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Revision 54ddc03b

Von Sven Donath vor fast 14 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 54ddc03b6e8aaa531385b91177908709a5f9df8d
  • Vorgänger 315172f0
  • Nachfolger 25f76dc1

Übersetzungen in Sprache de_DE eingepflegt

Für die Module:

  • SEPA Lastschrift * Verkaufsbericht

"Überschriften" sind "headings", nicht "headers".
Eigentlich müssten templates/webpages/vk/search_invoice.html und bin/mozilla/
dahingehend überarbeitet werden.
Bitte interne Variablen und Bezeichner möglichst in englischer Sprache verwenden.
(Kann es sein, dass der "Überschriften"-Hanken in templates/webpages/vk/search_invoice.html
nicht funktioniert?)
Weitere kleinere Reparaturen durchgeführt.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

242 242
  'Bank Connections'            => '',
243 243
  'Bank accounts'               => '',
244 244
  'Bank code'                   => '',
  'Bank collection amount'      => '',
  'Bank collection payment list for export #1' => '',
  'Bank collection via SEPA'    => '',
  'Bank collections via SEPA'   => '',
245 249
  'Bank transfer amount'        => '',
246 250
  'Bank transfer payment list for export #1' => '',
247 251
  'Bank transfer via SEPA'      => '',
416 420
  'Create and edit sales orders' => '',
417 421
  'Create and edit sales quotations' => '',
418 422
  'Create and edit vendor invoices' => '',
  'Create bank collection'      => '',
  'Create bank collection via SEPA XML' => '',
419 425
  'Create bank transfer'        => '',
420 426
  'Create bank transfer via SEPA XML' => '',
421 427
  'Create invoice?'             => '',
550 556
  'Display'                     => '',
551 557
  'Display file'                => '',
552 558
  'Display options'             => '',
  'Do you really want to close the following SEPA exports? No payment will be recorded for bank collections that haven\'t been marked as executed yet.' => '',
553 560
  'Do you really want to close the following SEPA exports? No payment will be recorded for bank transfers that haven\'t been marked as executed yet.' => '',
554 561
  'Do you really want to delete AP transaction #1?' => '',
555 562
  'Do you really want to delete AR transaction #1?' => '',
639 646
  'Edit Purchase Order'         => '',
640 647
  'Edit Quotation'              => '',
641 648
  'Edit Request for Quotation'  => '',
  'Edit SEPA strings'           => '',
642 650
  'Edit Sales Delivery Order'   => '',
643 651
  'Edit Sales Invoice'          => '',
644 652
  'Edit Sales Order'            => '',
791 799
  'HTML Templates'              => '',
792 800
  'Hardcopy'                    => '',
793 801
  'Has serial number'           => '',
  'Header'                      => '',
795 802
  'Heading'                     => '',
  'Headings'                    => '',
796 804
  'Help'                        => '',
797 805
  'Help Template Variables'     => '',
798 806
  'Here\'s an example command line:' => '',
950 958
  'List bank accounts'          => '',
951 959
  'List export'                 => '',
952 960
  'List of bank accounts'       => '',
  'List of bank collections'    => '',
953 962
  'List of bank transfers'      => '',
954 963
  'List of custom variables'    => '',
955 964
  'List open SEPA exports'      => '',
976 985
  'MAILED'                      => '',
977 986
978 987
  'Main Preferences'            => '',
  'Main sorting'                => '',
979 989
  'Make'                        => '',
980 990
  'Manage Custom Variables'     => '',
981 991
  'Manage license keys'         => '',
983 993
  'Mandatory Departments'       => '',
984 994
  'Mar'                         => '',
985 995
  'March'                       => '',
  'Margepercent'                => '',
  'Margetotal'                  => '',
986 998
  'Margins'                     => '',
987 999
  'Mark as closed'              => '',
988 1000
  'Mark as paid?'               => '',
1056 1068
  'No Vendor was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
1057 1069
  'No action defined.'          => '',
1058 1070
  'No backup file has been uploaded.' => '',
  'No bank information has been entered in this customer\'s master data entry. You cannot create bank collections unless you enter bank information.' => '',
1059 1072
  'No bank information has been entered in this vendor\'s master data entry. You cannot create bank transfers unless you enter bank information.' => '',
1060 1073
  'No bins have been added to this warehouse yet.' => '',
1061 1074
  'No customer has been selected yet.' => '',
1193 1206
  'Phone1'                      => '',
1194 1207
  'Phone2'                      => '',
1195 1208
  'Pick List'                   => '',
  'Please Check the bank information for each customer:' => '',
1196 1210
  'Please Check the bank information for each vendor:' => '',
1197 1211
  'Please ask your administrator to create warehouses and bins.' => '',
1198 1212
  'Please enter a license key.' => '',
1214 1228
  'Please select a vendor from the list below.' => '',
1215 1229
  'Please select the chart of accounts this installation is using from the list below.' => '',
1216 1230
  'Please select the database you want to backup' => '',
  'Please select the destination bank account for the collections:' => '',
1217 1232
  'Please select the source bank account for the transfers:' => '',
1218 1233
  'Please seletct the dataset you want to delete:' => '',
1219 1234
  'Please specify a description for the warehouse designated for these goods.' => '',
1231 1246
  'Preis'                       => '',
1232 1247
  'Preisgruppe'                 => '',
1233 1248
  'Preisklasse'                 => '',
  'Prepare bank collection via SEPA XML' => '',
1234 1250
  'Prepare bank transfer via SEPA XML' => '',
1235 1251
  'Prepayment'                  => '',
1236 1252
  'Preview'                     => '',
1285 1301
  'Purchase Prices'             => '',
1286 1302
  'Purchase delivery order'     => '',
1287 1303
  'Purchase invoices'           => '',
  'Purchase net amount'         => '',
  'Purchase price'              => '',
  'Purchase price total'        => '',
1288 1307
  'Purpose'                     => '',
1289 1308
  'Qty'                         => '',
1290 1309
  'Qty according to delivery order' => '',
1305 1324
  'Quote chararacter'           => '',
1306 1325
  'Quoted'                      => '',
1307 1326
  'RFQ'                         => '',
  'RFQ Date'                    => '',
1308 1328
  'RFQ Number'                  => '',
1309 1329
  'RFQs'                        => '',
1310 1330
  'ROP'                         => '',
1326 1346
  'Reference missing!'          => '',
1327 1347
  'Release From Stock'          => '',
1328 1348
  'Remaining'                   => '',
  'Remittance information prefix' => '',
1329 1350
  'Removal'                     => '',
1330 1351
  'Removal from Warehouse'      => '',
1331 1352
  'Removal from warehouse'      => '',
1357 1378
  'Revenue Account'             => '',
1358 1379
  'Revenues EU with UStId'      => '',
1359 1380
  'Revenues EU without UStId'   => '',
  'Review of Aging list'        => '',
1360 1382
  'Right'                       => '',
1361 1383
  'SAVED'                       => '',
1362 1384
  'SAVED FOR DUNNING'           => '',
1363 1385
  'SCREENED'                    => '',
1364 1386
  'SEPA XML download'           => '',
  'SEPA creditor ID'            => '',
1365 1388
  'SEPA exports:'               => '',
  'SEPA strings'                => '',
1366 1390
  'Saldo Credit'                => '',
1367 1391
  'Saldo Debit'                 => '',
1368 1392
  'Saldo neu'                   => '',
1372 1396
  'Sales Invoices'              => '',
1373 1397
  'Sales Order'                 => '',
1374 1398
  'Sales Orders'                => '',
  'Sales Report'                => '',
1375 1400
  'Sales and purchase invoices with inventory transactions with taxkeys' => '',
1376 1401
  'Sales delivery order'        => '',
1377 1402
  'Sales invoice number'        => '',
1378 1403
  'Sales invoices'              => '',
  'Sales margin'                => '',
  'Sales margin %'              => '',
  'Sales net amount'            => '',
  'Sales price'                 => '',
  'Sales price total'           => '',
1379 1409
  'Sales quotation'             => '',
1380 1410
  'Salesman'                    => '',
1381 1411
  'Salesperson'                 => '',
1558 1588
  'The GL transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
1559 1589
  'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/' => '',
1560 1590
  'The SEPA export has been created.' => '',
  'The SEPA strings have been saved.' => '',
1561 1592
  'The access rights have been saved.' => '',
1562 1593
  'The account 3804 already exists, the update will be skipped.' => '',
1563 1594
  'The account 3804 will not be added automatically.' => '',
1892 1923
  'You have to create at least one group, grant it access to Lx-Office\'s functions and assign users to it.' => '',
1893 1924
  'You have to create new Buchungsgruppen for all the combinations of inventory, income and expense accounts that have been used already.' => '',
1894 1925
  'You have to enter a company name in your user preferences (see the "Program" menu, "Preferences").' => '',
  'You have to enter the SEPA creditor ID in your user preferences (see the "Program" menu, "Preferences").' => '',
1895 1927
  'You have to fill in at least an account number, the bank code, the IBAN and the BIC.' => '',
1896 1928
  'You have to specify a department.' => '',
1897 1929
  'You have to specify an execution date for each antry.' => '',
1919 1951
  'as at'                       => '',
1920 1952
  'assembly_list'               => '',
1921 1953
  'back'                        => '',
  'bank_collection_payment_list_#1' => '',
1922 1955
  'bank_transfer_payment_list_#1' => '',
1923 1956
  'bankaccounts'                => '',
1924 1957
  'banktransfers'               => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff