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Revision 36ca259b

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor etwa 6 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 36ca259b22d6db98fc7a1bedef95d5f0e618c444
  • Vorgänger 71600b3a
  • Nachfolger 6dfb7b15

DisplayableNamePrefs: Überstzungen

Unterschiede anzeigen:

1010 1010
  'Display'                     => '',
1011 1011
  'Display file'                => '',
1012 1012
  'Display options'             => '',
  'Displayable Name Preferences' => '',
1013 1014
  'Do not change the tax rate of taxkey 0.' => '',
1014 1015
  'Do not check for duplicates' => '',
1015 1016
  'Do not link to a project.'   => '',
1107 1108
  'E-Mail-Journal'              => '',
1108 1109
  'E-mail'                      => '',
1109 1110
  'E-mail address missing!'     => '',
  'E.g. "<%customernumber%> <%name%>"' => '',
1110 1112
  'EAN'                         => '',
1111 1113
  'EAN-Code'                    => '',
1112 1114
  'EB-Wert'                     => '',
2121 2123
  'Open this Website'           => '',
2122 2124
  'OpenDocument/OASIS'          => '',
2123 2125
  'Openings'                    => '',
  'Option'                      => '',
2124 2127
  'Optional comment'            => '',
2125 2128
  'Options'                     => '',
2126 2129
  'Or download the whole Installation Documentation as PDF (350kB) for off-line study (currently in German Language): ' => '',
3213 3216
  'The discount must be less than 100%.' => '',
3214 3217
  'The discount must not be negative.' => '',
3215 3218
  'The discounted amount will be shown in documents.' => '',
  'The display of (mainly) picker results can be configured. To insert the value of one option use <%Name%>.' => '',
3216 3220
  'The document has been changed by another user. No mail was sent. Please reopen it in another window and copy the changes to the new window' => '',
3217 3221
  'The document has been changed by another user. Please reopen it in another window and copy the changes to the new window' => '',
3218 3222
  'The documents have been sent to the printer \'#1\'.' => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff