<td><select name=language_id tabindex=23>$lang
if ($form->{db} eq 'customer') {
<td align=right>| . $locale->text('Obsolete') . qq|</td>
<td><input name=obsolete class=checkbox type=checkbox value=1 $form->{obsolete}></td>
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Payment Terms') . qq|</th>
<td><select name=payment_id>$payment
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Notes') . qq|</th>
<td><textarea name=notes rows=3 cols=60 wrap=soft>$form->{notes}</textarea></td>
<td><hr size=3 noshade></td>
<br style="clear: left" /></div>|;
print qq|
<div id="shipto" class="tabcontent">
<table width=100%>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Company Name') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=shiptoname name=shiptoname size=35 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptoname}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Abteilung') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=shiptodepartment_1 name=shiptodepartment_1 size=16 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptodepartment_1}">
<input id=shiptodepartment_2 name=shiptodepartment_2 size=16 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptodepartment_2}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Street') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=shiptostreet name=shiptostreet size=35 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptostreet}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Zipcode') . "/" . $locale->text('City') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=shiptozipcode name=shiptozipcode size=5 maxlength=10 value="$form->{shiptozipcode}">
<input id=shiptocity name=shiptocity size=30 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptocity}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Country') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=shiptocountry name=shiptocountry size=35 maxlength=35 value="$form->{shiptocountry}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Contact') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=shiptocontact name=shiptocontact size=30 maxlength=75 value="$form->{shiptocontact}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Phone') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=shiptophone name=shiptophone size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{shiptophone}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Fax') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=shiptofax name=shiptofax size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{shiptofax}"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('E-mail') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=shiptoemail name=shiptoemail size=45 value="$form->{shiptoemail}"></td>
<br style="clear: left" /></div>|;
##LINET - added fields for contact person
print qq|
<div id="contacts" class="tabcontent">
<td colspan=3>
<input type=hidden name=cp_id value=$form->{cp_id}>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Greeting') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_greeting name=cp_greeting size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_greeting}">&nbsp;
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Title') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_title name=cp_title size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_title}">&nbsp;
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Department') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_abteilung name=cp_abteilung size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_abteilung}">&nbsp;
<th align=left nowrap>|
. $locale->text('Given Name') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_givenname name=cp_givenname size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_givenname}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Name') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_name name=cp_name size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_name}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Phone1') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_phone1 name=cp_phone1 size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_phone1}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Phone2') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_phone2 name=cp_phone2 size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_phone2}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Fax') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_fax name=cp_fax size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_fax}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Mobile1') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_mobile1 name=cp_mobile1 size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_mobile1}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Mobile2') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_mobile2 name=cp_mobile2 size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_mobile2}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Sat. Phone') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_satphone name=cp_satphone size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_satphone}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Sat. Fax') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_satfax name=cp_satfax size=30 maxlength=30 value="$form->{cp_satfax}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Project') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_project name=cp_project size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_project}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('E-mail') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_email name=cp_email size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_email}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Private Phone') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_privatphone name=cp_privatphone size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_privatphone}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Private E-mail') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_privatemail name=cp_privatemail size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_privatemail}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Birthday') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=cp_birthday name=cp_birthday size=30 maxlength=40 value="$form->{cp_birthday}"></td>
<tr height="5"></tr>|;
print qq| $bcc
<br style="clear: left" /></div>
<div id="deliveries" class="tabcontent">
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('From') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=from name=from size=10 maxlength=10 value="$form->{from}"></td>
<th align=left nowrap>| . $locale->text('Bis') . qq|</th>
<td><input id=to name=to size=10 maxlength=10 value="$form->{to}"></td>
<td colspan=4>
<div id=delivery>
<br style="clear: left" /></div>
<input class=submit type=submit name=action accesskey="s" value="|
. $locale->text("Save") . qq|">
<input class=submit type=submit name=action accesskey="s" value="|
. $locale->text("Save and Close") . qq|">
<input class=submit type=submit name=action value="$arap">
<input class=submit type=submit name=action value="|
. $locale->text("Save and Invoice") . qq|">
print qq|
<script type="text/javascript">
//Start Tab Content script for UL with id="maintab" Separate multiple ids each with a comma.
$form->isblank("name", $locale->text("Name missing!"));
if ($vertreter && $form->{db} eq "customer") {
$form->isblank("salesman_id", $locale->text("Salesman missing!"));
&{"CT::save_$form->{db}"}("", \%myconfig, \%$form);
$form->{callback} = $form->escape($form->{callback}, 1);
sub save {
sub save_and_close {
# $locale->text('Customer saved!')
if ($vertreter && $form->{db} eq "customer") {
$form->isblank("salesman_id", $locale->text("Salesman missing!"));
$rc = &{"CT::save_$form->{db}"}("", \%myconfig, \%$form);
if ($rc == 3) {
$form->error($locale->text('customernumber not unique!'));
&{"CT::save_$form->{db}"}("", \%myconfig, \%$form);
sub save {
# $locale->text('Customer saved!')
# $locale->text('Vendor saved!')
$msg = ucfirst $form->{db};
$imsg .= " saved!";
$form->isblank("name", $locale->text("Name missing!"));
if ($vertreter && $form->{db} eq "customer") {
$form->isblank("salesman_id", $locale->text("Salesman missing!"));
print(STDERR "SHIPTO in sub save $form->{shipto_id}\n");
&{"CT::save_$form->{db}"}("", \%myconfig, \%$form);
sub delete {
sub get_contact {
CT->get_contact(\%myconfig, \%$form);
my $q = new CGI;
$result = "$form->{cp_name}";
map { $result .= "__pjx__" . $form->{$_} } qw(cp_greeting cp_title cp_givenname cp_phone1 cp_phone2 cp_email cp_abteilung cp_fax cp_mobile1 cp_mobile2 cp_satphone cp_satfax cp_project cp_privatphone cp_privatemail cp_birthday);
print $q->header();
print $result;
sub get_shipto {
CT->get_shipto(\%myconfig, \%$form);
my $q = new CGI;
$result = "$form->{shiptoname}";
map { $result .= "__pjx__" . $form->{$_} } qw(shiptodepartment_1 shiptodepartment_2 shiptostreet shiptozipcode shiptocity shiptocountry shiptocontact shiptophone shiptofax shiptoemail);
print $q->header();
print $result;
sub get_delivery {
CT->get_delivery(\%myconfig, \%$form);
@column_index =
$column_header{shiptoname} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Shipping Address') . qq|</th>|;
$column_header{invnumber} =
qq|<th class=listheading>|. $locale->text('Invoice'). qq|</th>|;
$column_header{ordnumber} =
qq|<th class=listheading>|. $locale->text('Order'). qq|</th>|;
$column_header{transdate} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Invdate') . qq|</th>|;
$column_header{description} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Description') . qq|</th>|;
$column_header{adr_code} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('ADR') . qq|</th>|;
$column_header{qty} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Qty') . qq|</th>|;
$column_header{unit} =
qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Unit') . qq|</th>|;
$result .= qq|
<table width=100%>
<table width=100%>
<tr class=listheading>
map { $result .= "$column_header{$_}\n" } @column_index;
$result .= qq|
foreach $ref (@{ $form->{DELIVERY} }) {
if ($ref->{shiptoname} eq $sameshiptoname) {
map { $column_data{$_} = "<td>$ref->{$_}&nbsp;</td>" } @column_index;
$column_data{shiptoname} = "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
} else {
map { $column_data{$_} = "<td>$ref->{$_}&nbsp;</td>" } @column_index;
$i %= 2;
$result .= "
<tr class=listrow$i>
map { $result .= "$column_data{$_}\n" } @column_index;
$result .= qq|
$sameshiptoname = $ref->{shiptoname};
$result .= qq|
my $q = new CGI;
print $q->header();
print $result;
sub continue { &{ $form->{nextsub} } }

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