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Revision 4ac2976f

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 12 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 4ac2976f86e7747ecf69a4e7b64f155343e984ae
  • Vorgänger 5175a512
  • Nachfolger 50c2f228

Änderbarkeit und Löschbarkeit von Belegen in Mandantenkonfiguration einstellbar.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

48 48
  'AP Transaction Storno (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
49 49
  'AP Transaction with Storno (abbreviation)' => '',
50 50
  'AP Transactions'             => 'Purchase Transactions',
  'AP transactions changeable'  => '',
51 52
  'AP transactions with sales taxkeys and/or AR transactions with input taxkeys' => '',
52 53
  'AR'                          => 'Sales',
53 54
  'AR Aging'                    => 'Debtor Aging',
54 55
  'AR Transaction'              => 'Sales Transaction',
55 56
  'AR Transaction (abbreviation)' => '',
56 57
  'AR Transactions'             => 'Sales Transactions',
  'AR transactions changeable'  => '',
57 59
  'ASSETS'                      => '',
58 60
  'ATTENTION! If you enabled this feature you can not simply turn it off again without taking care that best_before fields are emptied in the database.' => '',
59 61
  'ATTENTION! You can not simply change it from periodic to perpetual once you started posting.' => '',
895 897
  'Full access to all functions' => '',
896 898
  'Fwd'                         => 'Forward',
897 899
  'GL Transaction'              => '',
  'GL transactions changeable'  => '',
898 901
  'Gegenkonto'                  => '',
899 902
  'Gender'                      => '',
900 903
  'General Ledger'              => '',
1484 1487
  'Purchase Prices'             => '',
1485 1488
  'Purchase delivery order'     => '',
1486 1489
  'Purchase invoices'           => '',
  'Purchase invoices changeable' => '',
1487 1491
  'Purchase net amount'         => '',
1488 1492
  'Purchase price'              => '',
1489 1493
  'Purchase price total'        => '',
1589 1593
  'Sales delivery order'        => '',
1590 1594
  'Sales invoice number'        => '',
1591 1595
  'Sales invoices'              => '',
  'Sales invoices changeable'   => '',
1592 1597
  'Sales margin'                => '',
1593 1598
  'Sales margin %'              => '',
1594 1599
  'Sales net amount'            => '',
1677 1682
  'Shipto is in use and was flagged invalid.' => '',
1678 1683
  'Shopartikel'                 => '',
1679 1684
  'Short'                       => '',
  'Should ap transactions be and when should they be changeable or deleteable after posting?' => '',
  'Should ar transactions be and when should they be changeable or deleteable after posting?' => '',
  'Should gl transactions be and when should they be changeable or deleteable after posting?' => '',
1680 1688
  'Should payments be and when should they be changeable after posting?' => '',
  'Should purchase invoices be and when should they be deleteable after posting?' => '',
  'Should sales invoices be and when should they be changeable or deleteable after posting?' => '',
1681 1691
  'Show'                        => '',
1682 1692
  'Show Bestbefore'             => '',
1683 1693
  'Show Filter'                 => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff