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Revision 21ca8cb7

Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 15 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 21ca8cb76721b756440cfe75fd8710bfe1caf31b
  • Vorgänger 9fb8eec8
  • Nachfolger 06d98024

Erste Aenderung fuer die Umsetzung der Bugzilla Erweiterung 856 Warenbewegung im Lager per EAN suchbar machen - Anpassung fuer die Umlagermaske - Im anschliessenden Bericht wird die EAN nicht angezeigt

Unterschiede anzeigen:

438 438
#  - partsid      - will return matches with this parts_id only
439 439
#  - description  - will return only matches where the given string is a substring of the description
440 440
#  - chargenumber - will return only matches where the given string is a substring of the chargenumber
#  - ean	  - will return only matches where the given string is a substring of the ean as stored in the table parts (article)
441 442
#  - charge_ids   - must be an arrayref. will return contents with these ids only
442 443
#  - expires_in   - will only return matches that expire within the given number of days
443 444
#                   will also add a column named 'has_expired' containing if the match has already expired or not
499 500
    push @filter_ary,  "i.chargenumber ILIKE ?";
500 501
    push @filter_vars, '%' . $filter{chargenumber} . '%';
501 502
  if ($filter{ean}) {
    push @filter_ary,  "p.ean ILIKE ?";
    push @filter_vars, '%' . $filter{ean} . '%';
502 507

503 508
  # prepare qty comparison for later filtering
504 509
  my ($f_qty_op, $f_qty, $f_qty_base_unit);
534 539
     "bindescription"       => "b.description",
535 540
     "binid"                => "",
536 541
     "chargenumber"         => "i.chargenumber",
     "ean"         	    => "p.ean",
537 543
     "chargeid"             => "",
538 544
     "warehousedescription" => "w.description",
539 545
     "partunit"             => "p.unit",

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff