# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web http://www.lx-office.org
# SQL-Ledger Accounting
# Copyright (C) 2001
# Author: Dieter Simader
# Email: dsimader@sql-ledger.org
# Web: http://www.sql-ledger.org
# Contributors:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1335, USA.
# General ledger backend code
# DS. 2000-07-04 Created
# DS. 2001-06-12 Changed relations from accno to chart_id
package GL;
use List::Util qw(first);
use Data::Dumper;
use SL::DBUtils;
use SL::DB::Chart;
use SL::DB::Draft;
use SL::DB::ValidityToken;
use SL::DB::GLTransaction;
use SL::Util qw(trim);
use SL::DB;
use strict;
sub delete_transaction {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
do_query($form, SL::DB->client->dbh, qq|DELETE FROM gl WHERE id = ?|, conv_i($form->{id}));
}) or do { die SL::DB->client->error };
sub post_transaction {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(\&_post_transaction, $self, $myconfig, $form);
return $rc;
sub _post_transaction {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $validity_token;
if (!$form->{id}) {
$validity_token = SL::DB::Manager::ValidityToken->fetch_valid_token(
scope => SL::DB::ValidityToken::SCOPE_GL_TRANSACTION_POST(),
token => $form->{form_validity_token},
die $::locale->text('The form is not valid anymore.') if !$validity_token;
my ($debit, $credit) = (0, 0);
my $project_id;
my $i;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
# post the transaction
# make up a unique handle and store in reference field
# then retrieve the record based on the unique handle to get the id
# replace the reference field with the actual variable
# add records to acc_trans
# if there is a $form->{id} replace the old transaction
# delete all acc_trans entries and add the new ones
if (!$form->{taxincluded}) {
$form->{taxincluded} = 0;
my ($query, $sth, @values, $taxkey, $rate, $posted);
if ($form->{id}) {
# delete individual transactions
$query = qq|DELETE FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = ?|;
@values = (conv_i($form->{id}));
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
} else {
$query = qq|SELECT nextval('glid')|;
($form->{id}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query);
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO gl (id, employee_id) | .
qq|VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM employee WHERE login = ?))|;
@values = ($form->{id}, $::myconfig{login});
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
$form->{ob_transaction} *= 1;
$form->{cb_transaction} *= 1;
$query =
reference = ?, description = ?, notes = ?,
transdate = ?, deliverydate = ?, tax_point = ?, department_id = ?, taxincluded = ?,
storno = ?, storno_id = ?, ob_transaction = ?, cb_transaction = ?,
transaction_description = ?
WHERE id = ?|;
@values = ($form->{reference}, $form->{description}, $form->{notes},
conv_date($form->{transdate}), conv_date($form->{deliverydate}), conv_date($form->{tax_point}), conv_i($form->{department_id}), $form->{taxincluded} ? 't' : 'f',
$form->{storno} ? 't' : 'f', conv_i($form->{storno_id}), $form->{ob_transaction} ? 't' : 'f', $form->{cb_transaction} ? 't' : 'f',
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
# insert acc_trans transactions
for $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
($form->{"tax_id_$i"}) = split(/--/, $form->{"taxchart_$i"});
if ($form->{"tax_id_$i"} ne "") {
$query = qq|SELECT taxkey, rate FROM tax WHERE id = ?|;
($taxkey, $rate) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, conv_i($form->{"tax_id_$i"}));
my $amount = 0;
my $debit = $form->{"debit_$i"};
my $credit = $form->{"credit_$i"};
my $tax = $form->{"tax_$i"};
if ($credit) {
$amount = $credit;
$posted = 0;
if ($debit) {
$amount = $debit * -1;
$tax = $tax * -1;
$posted = 0;
$project_id = conv_i($form->{"project_id_$i"});
# if there is an amount, add the record
if ($amount != 0) {
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate,
source, memo, project_id, taxkey, ob_transaction, cb_transaction, tax_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, (SELECT link FROM chart WHERE id = ?))|;
@values = (conv_i($form->{id}), $form->{"accno_id_$i"}, $amount, conv_date($form->{transdate}),
$form->{"source_$i"}, $form->{"memo_$i"}, $project_id, $taxkey, $form->{ob_transaction} ? 't' : 'f', $form->{cb_transaction} ? 't' : 'f', conv_i($form->{"tax_id_$i"}), $form->{"accno_id_$i"});
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
if ($tax != 0) {
# add taxentry
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate,
source, memo, project_id, taxkey, tax_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, (SELECT chart_id FROM tax WHERE id = ?),
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, (SELECT link
FROM chart
WHERE id = (SELECT chart_id
FROM tax
WHERE id = ?)))|;
@values = (conv_i($form->{id}), conv_i($form->{"tax_id_$i"}),
$tax, conv_date($form->{transdate}), $form->{"source_$i"},
$form->{"memo_$i"}, $project_id, $taxkey, conv_i($form->{"tax_id_$i"}), conv_i($form->{"tax_id_$i"}));
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
if ($form->{storno} && $form->{storno_id}) {
do_query($form, $dbh, qq|UPDATE gl SET storno = 't' WHERE id = ?|, conv_i($form->{storno_id}));
if ($form->{draft_id}) {
SL::DB::Manager::Draft->delete_all(where => [ id => delete($form->{draft_id}) ]);
# safety check datev export
if ($::instance_conf->get_datev_check_on_gl_transaction) {
# create datev object
my $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
dbh => $dbh,
trans_id => $form->{id},
if ($datev->errors) {
die join "\n", $::locale->text('DATEV check returned errors:'), $datev->errors;
$validity_token->delete if $validity_token;
delete $form->{form_validity_token};
return 1;
sub all_transactions {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my ($query, $sth, $source, $null, $space);
my ($glwhere, $arwhere, $apwhere) = ("1 = 1", "1 = 1", "1 = 1");
my (@glvalues, @arvalues, @apvalues);
if ($form->{reference}) {
$glwhere .= qq| AND g.reference ILIKE ?|;
$arwhere .= qq| AND a.invnumber ILIKE ?|;
$apwhere .= qq| AND a.invnumber ILIKE ?|;
push(@glvalues, like($form->{reference}));
push(@arvalues, like($form->{reference}));
push(@apvalues, like($form->{reference}));
if ($form->{department_id}) {
$glwhere .= qq| AND g.department_id = ?|;
$arwhere .= qq| AND a.department_id = ?|;
$apwhere .= qq| AND a.department_id = ?|;
push(@glvalues, $form->{department_id});
push(@arvalues, $form->{department_id});
push(@apvalues, $form->{department_id});
if ($form->{source}) {
$glwhere .= " AND ac.trans_id IN (SELECT trans_id from acc_trans WHERE source ILIKE ?)";
$arwhere .= " AND ac.trans_id IN (SELECT trans_id from acc_trans WHERE source ILIKE ?)";
$apwhere .= " AND ac.trans_id IN (SELECT trans_id from acc_trans WHERE source ILIKE ?)";
push(@glvalues, like($form->{source}));
push(@arvalues, like($form->{source}));
push(@apvalues, like($form->{source}));
# default Datumseinschränkung falls nicht oder falsch übergeben (sollte nie passieren)
$form->{datesort} = 'transdate' unless $form->{datesort} =~ /^(transdate|gldate)$/;
if (trim($form->{datefrom})) {
$glwhere .= " AND ac.$form->{datesort} >= ?";
$arwhere .= " AND ac.$form->{datesort} >= ?";
$apwhere .= " AND ac.$form->{datesort} >= ?";
push(@glvalues, trim($form->{datefrom}));
push(@arvalues, trim($form->{datefrom}));
push(@apvalues, trim($form->{datefrom}));
if (trim($form->{dateto})) {
$glwhere .= " AND ac.$form->{datesort} <= ?";
$arwhere .= " AND ac.$form->{datesort} <= ?";
$apwhere .= " AND ac.$form->{datesort} <= ?";
push(@glvalues, trim($form->{dateto}));
push(@arvalues, trim($form->{dateto}));
push(@apvalues, trim($form->{dateto}));
if (trim($form->{description})) {
$glwhere .= " AND g.description ILIKE ?";
$arwhere .= " AND ct.name ILIKE ?";
$apwhere .= " AND ct.name ILIKE ?";
push(@glvalues, like($form->{description}));
push(@arvalues, like($form->{description}));
push(@apvalues, like($form->{description}));
if ($form->{employee_id}) {
$glwhere .= " AND g.employee_id = ? ";
$arwhere .= " AND a.employee_id = ? ";
$apwhere .= " AND a.employee_id = ? ";
push(@glvalues, conv_i($form->{employee_id}));
push(@arvalues, conv_i($form->{employee_id}));
push(@apvalues, conv_i($form->{employee_id}));
if (trim($form->{notes})) {
$glwhere .= " AND g.notes ILIKE ?";
$arwhere .= " AND a.notes ILIKE ?";
$apwhere .= " AND a.notes ILIKE ?";
push(@glvalues, like($form->{notes}));
push(@arvalues, like($form->{notes}));
push(@apvalues, like($form->{notes}));
if (trim($form->{transaction_description})) {
$glwhere .= " AND g.transaction_description ILIKE ?";
$arwhere .= " AND a.transaction_description ILIKE ?";
$apwhere .= " AND a.transaction_description ILIKE ?";
push(@glvalues, like($form->{transaction_description}));
push(@arvalues, like($form->{transaction_description}));
push(@apvalues, like($form->{transaction_description}));
if ($form->{accno}) {
$glwhere .= " AND c.accno = '$form->{accno}'";
$arwhere .= " AND c.accno = '$form->{accno}'";
$apwhere .= " AND c.accno = '$form->{accno}'";
if ($form->{category} ne 'X') {
$glwhere .= qq| AND g.id in (SELECT trans_id FROM acc_trans ac2 WHERE ac2.chart_id IN (SELECT id FROM chart c2 WHERE c2.category = ?))|;
$arwhere .= qq| AND a.id in (SELECT trans_id FROM acc_trans ac2 WHERE ac2.chart_id IN (SELECT id FROM chart c2 WHERE c2.category = ?))|;
$apwhere .= qq| AND a.id in (SELECT trans_id FROM acc_trans ac2 WHERE ac2.chart_id IN (SELECT id FROM chart c2 WHERE c2.category = ?))|;
push(@glvalues, $form->{category});
push(@arvalues, $form->{category});
push(@apvalues, $form->{category});
if ($form->{project_id}) {
$glwhere .= qq| AND g.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT trans_id FROM acc_trans WHERE project_id = ?)|;
$arwhere .=
qq| AND ((a.globalproject_id = ?) OR
(a.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT trans_id FROM acc_trans WHERE project_id = ?)))|;
$apwhere .=
qq| AND ((a.globalproject_id = ?) OR
(a.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT trans_id FROM acc_trans WHERE project_id = ?)))|;
my $project_id = conv_i($form->{project_id});
push(@glvalues, $project_id);
push(@arvalues, $project_id, $project_id);
push(@apvalues, $project_id, $project_id);
my ($project_columns, $project_join);
my ($arap_globalproject_columns, $arap_globalproject_join);
my ($gl_globalproject_columns);
if ($form->{"l_projectnumbers"}) {
$project_columns = qq|, ac.project_id, pr.projectnumber|;
$project_join = qq|LEFT JOIN project pr ON (ac.project_id = pr.id)|;
$arap_globalproject_columns = qq|, a.globalproject_id, globalpr.projectnumber AS globalprojectnumber|;
$arap_globalproject_join = qq|LEFT JOIN project globalpr ON (a.globalproject_id = globalpr.id)|;
$gl_globalproject_columns = qq|, NULL AS globalproject_id, '' AS globalprojectnumber|;
if ($form->{accno}) {
# get category for account
$query = qq|SELECT category FROM chart WHERE accno = ?|;
($form->{ml}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{accno});
if ($form->{datefrom}) {
$query =
qq|SELECT SUM(ac.amount)
FROM acc_trans ac
LEFT JOIN chart c ON (ac.chart_id = c.id)
WHERE (c.accno = ?) AND (ac.$form->{datesort} < ?)|;
($form->{balance}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{accno}, conv_date($form->{datefrom}));
my %sort_columns = (
'id' => [ qw(id) ],
'transdate' => [ qw(transdate id) ],
'gldate' => [ qw(gldate id) ],
'reference' => [ qw(lower_reference id) ],
'description' => [ qw(lower_description id) ],
'accno' => [ qw(accno transdate id) ],
'department' => [ qw(department transdate id) ],
'transaction_description' => [ qw(lower_transaction_description id) ],
my %lowered_columns = (
'reference' => { 'gl' => 'g.reference', 'arap' => 'a.invnumber', },
'source' => { 'gl' => 'ac.source', 'arap' => 'ac.source', },
'description' => { 'gl' => 'g.description', 'arap' => 'ct.name', },
'transaction_description' => { 'gl' => 'g.transaction_description', 'arap' => 'a.transaction_description', },
# sortdir = sort direction (ascending or descending)
my $sortdir = !defined $form->{sortdir} ? 'ASC' : $form->{sortdir} ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
my $sortkey = $sort_columns{$form->{sort}} ? $form->{sort} : $form->{datesort}; # default used to be transdate
my $sortorder = join ', ', map { "$_ $sortdir" } @{ $sort_columns{$sortkey} };
my %columns_for_sorting = ( 'gl' => '', 'arap' => '', );
foreach my $spec (@{ $sort_columns{$sortkey} }) {
next if ($spec !~ m/^lower_(.*)$/);
my $column = $1;
map { $columns_for_sorting{$_} .= sprintf(', lower(%s) AS lower_%s', $lowered_columns{$column}->{$_}, $column) } qw(gl arap);
$query =
ac.acc_trans_id, g.id, 'gl' AS type, FALSE AS invoice, g.reference, ac.taxkey, c.link,
g.description, ac.transdate, ac.gldate, ac.source, ac.trans_id,
ac.amount, c.accno, g.notes, t.chart_id,
d.description AS department, g.transaction_description,
CASE WHEN (COALESCE(e.name, '') = '') THEN e.login ELSE e.name END AS employee
$project_columns $gl_globalproject_columns
FROM gl g
LEFT JOIN employee e ON (g.employee_id = e.id)
LEFT JOIN department d ON (g.department_id = d.id),
acc_trans ac $project_join, chart c
LEFT JOIN tax t ON (t.chart_id = c.id)
WHERE $glwhere
AND (ac.chart_id = c.id)
AND (g.id = ac.trans_id)
SELECT ac.acc_trans_id, a.id, 'ar' AS type, a.invoice, a.invnumber, ac.taxkey, c.link,
ct.name, ac.transdate, ac.gldate, ac.source, ac.trans_id,
ac.amount, c.accno, a.notes, t.chart_id,
d.description AS department, a.transaction_description,
CASE WHEN (COALESCE(e.name, '') = '') THEN e.login ELSE e.name END AS employee
$project_columns $arap_globalproject_columns
FROM ar a
LEFT JOIN employee e ON (a.employee_id = e.id)
LEFT JOIN department d ON (a.department_id = d.id)
acc_trans ac $project_join, customer ct, chart c
LEFT JOIN tax t ON (t.chart_id=c.id)
WHERE $arwhere
AND (ac.chart_id = c.id)
AND (a.customer_id = ct.id)
AND (a.id = ac.trans_id)
SELECT ac.acc_trans_id, a.id, 'ap' AS type, a.invoice, a.invnumber, ac.taxkey, c.link,
ct.name, ac.transdate, ac.gldate, ac.source, ac.trans_id,
ac.amount, c.accno, a.notes, t.chart_id,
d.description AS department, a.transaction_description,
CASE WHEN (COALESCE(e.name, '') = '') THEN e.login ELSE e.name END AS employee
$project_columns $arap_globalproject_columns
FROM ap a
LEFT JOIN employee e ON (a.employee_id = e.id)
