Revision 4000272e
Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 13 Jahren hinzugefügt
bin/mozilla/ | ||
242 | 242 |
| if $form->{selectdepartment}; |
243 | 243 |
244 | 244 |
$form->get_lists("projects" => { "key" => "ALL_PROJECTS", |
245 |
"all" => 1 }); |
245 |
"all" => 1}, |
246 |
"employees" => "ALL_EMPLOYEES" ); |
246 | 247 |
247 | 248 |
my %project_labels = (); |
248 | 249 |
my @project_values = (""); |
... | ... | |
256 | 257 |
'-values' => \@project_values, |
257 | 258 |
'-labels' => \%project_labels)); |
258 | 259 |
260 |
my %employee_labels = (); |
261 |
my @employee_values = (""); |
262 |
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{"ALL_EMPLOYEES"} }) { |
263 |
# value in Form "1234--Name" ?bergeben |
264 |
my $id = "$item->{'id'}--$item->{'name'}"; |
265 |
push(@employee_values, "$id"); |
266 |
$employee_labels{$id} = $item->{"name"}; |
267 |
} |
268 |
269 |
my $employeenumber = |
270 |
NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => "employee", |
271 |
'-values' => \@employee_values, |
272 |
'-labels' => \%employee_labels)); |
273 |
259 | 274 |
# use JavaScript Calendar or not |
260 | 275 |
$form->{jsscript} = 1; |
261 | 276 |
my $jsscript = ""; |
... | ... | |
296 | 311 |
297 | 312 |
<form method=post> |
298 | 313 |
299 |
<input type=hidden name=sort value=transdate>
314 |
<input type=hidden name=sort value=datesort>
300 | 315 |
301 | 316 |
<table width=100%> |
302 | 317 |
<tr> |
... | ... | |
329 | 344 |
</tr> |
330 | 345 |
<tr> |
331 | 346 |
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('From') . qq|</th> |
347 |
<tr> |
348 |
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Employee') . qq|</th> |
349 |
<td colspan=3>$employeenumber</td> |
350 |
</tr> |
351 |
<tr> |
352 |
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('Date Sorting') . qq|</th> |
353 |
<td colspan=3> |
354 |
<input name=datesort class=radio type=radio value=gldate checked> | . $locale->text('Booking Date') . qq| |
355 |
<input name=datesort class=radio type=radio value=transdate> | . $locale->text('Invoice Date') . qq| |
356 |
</td> |
357 |
</tr> |
358 |
<tr> |
359 |
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('From') . qq|</th> |
332 | 360 |
$button1 |
333 | 361 |
<th align=right>| . $locale->text('To (time)') . qq|</th> |
334 | 362 |
$button2 |
... | ... | |
357 | 385 |
<td align=right><input name="l_id" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y></td> |
358 | 386 |
<td>| . $locale->text('ID') . qq|</td> |
359 | 387 |
<td align=right><input name="l_transdate" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td> |
360 |
<td>| . $locale->text('Date') . qq|</td> |
388 |
<td>| . $locale->text('Invoice Date') . qq|</td> |
389 |
<td align=right><input name="l_gldate" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td> |
390 |
<td>| . $locale->text('Booking Date') . qq|</td> |
361 | 391 |
<td align=right><input name="l_reference" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td> |
362 | 392 |
<td>| . $locale->text('Reference') . qq|</td> |
363 | 393 |
<td align=right><input name="l_description" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td> |
... | ... | |
380 | 410 |
<td>| . $locale->text('Subtotal') . qq|</td> |
381 | 411 |
<td align=right><input name="l_projectnumbers" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y></td> |
382 | 412 |
<td>| . $locale->text('Project Number') . qq|</td> |
413 |
<td align=right><input name="l_employee" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y></td> |
414 |
<td>| . $locale->text('Employee') . qq|</td> |
383 | 415 |
</tr> |
384 | 416 |
</table> |
385 | 417 |
</tr> |
... | ... | |
436 | 468 |
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig; |
437 | 469 |
my $locale = $main::locale; |
438 | 470 |
439 |
report_generator_set_default_sort('transdate', 1); |
471 |
# generate_report wird beim ersten Aufruf per Weiter-Knopf und POST mit der hidden Variablen sort mit Wert "datesort" (fr?her "transdate" als Defaultsortiervariable) ?bertragen |
472 |
473 |
# <form method=post> |
474 |
# <input type=hidden name=sort value=datesort> # form->{sort} setzen |
475 |
# <input type=hidden name=nextsub value=generate_report> |
476 |
477 |
# anhand von neuer Variable datesort wird jetzt $form->{sort} auf transdate oder gldate gesetzt |
478 |
# damit ist die Hidden Variable "sort" wahrscheinlich sogar ?berfl?ssig |
479 |
480 |
# ?ndert man die Sortierreihenfolge per Klick auf eine der ?berschriften wird die Variable "sort" per GET ?bergeben, z.B. id,transdate, gldate, ... |
481 |
# |
482 |
483 |
if ( $form->{sort} eq 'datesort' ) { # sollte bei einem Post (Aufruf aus Suchmaske) immer wahr sein |
484 |
# je nachdem ob in Suchmaske "transdate" oder "gldate" ausgesucht wurde erstes Suchergebnis entsprechend sortieren |
485 |
$form->{sort} = $form->{datesort}; |
486 |
}; |
487 |
488 |
# was passiert hier? |
489 |
report_generator_set_default_sort("$form->{datesort}", 1); |
490 |
# report_generator_set_default_sort('transdate', 1); |
440 | 491 |
441 | 492 |
GL->all_transactions(\%myconfig, \%$form); |
442 | 493 |
... | ... | |
457 | 508 |
my $ml = ($form->{ml} =~ /(A|E|Q)/) ? -1 : 1; |
458 | 509 |
459 | 510 |
my @columns = qw( |
460 |
transdate id reference description
461 |
notes source debit debit_accno |
511 |
gldate transdate id reference description
512 |
notes source debit debit_accno
462 | 513 |
credit credit_accno debit_tax debit_tax_accno |
463 | 514 |
credit_tax credit_tax_accno projectnumbers balance |
464 | 515 |
); |
465 | 516 |
466 |
my @hidden_variables = qw(accno source reference department description notes project_id datefrom dateto category l_subtotal); |
517 |
# add employee here, so that variable is still known and passed in url when choosing a different sort order in resulting table |
518 |
my @hidden_variables = qw(accno source reference department description notes project_id datefrom dateto employee datesort category l_subtotal); |
467 | 519 |
push @hidden_variables, map { "l_${_}" } @columns; |
520 |
foreach ( @hidden_variables ) { |
521 |
print URL "$_\n"; |
522 |
}; |
468 | 523 |
469 | 524 |
my (@options, @date_options); |
470 | 525 |
push @options, $locale->text('Account') . " : $form->{accno} $form->{account_description}" if ($form->{accno}); |
... | ... | |
472 | 527 |
push @options, $locale->text('Reference') . " : $form->{reference}" if ($form->{reference}); |
473 | 528 |
push @options, $locale->text('Description') . " : $form->{description}" if ($form->{description}); |
474 | 529 |
push @options, $locale->text('Notes') . " : $form->{notes}" if ($form->{notes}); |
475 |
530 |
push @options, $locale->text('Employee') . " : $form->{employee_name}" if ($form->{employee_name}); |
531 |
my $datesorttext = $form->{datesort} eq 'transdate' ? $locale->text('Invoice Date') : $locale->text('Booking Date'); |
532 |
push @date_options, "$datesorttext" if ($form->{datesort} and ($form->{datefrom} or $form->{dateto})); |
476 | 533 |
push @date_options, $locale->text('From'), $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{datefrom}, 1) if ($form->{datefrom}); |
477 | 534 |
push @date_options, $locale->text('Bis'), $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{dateto}, 1) if ($form->{dateto}); |
478 | 535 |
push @options, join(' ', @date_options) if (scalar @date_options); |
... | ... | |
484 | 541 |
485 | 542 |
486 | 543 |
my $callback = build_std_url('action=generate_report', grep { $form->{$_} } @hidden_variables); |
544 |
print URL $callback; |
545 |
close URL; |
487 | 546 |
488 | 547 |
$form->{l_credit_accno} = 'Y'; |
489 | 548 |
$form->{l_debit_accno} = 'Y'; |
490 | 549 |
$form->{l_credit_tax} = 'Y'; |
491 | 550 |
$form->{l_debit_tax} = 'Y'; |
551 |
# $form->{l_gldate} = 'Y'; # Spalte mit gldate immer anzeigen |
492 | 552 |
$form->{l_credit_tax_accno} = 'Y'; |
553 |
$form->{l_datesort} = 'Y'; |
493 | 554 |
$form->{l_debit_tax_accno} = 'Y'; |
494 | 555 |
$form->{l_balance} = $form->{accno} ? 'Y' : ''; |
495 | 556 |
496 | 557 |
my %column_defs = ( |
497 | 558 |
'id' => { 'text' => $locale->text('ID'), }, |
498 |
'transdate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Date'), }, |
559 |
'transdate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Invoice Date'), }, |
560 |
'gldate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Booking Date'), }, |
499 | 561 |
'reference' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Reference'), }, |
500 | 562 |
'source' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Source'), }, |
501 | 563 |
'description' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Description'), }, |
... | ... | |
510 | 572 |
'credit_tax_accno' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Credit Tax Account'), }, |
511 | 573 |
'balance' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Balance'), }, |
512 | 574 |
'projectnumbers' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Project Numbers'), }, |
575 |
'employee' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Employee'), }, |
513 | 576 |
); |
514 | 577 |
515 |
foreach my $name (qw(id transdate reference description debit_accno credit_accno debit_tax_accno credit_tax_accno)) { |
578 |
foreach my $name (qw(id transdate gldate reference description debit_accno credit_accno debit_tax_accno credit_tax_accno)) {
516 | 579 |
my $sortname = $name =~ m/accno/ ? 'accno' : $name; |
517 | 580 |
my $sortdir = $sortname eq $form->{sort} ? 1 - $form->{sortdir} : $form->{sortdir}; |
518 | 581 |
$column_defs{$name}->{link} = $callback . "&sort=$sortname&sortdir=$sortdir"; |
... | ... | |
523 | 586 |
524 | 587 |
my %column_alignment; |
525 | 588 |
map { $column_alignment{$_} = 'right' } qw(balance id debit credit debit_tax credit_tax balance); |
526 |
map { $column_alignment{$_} = 'center' } qw(reference debit_accno credit_accno debit_tax_accno credit_tax_accno); |
589 |
map { $column_alignment{$_} = 'center' } qw(transdate gldate reference debit_accno credit_accno debit_tax_accno credit_tax_accno);
527 | 590 |
map { $column_alignment{$_} = 'left' } qw(description source notes); |
528 | 591 |
map { $column_defs{$_}->{align} = $column_alignment{$_} } keys %column_alignment; |
529 | 592 |
... | ... | |
597 | 660 |
598 | 661 |
map { $row->{$_}->{data} = $ref->{$_} } qw(id reference description notes); |
599 | 662 |
600 |
map { $row->{$_}->{data} = \@{ $rows{$_} }; } qw(transdate debit credit debit_accno credit_accno debit_tax_accno credit_tax_accno source); |
663 |
map { $row->{$_}->{data} = \@{ $rows{$_} }; } qw(transdate gldate debit credit debit_accno credit_accno debit_tax_accno credit_tax_accno source);
601 | 664 |
602 | 665 |
foreach my $col (qw(debit_accno credit_accno debit_tax_accno credit_tax_accno)) { |
603 | 666 |
$row->{$col}->{link} = [ map { "${callback}&accno=" . E($_) } @{ $rows{$col} } ]; |
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Buchungsjournal: Bearbeiter und Buchungsdatum
- Buchungsjournal: Auswahl nach Bearbeiter einschränken
- Sortierung: Auswahl ob Buchungsjournal nach Buchungsdatum oder
Rechnungsdatum sortiert wird (Buchungsdatum ist Default)
- Datumsauswahl von-bis berücksichtigt ebenfalls Auswahl