kivitendo/js/kivi.File.js @ 53bc3e68
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | namespace('kivi.File', function(ns) {
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann | ns.list_div_id = undefined;
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | |||
ns.rename = function(id,type,file_type,checkbox_class,is_global) {
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | var $dlg = $('#rename_dialog_'+file_type);
69e526ee | Moritz Bunkus | var parent_id = $dlg.parent("div.ui-tabs-panel").attr('id');
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | var checkboxes = $('.'+checkbox_class).filter(function () { return $(this).prop('checked'); });
if (checkboxes.size() === 0) {
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | alert(kivi.t8("No file selected, please set one checkbox!"));
return false;
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | if (checkboxes.size() > 1) {
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | alert(kivi.t8("More than one file selected, please set only one checkbox!"));
return false;
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | var file_id = checkboxes[0].value;
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | $('#newfilename_id_'+file_type).val($('#filename_'+file_id).text());
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | kivi.popup_dialog({
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | id: 'rename_dialog_'+file_type,
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | dialog: { title: kivi.t8("Rename attachment")
, width: 400
, height: 200
69e526ee | Moritz Bunkus | , modal: true
, close: function() {
$dlg.remove().appendTo('#' + parent_id);
c60cb1f0 | Martin Helmling | }
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | return true;
33749625 | Martin Helmling | |||
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | ns.renameclose = function(file_type) {
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | return false;
33749625 | Martin Helmling | |||
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | ns.renameaction = function(file_type) {
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | var data = {
action: 'File/ajax_rename',
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | id: $('#rename_id_id_'+file_type).val(),
to: $('#newfilename_id_'+file_type).val(),
next_ids: $('#next_ids_id_'+file_type).val(),
is_global: $('#is_global_id_'+file_type).val(),
sessionfile: $('#sessionfile_id_'+file_type).val(),
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | };
$.post("", data, kivi.eval_json_result);
return true;
33749625 | Martin Helmling | |||
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | ns.askForRename = function(file_id,file_type,file_name,sessionfile,next_ids,is_global) {
$('#rename_extra_text_'+file_type).html(kivi.t8("The uploaded filename still exists.<br>If you not modify the name this is a new version of the file"));
var $dlg = $('#rename_dialog_'+file_type);
c60cb1f0 | Martin Helmling | var parent_id = $dlg.parent("div.ui-tabs-panel").attr('id');
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | kivi.popup_dialog(
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | id: 'rename_dialog_'+file_type,
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | dialog: { title: kivi.t8("Rename attachment")
, width: 400
, height: 200
c60cb1f0 | Martin Helmling | , modal: true
, close: function() {
$dlg.remove().appendTo('#' + parent_id);
} }
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | }
ns.upload = function(id,type,filetype,upload_title,gl) {
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann | $('#upload_status_dialog').remove();
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | kivi.popup_dialog({ url: '',
data: { action: 'File/ajax_upload',
file_type: filetype,
object_type: type,
object_id: id,
is_global: gl
id: 'files_upload',
dialog: { title: upload_title, width: 650, height: 240 } });
return true;
ns.reset_upload_form = function() {
ns.allow_upload_submit = function() {
0959c4af | Sven Schöling | const disable = $('#upload_files').val() === '';
$('#upload_selected_button').prop('disabled', disable)
.toggleClass('disabled', disable);
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | }
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann | ns.upload_status_dialog = function() {
var html = '<div id="upload_status_dialog"><p><div id="upload_result"></div></p>';
html = html + '<p><input type="button" value="' + kivi.t8('close') + '" size="30" onclick="$(\'#upload_status_dialog\').dialog(\'close\');">';
html = html + '</p></div>';
$(html).hide().appendTo('#' + ns.list_div_id);
kivi.popup_dialog({id: 'upload_status_dialog',
dialog: {title: kivi.t8('Upload Status'),
height: 200,
width: 650 }});
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | ns.upload_selected_files = function(id,type,filetype,maxsize,is_global) {
var myform = document.getElementById("upload_form");
var myfiles = document.getElementById("upload_files").files;
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
ns.upload_files(id, type, filetype, maxsize,is_global, myfiles, myform);
ns.upload_files = function(id, type, filetype, maxsize, is_global, myfiles, myform) {
var filesize = 0;
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | for ( i=0; i < myfiles.length; i++ ) {
var fname ='';
try {
filesize += myfiles[i].size;
fname = encodeURIComponent(myfiles[i].name);
catch(err) {
fname ='';
try {
fname = myfiles[i].name;
catch(err2) { fname ='';}
$("#upload_result").html(kivi.t8("filename has not uploadable characters ")+fname);
33749625 | Martin Helmling | return;
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | }
if ( filesize > maxsize ) {
$("#upload_result").html(kivi.t8("filesize too big: ")+
filesize+ kivi.t8(" bytes, max=") + maxsize );
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann | var fd = new FormData(myform);
if (!myform) {
$(myfiles).each(function(idx, elt) {
fd.append('uploadfiles[+]', elt);
fd.append('action', 'File/ajax_files_uploaded');
fd.append('json', 1);
fd.append('object_type', type);
fd.append('object_id', id);
fd.append('file_type', filetype);
fd.append('is_global', is_global);
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.onload = ns.attSuccess;
oReq.upload.onprogress = ns.attProgress;
oReq.upload.onerror = ns.attFailed;
oReq.upload.onabort = ns.attCanceled;
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann |"post", '', true);
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | $("#upload_result").html(kivi.t8("start upload"));
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann | oReq.send(fd);
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | }
ns.attProgress = function(oEvent) {
if (oEvent.lengthComputable) {
var percentComplete = (oEvent.loaded / * 100;
$("#upload_result").html(percentComplete+" % "+ kivi.t8("uploaded"));
ns.attFailed = function(evt) {
$("#upload_result").html(kivi.t8("An error occurred while transferring the file."));
ns.attCanceled = function(evt) {
$("#upload_result").html(kivi.t8("The transfer has been canceled by the user."));
ns.attSuccess = function() {
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann | $('#upload_status_dialog').dialog('close');
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | $('#files_upload').dialog('close');
ns.delete = function(id,type,file_type,checkbox_class,is_global) {
var checkboxes = $('.'+checkbox_class).filter(function () { return $(this).prop('checked'); });
33749625 | Martin Helmling | if ((checkboxes.size() === 0) ||
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | !confirm(kivi.t8('Do you really want to delete the selected documents?')))
return false;
var data = {
action : 'File/ajax_delete',
object_id : id,
object_type: type,
file_type : file_type,
ids : checkbox_class,
is_global : is_global,
$.post("" + checkboxes.serialize(), data, kivi.eval_json_result);
return false;
31378f48 | Werner Hahn | ns.delete_file = function(id,controller_action) {
$.post('', { action: controller_action, id: id }, function(data) {
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | ns.unimport = function(id,type,file_type,checkbox_class) {
var checkboxes = $('.'+checkbox_class).filter(function () { return $(this).prop('checked'); });
33749625 | Martin Helmling | if ((checkboxes.size() === 0) ||
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | !confirm(kivi.t8('Do you really want to unimport the selected documents?')))
return false;
var data = {
action : 'File/ajax_unimport',
object_id : id,
object_type: type,
file_type : file_type,
ids : checkbox_class,
$.post("" + checkboxes.serialize(), data, kivi.eval_json_result);
return false;
ns.update = function(id,type,file_type,is_global) {
var data = {
action: 'File/list',
json: 1,
object_type: type,
object_id: id,
file_type: file_type,
is_global: is_global
$.post("", data, kivi.eval_json_result);
return false;
ns.import = function (id,type,file_type,fromwhere,frompath) {
kivi.popup_dialog({ url: '',
data: { action : 'File/ajax_importdialog',
object_type : type,
source : fromwhere,
path : frompath,
file_type : file_type,
object_id : id
id: 'import_dialog',
dialog: { title: kivi.t8('Import documents from #1',[fromwhere]), width: 420, height: 540 }
return true;
9fd5b006 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | ns.importclose = function() {
return false;
9fd5b006 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | ns.importaction = function(id,type,file_type,fromwhere,frompath,checkbox_class) {
var checkboxes = $('.'+checkbox_class).filter(function () { return $(this).prop('checked'); });
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | $("#import_dialog").dialog('close');
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | if (checkboxes.size() === 0) {
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | return false;
var data = {
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | action : 'File/ajax_import',
object_id : id,
object_type: type,
file_type : file_type,
source : fromwhere,
path : frompath,
ids : checkbox_class
$.post("" + checkboxes.serialize(), data, kivi.eval_json_result);
return true;
65922b0d | Martin Helmling | ns.downloadOrderitemsFiles = function(type,id) {
c19956a7 | Martin Helmling | var data = {
65922b0d | Martin Helmling | action: 'DownloadZip/download_orderitems_files',
object_type: type,
object_id: id,
element_type: 'part',
zipname: 'Order_Files_'+id,
$.download("", data);
return false;
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann | |||
7de440bf | Bernd Bleßmann | ns.add_enlarged_thumbnail = function(e) {
var file_id = $('file-id');
2e28a755 | Bernd Bleßmann | var file_version = $('file-version');
7de440bf | Bernd Bleßmann | var overlay_img_id = 'enlarged_thumb_' + file_id;
2e28a755 | Bernd Bleßmann | if (file_version) { overlay_img_id = overlay_img_id + '_' + file_version };
7de440bf | Bernd Bleßmann | var overlay_img = $('#' + overlay_img_id);
if ('is-overlay-shown') == 1) return;
||||'is-overlay-shown', 1);
if ('is-overlay-loaded') == 1) return;
var data = {
action: 'File/ajax_get_thumbnail',
file_id: file_id,
2e28a755 | Bernd Bleßmann | file_version: file_version,
7de440bf | Bernd Bleßmann | size: 512
$.post("", data, kivi.eval_json_result);
ns.remove_enlarged_thumbnail = function(e) {
$('is-overlay-shown', 0);
$('.thumbnail').on('mouseover', ns.add_enlarged_thumbnail);
11560e68 | Bernd Bleßmann | = function(e) {
var file_id = $('file-id');
var file_version = $('file-version');
var data = {
action: 'File/download',
id: file_id,
version: file_version,
$.post("", data, kivi.eval_json_result);
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann | ns.init = function() {
// Preventing page from redirecting
$("#" + ns.list_div_id).on("dragover", function(e) {
$("#" + ns.list_div_id).on("drop", function(e) {
// Drag enter
$('.upload_drop_zone').on('dragenter', function (e) {
// Drag over
$('.upload_drop_zone').on('dragover', function (e) {
// Drop
$('.upload_drop_zone').on('drop', function (e) {
var object_type = $('object-type');
var object_id = $('object-id');
var file_type = $('file-type');
var is_global = $('is-global');
var maxsize = $('maxsize');
var files = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
ns.upload_files(object_id, object_type, file_type, maxsize, is_global, files);
7de440bf | Bernd Bleßmann | $('.thumbnail').on('mouseover', ns.add_enlarged_thumbnail);
$('.overlay_img').on('mouseout', ns.remove_enlarged_thumbnail);
11560e68 | Bernd Bleßmann | $('.overlay_div img').on('click',;
d04d57fd | Bernd Bleßmann | };
c342d50b | Bernd Bleßmann | ns.doc_tab_init = function(tabs_id, doc_tab_id, id, object_type) {
var url = '' + object_type + '&object_id=' + $('#id').val();
$('#' + tabs_id).on('tabsbeforeactivate', function(e, ui) {
if (ui.newPanel.attr('id') !== doc_tab_id) return;
$('#' + doc_tab_id).html(kivi.t8('Loading...'));
$('#' + doc_tab_id).load(url);
$('#' + tabs_id).on('tabscreate', function(e, ui) {
if (ui.panel.attr('id') !== doc_tab_id) return;
$('#' + doc_tab_id).html(kivi.t8('Loading...'));
$('#' + doc_tab_id).load(url);
a6e0a7f4 | Bernd Bleßmann | ns.toggle_versions = function(file_id) {
if ($('#version_toggle_' + file_id).data('versions_expanded')) {
$('.version_row_' + file_id).hide();
$('#version_toggle_' + file_id).data('versions_expanded', 0);
$('#version_toggle_' + file_id).html("⏷ ");
} else {
$('.version_row_' + file_id).show();
$('#version_toggle_' + file_id).data('versions_expanded', 1);
$('#version_toggle_' + file_id).html("⏶ ");
0bfbcce6 | Martin Helmling | });