Revision 29458987
Von Moritz Bunkus vor fast 11 Jahren hinzugefügt
config/kivitendo.conf.default | ||
# Chose a system user the daemon should run under when started as root.
run_as =
# If you want email notifications for failed jobs then set this to a
# kivitendo user (login) name. The subject can be changed as well.
send_email_to =
# The "From:" header for said email.
email_from = kivitendo Daemon <root@localhost>
# The subject for said email.
email_subject = kivitendo Task-Server: Hintergrundjob fehlgeschlagen
# The template file used for the email's body.
email_template = templates/webpages/task_server/failure_notification_email.txt
# The user name a report about the posted and printed invoices is sent
# to.
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Task server: Fehlgeschlagene Jobs optional per E-Mail melden