LEFT JOIN department d ON (a.department_id = d.id)
acc_trans ac $project_join, vendor ct, chart c
LEFT JOIN tax t ON (t.chart_id=c.id)
WHERE $apwhere
AND (ac.chart_id = c.id)
AND (a.vendor_id = ct.id)
AND (a.id = ac.trans_id)
ORDER BY $sortorder, acc_trans_id $sortdir|;
# ORDER BY gldate DESC, id DESC, acc_trans_id DESC
my @values = (@glvalues, @arvalues, @apvalues);
# Show all $query in Debuglevel LXDebug::QUERY
my $callingdetails = (caller (0))[3];
dump_query(LXDebug->QUERY(), "$callingdetails", $query, @values);
$sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
my $trans_id = "";
my $trans_id2 = "";
my $balance;
my ($i, $j, $k, $l, $ref, $ref2);
$form->{GL} = [];
while (my $ref0 = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc")) {
$trans_id = $ref0->{id};
my $source = $ref0->{source};
if ($trans_id != $trans_id2) { # first line of a booking
if ($trans_id2) {
push(@{ $form->{GL} }, $ref);
$balance = 0;
$ref = $ref0;
$trans_id2 = $ref->{id};
# gl
if ($ref->{type} eq "gl") {
$ref->{module} = "gl";
# ap
if ($ref->{type} eq "ap") {
if ($ref->{invoice}) {
$ref->{module} = "ir";
} else {
$ref->{module} = "ap";
# ar
if ($ref->{type} eq "ar") {
if ($ref->{invoice}) {
$ref->{module} = "is";
} else {
$ref->{module} = "ar";
$ref->{"projectnumbers"} = {};
$ref->{"projectnumbers"}->{$ref->{"projectnumber"}} = 1 if ($ref->{"projectnumber"});
$ref->{"projectnumbers"}->{$ref->{"globalprojectnumber"}} = 1 if ($ref->{"globalprojectnumber"});
$balance = $ref->{amount};
# Linenumbers of General Ledger
$k = 0; # Debit # AP # Soll
$l = 0; # Credit # AR # Haben
$i = 0; # Debit Tax # AP_tax # VSt
$j = 0; # Credit Tax # AR_tax # USt
if ($ref->{chart_id} > 0) { # all tax accounts first line, no line increasing
if ($ref->{amount} < 0) {
if ($ref->{link} =~ /AR_tax/) {
$ref->{credit_tax}{$j} = $ref->{amount};
$ref->{credit_tax_accno}{$j} = $ref->{accno};
if ($ref->{link} =~ /AP_tax/) {
$ref->{debit_tax}{$i} = $ref->{amount} * -1;
$ref->{debit_tax_accno}{$i} = $ref->{accno};
} else {
if ($ref->{link} =~ /AR_tax/) {
$ref->{credit_tax}{$j} = $ref->{amount};
$ref->{credit_tax_accno}{$j} = $ref->{accno};
if ($ref->{link} =~ /AP_tax/) {
$ref->{debit_tax}{$i} = $ref->{amount} * -1;
$ref->{debit_tax_accno}{$i} = $ref->{accno};
} else { #all other accounts first line
if ($ref->{amount} < 0) {
$ref->{debit}{$k} = $ref->{amount} * -1;
$ref->{debit_accno}{$k} = $ref->{accno};
$ref->{debit_taxkey}{$k} = $ref->{taxkey};
$ref->{ac_transdate}{$k} = $ref->{transdate};
$ref->{source}{$k} = $source;
} else {
$ref->{credit}{$l} = $ref->{amount} * 1;
$ref->{credit_accno}{$l} = $ref->{accno};
$ref->{credit_taxkey}{$l} = $ref->{taxkey};
$ref->{ac_transdate}{$l} = $ref->{transdate};
$ref->{source}{$l} = $source;
} else { # following lines of a booking, line increasing
$ref2 = $ref0;
# $trans_old = $trans_id2; # doesn't seem to be used anymore
$trans_id2 = $ref2->{id};
$balance =
(int($balance * 100000) + int(100000 * $ref2->{amount})) / 100000;
$ref->{"projectnumbers"}->{$ref2->{"projectnumber"}} = 1 if ($ref2->{"projectnumber"});
$ref->{"projectnumbers"}->{$ref2->{"globalprojectnumber"}} = 1 if ($ref2->{"globalprojectnumber"});
if ($ref2->{chart_id} > 0) { # all tax accounts, following lines
if ($ref2->{amount} < 0) {
if ($ref2->{link} =~ /AR_tax/) {
if ($ref->{credit_tax_accno}{$j} ne "") {
$ref->{credit_tax}{$j} = $ref2->{amount};
$ref->{credit_tax_accno}{$j} = $ref2->{accno};
if ($ref2->{link} =~ /AP_tax/) {
if ($ref->{debit_tax_accno}{$i} ne "") {
$ref->{debit_tax}{$i} = $ref2->{amount} * -1;
$ref->{debit_tax_accno}{$i} = $ref2->{accno};
} else {
if ($ref2->{link} =~ /AR_tax/) {
if ($ref->{credit_tax_accno}{$j} ne "") {
$ref->{credit_tax}{$j} = $ref2->{amount};
$ref->{credit_tax_accno}{$j} = $ref2->{accno};
if ($ref2->{link} =~ /AP_tax/) {
if ($ref->{debit_tax_accno}{$i} ne "") {
$ref->{debit_tax}{$i} = $ref2->{amount} * -1;
$ref->{debit_tax_accno}{$i} = $ref2->{accno};
} else { # all other accounts, following lines
if ($ref2->{amount} < 0) {
if ($ref->{debit_accno}{$k} ne "") {
if ($ref->{source}{$k} ne "") {
$space = " | ";
} else {
$space = "";
$ref->{debit}{$k} = $ref2->{amount} * - 1;
$ref->{debit_accno}{$k} = $ref2->{accno};
$ref->{debit_taxkey}{$k} = $ref2->{taxkey};
$ref->{ac_transdate}{$k} = $ref2->{transdate};
$ref->{source}{$k} = $source . $space . $ref->{source}{$k};
} else {
if ($ref->{credit_accno}{$l} ne "") {
if ($ref->{source}{$l} ne "") {
$space = " | ";
} else {
$space = "";
$ref->{credit}{$l} = $ref2->{amount};
$ref->{credit_accno}{$l} = $ref2->{accno};
$ref->{credit_taxkey}{$l} = $ref2->{taxkey};
$ref->{ac_transdate}{$l} = $ref2->{transdate};
$ref->{source}{$l} = $ref->{source}{$l} . $space . $source;
push @{ $form->{GL} }, $ref;
if ($form->{accno}) {
$query = qq|SELECT c.description FROM chart c WHERE c.accno = ?|;
($form->{account_description}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{accno});
sub transaction {
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my ($query, $sth, $ref, @values);
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
$query = qq|SELECT closedto, revtrans FROM defaults|;
($form->{closedto}, $form->{revtrans}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query);
$query = qq|SELECT id, gldate
WHERE id = (SELECT max(id) FROM gl)|;
($form->{previous_id}, $form->{previous_gldate}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query);
if ($form->{id}) {
$query =
qq|SELECT g.reference, g.description, g.notes, g.transdate, g.deliverydate, g.tax_point,
g.storno, g.storno_id,
g.department_id, d.description AS department,
e.name AS employee, g.taxincluded, g.gldate,
g.ob_transaction, g.cb_transaction,
FROM gl g
LEFT JOIN department d ON (d.id = g.department_id)
LEFT JOIN employee e ON (e.id = g.employee_id)
WHERE g.id = ?|;
$ref = selectfirst_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, conv_i($form->{id}));
map { $form->{$_} = $ref->{$_} } keys %$ref;
# retrieve individual rows
$query =
qq|SELECT c.accno, t.taxkey AS accnotaxkey, a.amount, a.memo, a.source,
a.transdate, a.cleared, a.project_id, p.projectnumber,
a.taxkey, t.rate AS taxrate, t.id, a.chart_id,
(SELECT c1.accno
FROM chart c1, tax t1
WHERE (t1.id = t.id) AND (c1.id = t.chart_id)) AS taxaccno,
(SELECT tk.tax_id
FROM taxkeys tk
WHERE (tk.chart_id = a.chart_id) AND (tk.startdate <= a.transdate)
ORDER BY tk.startdate desc LIMIT 1) AS tax_id
FROM acc_trans a
JOIN chart c ON (c.id = a.chart_id)
LEFT JOIN project p ON (p.id = a.project_id)
LEFT JOIN tax t ON (t.id = a.tax_id)
WHERE (a.trans_id = ?)
AND (a.fx_transaction = '0')
ORDER BY a.acc_trans_id, a.transdate|;
$form->{GL} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, conv_i($form->{id}));
} else {
$query =
(SELECT transdate
($form->{transdate}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query);
# get tax description
$query = qq|SELECT * FROM tax ORDER BY taxkey|;
$form->{TAX} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query);
# get chart of accounts
$query =
qq|SELECT c.accno, c.description, c.link, tk.taxkey_id, tk.tax_id
FROM chart c
LEFT JOIN taxkeys tk ON (tk.id =
FROM taxkeys
WHERE (taxkeys.chart_id = c.id)
AND (startdate <= ?)
ORDER BY startdate DESC
ORDER BY c.accno|;
$form->{chart} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, conv_date($form->{transdate}));
sub storno {
my ($self, $form, $myconfig, $id) = @_;
my $rc = SL::DB->client->with_transaction(\&_storno, $self, $form, $myconfig, $id);
return $rc;
sub _storno {
my ($self, $form, $myconfig, $id) = @_;
my ($query, $new_id, $storno_row, $acc_trans_rows);
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
$query = qq|SELECT nextval('glid')|;
($new_id) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query);
$query = qq|SELECT * FROM gl WHERE id = ?|;
$storno_row = selectfirst_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, $id);
$storno_row->{id} = $new_id;
$storno_row->{storno_id} = $id;
$storno_row->{storno} = 't';
$storno_row->{reference} = 'Storno-' . $storno_row->{reference};
$query = qq|SELECT id FROM employee WHERE login = ?|;
my ($employee_id) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $::myconfig{login});
$storno_row->{employee_id} = $employee_id;
delete @$storno_row{qw(itime mtime gldate)};
$query = sprintf 'INSERT INTO gl (%s) VALUES (%s)', join(', ', keys %$storno_row), join(', ', map '?', values %$storno_row);
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, (values %$storno_row));
$query = qq|UPDATE gl SET storno = 't' WHERE id = ?|;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $id);
# now copy acc_trans entries
$query = qq|SELECT * FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = ?|;
my $rowref = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, $id);
for my $row (@$rowref) {
delete @$row{qw(itime mtime acc_trans_id gldate)};
$query = sprintf 'INSERT INTO acc_trans (%s) VALUES (%s)', join(', ', keys %$row), join(', ', map '?', values %$row);
$row->{trans_id} = $new_id;
$row->{amount} *= -1;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, (values %$row));
if ($form->{workflow_email_journal_id}) {
my $ar_transaction_storno = SL::DB::GLTransaction->new(id => $new_id)->load;
my $email_journal = SL::DB::EmailJournal->new(
id => delete $form->{workflow_email_journal_id}
delete $::form->{workflow_email_attachment_id}
return 1;
sub get_chart_balances {
my ($self, @chart_ids) = @_;
return () unless @chart_ids;
my $placeholders = join ', ', ('?') x scalar(@chart_ids);
my $query = qq|SELECT chart_id, SUM(amount) AS sum
FROM acc_trans
WHERE chart_id IN (${placeholders})
GROUP BY chart_id|;
my %balances = selectall_as_map($::form, $::form->get_standard_dbh(\%::myconfig), $query, 'chart_id', 'sum', @chart_ids);
return %balances;
sub get_active_taxes_for_chart {
my ($self, $chart_id, $transdate, $tax_id) = @_;
my $chart = SL::DB::Chart->new(id => $chart_id)->load;
my $active_taxkey = $chart->get_active_taxkey($transdate);
my $where = [ chart_categories => { like => '%' . $chart->category . '%' } ];
if ( defined $tax_id && $tax_id >= 0 ) {
$where = [ or => [ chart_categories => { like => '%' . $chart->category . '%' },
id => $tax_id
my $taxes = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->get_all(
where => $where,
sort_by => 'taxkey, rate',
my $default_tax = first { $active_taxkey->tax_id == $_->id } @{ $taxes };
$default_tax->{is_default} = 1 if $default_tax;
return @{ $taxes };
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::GL - some useful GL functions
=over 4
=item C<get_active_taxes_for_chart> $transdate $tax_id
Returns a list of valid taxes for a certain chart.
If the optional param transdate exists one entry in the returning list
may get the attribute C<is_default> for this specific tax-dependent date.
The possible entries are filtered by the charttype of the tax, i.e. only taxes
whose chart_categories match the category of the chart will be shown.
In the case of existing records, e.g. when opening an old ar record, due to
changes in the configurations the desired tax might not be available in the
dropdown anymore. If we are loading an old record and know its tax_id (from
acc_trans), we can pass $tax_id as the third parameter and be sure that the
original tax always appears in the dropdown.
The functions returns an array which may be used for building dropdowns in ar/ap/gl code.
=head1 TODO
Nothing here yet.
=head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
G. Richardson E<lt>grichardson@kivitec.deE<gt>