Revision 51072516
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 7 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use SL::DB::Inventory;
use SL::DB::Stocktaking;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::Warehouse;
use SL::DB::Unit;
use SL::DB::Default;
use SL::WH;
use SL::ReportGenerator;
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
... | ... | |
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::Helper::Flash;
use SL::Controller::Helper::ReportGenerator;
use SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(warehouses units) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(warehouses units is_stocktaking stocktaking_models stocktaking_cutoff_date) ],
'scalar' => [ qw(warehouse bin unit part) ],
__PACKAGE__->run_before('load_part_from_form', only => [ qw(stock_in part_changed mini_stock stock) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('load_unit_from_form', only => [ qw(stock_in part_changed mini_stock stock) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('load_wh_from_form', only => [ qw(stock_in warehouse_changed stock) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('load_bin_from_form', only => [ qw(stock_in stock) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('load_part_from_form', only => [ qw(stock_in part_changed mini_stock stock stocktaking_part_changed save_stocktaking) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('load_unit_from_form', only => [ qw(stock_in part_changed mini_stock stock stocktaking_part_changed save_stocktaking) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('load_wh_from_form', only => [ qw(stock_in warehouse_changed stock stocktaking save_stocktaking) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('load_bin_from_form', only => [ qw(stock_in stock stocktaking save_stocktaking) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('set_target_from_part', only => [ qw(part_changed) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('mini_stock', only => [ qw(stock_in mini_stock) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('sanitize_target', only => [ qw(stock_usage stock_in warehouse_changed part_changed) ]);
__PACKAGE__->run_before('sanitize_target', only => [ qw(stock_usage stock_in warehouse_changed part_changed stocktaking stocktaking_part_changed save_stocktaking) ]);
sub action_stock_in {
... | ... | |
sub action_stocktaking {
my ($self) = @_;
$::request->{layout}->use_javascript("${_}.js") for qw(kivi.Inventory);
$self->render('inventory/stocktaking/form', title => t8('Stocktaking'));
sub action_save_stocktaking {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->js->flash('error', t8('A target quantitiy has to be given'))->render()
if $::form->{target_qty} eq '';
my $target_qty = $::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $::form->{target_qty});
return $self->js->flash('error', t8('Error: A negative target quantity is not allowed.'))->render()
if $target_qty < 0;
my $stocked_qty = _get_stocked_qty($self->part,
warehouse_id => $self->warehouse->id,
bin_id => $self->bin->id,
chargenumber => $::form->{chargenumber},
bestbefore => $::form->{bestbefore},);
my $stocked_qty_in_form_units = $self->part->unit_obj->convert_to($stocked_qty, $self->unit);
if (!$::form->{dont_check_already_counted}) {
my $already_counted = _already_counted($self->part,
warehouse_id => $self->warehouse->id,
bin_id => $self->bin->id,
cutoff_date => $::form->{cutoff_date_as_date},
chargenumber => $::form->{chargenumber},
bestbefore => $::form->{bestbefore});
if (scalar @$already_counted) {
my $reply = $self->js->dialog->open({
html => $self->render('inventory/stocktaking/_already_counted_dialog',
{ output => 0 },
already_counted => $already_counted,
stocked_qty => $stocked_qty,
stocked_qty_in_form_units => $stocked_qty_in_form_units),
id => 'already_counted_dialog',
dialog => {
title => t8('Already counted'),
return $reply;
# - target_qty is in units given in form ($self->unit)
# - WH->transfer expects qtys in given unit (here: unit from form (unit -> $self->unit))
# Therefore use stocked_qty in form units for calculation.
my $qty = $target_qty - $stocked_qty_in_form_units;
my $src_or_dst = $qty < 0? 'src' : 'dst';
$qty = abs($qty);
my $transfer_error;
# do stock
$::form->throw_on_error(sub {
eval {
parts => $self->part,
$src_or_dst.'_bin' => $self->bin,
$src_or_dst.'_wh' => $self->warehouse,
qty => $qty,
unit => $self->unit,
transfer_type => 'stocktaking',
chargenumber => $::form->{chargenumber},
bestbefore => $::form->{bestbefore},
ean => $::form->{ean},
comment => $::form->{comment},
record_stocktaking => 1,
stocktaking_qty => $target_qty,
stocktaking_cutoff_date => $::form->{cutoff_date_as_date},
} or do { $transfer_error = $EVAL_ERROR->getMessage; }
return $self->js->flash('error', $transfer_error)->render()
if $transfer_error;
flash_later('info', $::locale->text('Part successful counted'));
$self->redirect_to(action => 'stocktaking',
warehouse_id => $self->warehouse->id,
bin_id => $self->bin->id,
cutoff_date_as_date => $self->stocktaking_cutoff_date->to_kivitendo);
sub action_reload_stocktaking_history {
my ($self) = @_;
$::form->{filter}{'cutoff_date:date'} = $self->stocktaking_cutoff_date->to_kivitendo;
$::form->{filter}{'employee_id'} = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id;
$self->report_generator_list_objects(report => $self->{report}, objects => $self->stocktaking_models->get, layout => 0, header => 0);
sub action_stocktaking_part_changed {
my ($self) = @_;
->replaceWith('#unit_id', $self->build_unit_select)
sub action_stocktaking_journal {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->prepare_stocktaking_report(full => 1);
$self->report_generator_list_objects(report => $self->{report}, objects => $self->stocktaking_models->get);
sub _check_auth {
... | ... | |
sub init_is_stocktaking {
return $_[0]->action_name =~ m{stocktaking};
sub init_stocktaking_models {
my ($self) = @_;
controller => $self,
model => 'Stocktaking',
sorted => {
_default => {
by => 'itime',
dir => 0,
itime => t8('Insert Date'),
qty => t8('Target Qty'),
chargenumber => t8('Charge Number'),
comment => t8('Comment'),
employee => t8('Employee'),
ean => t8('EAN'),
partnumber => t8('Part Number'),
part => t8('Part Description'),
bin => t8('Bin'),
cutoff_date => t8('Cutoff Date'),
with_objects => ['employee', 'parts', 'warehouse', 'bin'],
sub init_stocktaking_cutoff_date {
my ($self) = @_;
return DateTime->from_kivitendo($::form->{cutoff_date_as_date}) if $::form->{cutoff_date_as_date};
return SL::DB::Default->get->stocktaking_cutoff_date if SL::DB::Default->get->stocktaking_cutoff_date;
# Default cutoff date is last day of current year, but if current month
# is janurary, it is the last day of the last year.
my $now = DateTime->now_local;
my $cutoff = DateTime->new(year => $now->year, month => 12, day => 31);
if ($now->month < 1) {
$cutoff->substract(years => 1);
return $cutoff;
sub set_target_from_part {
my ($self) = @_;
... | ... | |
sub load_wh_from_form {
$_[0]->warehouse(SL::DB::Manager::Warehouse->find_by_or_create(id => $::form->{warehouse_id}));
my $preselected;
$preselected = SL::DB::Default->get->stocktaking_warehouse_id if $_[0]->is_stocktaking;
$_[0]->warehouse(SL::DB::Manager::Warehouse->find_by_or_create(id => ($::form->{warehouse_id} || $preselected)));
sub load_bin_from_form {
$_[0]->bin(SL::DB::Manager::Bin->find_by_or_create(id => $::form->{bin_id}));
my $preselected;
$preselected = SL::DB::Default->get->stocktaking_bin_id if $_[0]->is_stocktaking;
$_[0]->bin(SL::DB::Manager::Bin->find_by_or_create(id => ($::form->{bin_id} || $preselected)));
sub set_layout {
... | ... | |
sub prepare_stocktaking_report {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $callback = $self->stocktaking_models->get_callback;
my $report = SL::ReportGenerator->new(\%::myconfig, $::form);
$self->{report} = $report;
my @columns = qw(itime employee ean partnumber part qty unit bin chargenumber comment cutoff_date);
my @sortable = qw(itime employee ean partnumber part qty bin chargenumber comment cutoff_date);
my %column_defs = (
itime => { sub => sub { $_[0]->itime_as_timestamp },
text => t8('Insert Date'), },
employee => { sub => sub { $_[0]->employee->safe_name },
text => t8('Employee'), },
ean => { sub => sub { $_[0]->part->ean },
text => t8('EAN'), },
partnumber => { sub => sub { $_[0]->part->partnumber },
text => t8('Part Number'), },
part => { sub => sub { $_[0]->part->description },
text => t8('Part Description'), },
qty => { sub => sub { $_[0]->qty_as_number },
text => t8('Target Qty'),
align => 'right', },
unit => { sub => sub { $_[0]->part->unit },
text => t8('Unit'), },
bin => { sub => sub { $_[0]->bin->full_description },
text => t8('Bin'), },
chargenumber => { text => t8('Charge Number'), },
comment => { text => t8('Comment'), },
cutoff_date => { sub => sub { $_[0]->cutoff_date_as_date },
text => t8('Cutoff Date'), },
std_column_visibility => 1,
controller_class => 'Inventory',
output_format => 'HTML',
title => (!!$params{full})? $::locale->text('Stocktaking Journal') : $::locale->text('Stocktaking History'),
allow_pdf_export => !!$params{full},
allow_csv_export => !!$params{full},
$report->set_export_options(qw(stocktaking_journal filter));
$self->stocktaking_models->disable_plugin('paginated') if $report->{options}{output_format} =~ /^(pdf|csv)$/i;
$self->stocktaking_models->set_report_generator_sort_options(report => $report, sortable_columns => \@sortable) if !!$params{full};
if (!!$params{full}) {
raw_top_info_text => $self->render('inventory/stocktaking/full_report_top', { output => 0 }),
raw_bottom_info_text => $self->render('inventory/stocktaking/report_bottom', { output => 0 }),
sub _get_stocked_qty {
my ($part, %params) = @_;
my $bestbefore_filter = '';
my $bestbefore_val_cnt = 0;
if ($::instance_conf->get_show_bestbefore) {
$bestbefore_filter = ($params{bestbefore}) ? 'AND bestbefore = ?' : 'AND bestbefore IS NULL';
$bestbefore_val_cnt = ($params{bestbefore}) ? 1 : 0;
my $query = <<SQL;
SELECT sum(qty) FROM inventory
WHERE parts_id = ? AND warehouse_id = ? AND bin_id = ? AND chargenumber = ? $bestbefore_filter
GROUP BY warehouse_id, bin_id, chargenumber
my @values = ($part->id,
push @values, $params{bestbefore} if $bestbefore_val_cnt;
my ($stocked_qty) = selectrow_query($::form, $::form->get_standard_dbh, $query, @values);
return 1*($stocked_qty || 0);
sub _already_counted {
my ($part, %params) = @_;
my %bestbefore_filter;
if ($::instance_conf->get_show_bestbefore) {
%bestbefore_filter = (bestbefore => $params{bestbefore});
SL::DB::Manager::Stocktaking->get_all(query => [and => [parts_id => $part->id,
warehouse_id => $params{warehouse_id},
bin_id => $params{bin_id},
cutoff_date => $params{cutoff_date},
chargenumber => $params{chargenumber},
sort_by => ['itime DESC']);
sub setup_stock_in_action_bar {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
... | ... | |
sub setup_stock_stocktaking_action_bar {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
call => [ 'kivi.Inventory.save_stocktaking' ],
accesskey => 'enter',
... | ... | |
=head1 NAME
SL::Controller::Inventory - Report Controller for inventory
SL::Controller::Inventory - Controller for inventory
This controller makes three reports about inventory in warehouses/stocks
This controller handles stock in, stocktaking and reports about inventory
in warehouses/stocks
- warehouse content
... | ... | |
- warehouse withdrawal
- stocktaking
=head2 Stocktaking
Stocktaking allows to document the counted quantities of parts during
stocktaking for a certain cutoff date. Differences between counted and stocked
quantities are corrected in the stock. The transfer type 'stocktacking' is set
After picking a part, the mini stock for this part is displayed. At the bottom
of the form a history of already counted parts for the current employee and the
choosen cutoff date is shown.
Warehouse, bin and cutoff date canbe preselected in the client configuration.
If a part was already counted for this cutoff date, warehouse and bin, a warning
is displayed, allowing the user to choose to add the counted quantity to the
stocked one or to take his counted quantity as the new stocked quantity.
There is also a journal of stocktakings.
Templates are located under C<templates/webpages/inventory/stocktaking>.
JavaScript functions can be found in C<js/kivi.Inventory.js>.
=over 4
... | ... | |
The manual pagination is implemented like the pagination in SL::Controller::CsvImport.
=item C<action_stocktaking>
This action renders the input form for stocktaking.
=item C<action_save_stocktaking>
This action saves the stocktaking values and corrects the stock after checking
if the part is already counted for this warehouse, bin and cutoff date.
For saving SL::WH->transfer is called.
=item C<action_reload_stocktaking_history>
This action is responsible for displaying the stocktaking history at the bottom
of the form. It uses the stocktaking journal with fixed filters for cutoff date
and the current employee. The history is displayed via javascript.
=item C<action_stocktaking_part_changed>
This action is called after the user selected or changed the part.
=item C<is_stocktaking>
This is a method to check if actions are called from stocktaking form.
... | ... | |
=head1 AUTHOR
only for C<action_stock_usage> and C<action_usage>:
=over 4
=item only for C<action_stock_usage> and C<action_usage>:
Martin Helmling E<lt>martin.helmling@opendynamic.deE<gt>
=item for stocktaking:
Bernd Bleßmann E<lt>bernd@kivitendo-premium.deE<gt>
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Inventur: Eingabemaske und Journal im Inventory-Controller