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Revision 2a49e661

Von Kivitendo Admin vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt

  • ID 2a49e66124890bc41816d0c7d3c5cebc55984828
  • Vorgänger 93c5375c
  • Nachfolger 2cfb8f20

Konten ausziffern - Dialogbuchungen prüfen

Ausgezifferte Buchungen sollten nicht mehr
bearbeitbar/stornierbar/löschbar sein.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

39 39
use List::Util qw(first sum);
40 40

41 41
use SL::DB::ApGl;
use SL::DB::Cleared;
42 43
use SL::DB::RecordTemplate;
43 44
use SL::DB::ReconciliationLink;
44 45
use SL::DB::BankTransactionAccTrans;
983 984
  my $form   = $::form;
984 985
  my $change_never            = $::instance_conf->get_gl_changeable == 0;
985 986
  my $change_on_same_day_only = $::instance_conf->get_gl_changeable == 2 && ($form->current_date(\%::myconfig) ne $form->{gldate});
  my ($is_linked_bank_transaction, $is_linked_ap_transaction, $is_reconciled_bank_transaction);
  my ($is_linked_bank_transaction, $is_linked_ap_transaction, $is_reconciled_bank_transaction, $is_cleared);
987 988

988 989
  if ($form->{id} && SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->find_by(gl_id => $form->{id})) {
989 990
    $is_linked_bank_transaction = 1;
991 992
  if ($form->{id} && SL::DB::Manager::ApGl->find_by(gl_id => $form->{id})) {
992 993
    $is_linked_ap_transaction = 1;
993 994
  # dont edit reconcilated bookings!
  # don't edit reconciled or cleared bookings!
995 996
  if ($form->{id}) {
996 997
    my @acc_trans_ids = map { $_->acc_trans_id } @{ SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(select => ["acc_trans_id"], where => [ trans_id => $form->{id} ] ) };
997 998
    if (scalar @acc_trans_ids && scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::ReconciliationLink->get_all(where => [ acc_trans_id  => [ @acc_trans_ids ] ]) }) {
998 999
      $is_reconciled_bank_transaction = 1;
999 1000
    if (scalar @acc_trans_ids && scalar @{ SL::DB::Manager::Cleared->get_all(where => [ acc_trans_id  => [ @acc_trans_ids ] ]) }) {
      $is_cleared = 1;
1000 1004
1001 1005
  my $create_post_action = sub {
1002 1006
    # $_[0]: description
1011 1015
                : $is_linked_bank_transaction               ? t8('This transaction is linked with a bank transaction. Please undo and redo the bank transaction booking if needed.')
1012 1016
                : $is_linked_ap_transaction                 ? t8('This transaction is linked with a AP transaction. Please undo and redo the AP transaction booking if needed.')
1013 1017
                : $is_reconciled_bank_transaction           ? t8('This transaction is reconciled with a bank transaction. Please undo the reconciliation if needed.')
                : $is_cleared                               ? t8('This transaction has been cleared. Please undo the clearing if needed.')
1014 1019
                : undef,
1015 1020
1016 1021
1044 1049
                    : $is_linked_bank_transaction ? t8('This transaction is linked with a bank transaction. Please undo and redo the bank transaction booking if needed.')
1045 1050
                    : $is_linked_ap_transaction   ? t8('This transaction is linked with a AP transaction. Please undo and redo the AP transaction booking if needed.')
1046 1051
                    : $is_reconciled_bank_transaction ? t8('This transaction is reconciled with a bank transaction. Please undo the reconciliation if needed.')
                    : $is_cleared                     ? t8('This transaction has been cleared. Please undo the clearing if needed.')
1047 1053
                    : undef,
1048 1054
1049 1055
        action => [ t8('Delete'),
1056 1062
                    : $is_linked_bank_transaction ? t8('This transaction is linked with a bank transaction. Please undo and redo the bank transaction booking if needed.')
1057 1063
                    : $is_linked_ap_transaction   ? t8('This transaction is linked with a AP transaction. Please undo and redo the AP transaction booking if needed.')
1058 1064
                    : $is_reconciled_bank_transaction ? t8('This transaction is reconciled with a bank transaction. Please undo the reconciliation if needed.')
                    : $is_cleared                     ? t8('This transaction has been cleared. Please undo the clearing if needed.')
1059 1066
                    : $form->{storno}             ? t8('A canceled general ledger transaction cannot be deleted.')
1060 1067
                    : undef,
1061 1068

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff