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Revision 1b112bd3

Von G. Richardson vor mehr als 4 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 1b112bd36f0b592a999276b6eb8c90b2a5827998
  • Vorgänger 3ed17038
  • Nachfolger a05cda74

Konjunkturpaket - SKR03 - kein 5 und 7 mehr anlegen

Im Gegensatz zu der Standardinstallation von SKR04 gibt es bei SKR03
keine konfigurierten Steuerschlüssel 5 und 7 (für die alten 16%-Fälle),
stattdessen gibt es noch Einträge für 16% die über die Steuerschlüssel 3
und 9 abgebildet werden und sogar noch auf die korrekten Konten zeigen.

Da das Anlegen von 5 und 7 derzeit noch zu Komplikationen führt, und
diese durch das Lieferdatum/Leistungsdatum nicht zwingend notwendig
sind, wird daher vorerst darauf verzichtet.

Außerdem werden noch ein paar fehlende Konten und taxkeys angelegt.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

use Test::More tests => 46;
use Test::More tests => 48;
2 2
use Test::Deep qw(cmp_deeply);
3 3

4 4
use strict;
107 107

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my $tax_ust_19 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_ust_19) or die; # 19%
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my $tax_ust_16 = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_ust_16) or die; # 16%
my $tax_ust_5  = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_ust_5) or die;  #  5%
my $tax_ust_7  = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_ust_7) or die;  #  7%
my $tax_ust_5  = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_ust_5)  or die; #  5%
my $tax_ust_7  = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $chart_ust_7)  or die; #  7%
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113 113
my $chart_income_19  = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $income_19_accno) or die;
114 114
my $chart_income_7   = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => $income_7_accno) or die;
122 122
is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 2, rate => 0.05), 1, "tax for taxkey 2 with 5% was created ok");
123 123
is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 3, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_ust_16->id), 1, "new sales tax for taxkey 3 with 16% exists ok");
124 124
is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 3, rate => 0.19, chart_id => $tax_ust_19->id), 1, "old sales tax for taxkey 3 with 19% exists ok");
is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 5, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_ust_16->id), 1, "new sales tax for taxkey 5 with 16% exists ok");
# is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 5, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_ust_16->id), 1, "new sales tax for taxkey 5 with 16% exists ok");
126 126

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# is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 7, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_ust_16->id), 1, "old purchase tax for taxkey 7 with 16% exists ok");
128 128
is(defined SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8, rate => 0.07, chart_id => $tax_vst_7->id ), 1, "purchase tax for taxkey 8 with 7% exists ok");
132 132
my $vendor   = new_vendor(  name => 'Testvendor',   payment_id => $payment_terms->id)->save;
133 133
my $customer = new_customer(name => 'Testcustomer', payment_id => $payment_terms->id)->save;
134 134

# cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_1)->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for 8300 in 2020_1 ok");
# cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_2)->tax->rate, '==', 0.05, "get_active_taxkey rate for 8300 in 2020_2 ok");
# cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2021  )->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for 8300 in 2021   ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_1)->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for 8300 in 2020_1 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_2)->tax->rate, '==', 0.05, "get_active_taxkey rate for 8300 in 2020_2 ok");
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2021  )->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for 8300 in 2021   ok");
138 138
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_1)->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_7_accno in 2020_1 ok");
139 139
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2020_2)->tax->rate, '==', 0.05, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_7_accno in 2020_2 ok");
140 140
cmp_ok($chart_income_7->get_active_taxkey($date_2021  )->tax->rate, '==', 0.07, "get_active_taxkey rate for $income_7_accno in 2021   ok");
245 245
# would select the entries from the dropdown, as they may differ from the
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# default, so we have to pass the tax we want to create_ap_transaction
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my $tax_9_16_old = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 7, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_vst_16->id);
# my $tax_9_16_old = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 7, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_vst_16->id);
249 249
my $tax_9_19     = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9, rate => 0.19, chart_id => $tax_vst_19->id) or die "missing 9_19";
250 250
my $tax_9_16     = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9, rate => 0.16, chart_id => $tax_vst_16->id) or die "missing 9_16";
251 251
my $tax_8_7      = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8, rate => 0.07, chart_id => $tax_vst_7->id)  or die "missing 8_7";
252 252
my $tax_8_5      = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 8, rate => 0.05, chart_id => $tax_vst_5->id)  or die "missing 8_5";
253 253

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# simulate user selecting the "correct" taxes in dropdown:
my $ap_transaction_2006   = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2006',   $date_2006,   undef, $tax_9_16_old, $tax_8_7);
my $ap_transaction_2020_1 = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2020_1', $date_2020_1, undef, $tax_9_19,     $tax_8_7);
my $ap_transaction_2020_2 = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2020_2', $date_2020_2, undef, $tax_9_16,     $tax_8_5);
my $ap_transaction_2021   = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2021',   $date_2021,   undef, $tax_9_19,     $tax_8_7);
my $ap_transaction_2006   = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2006',   $date_2006,   undef, $tax_9_16, $tax_8_7);
my $ap_transaction_2020_1 = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2020_1', $date_2020_1, undef, $tax_9_19, $tax_8_7);
my $ap_transaction_2020_2 = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2020_2', $date_2020_2, undef, $tax_9_16, $tax_8_5);
my $ap_transaction_2021   = create_ap_transaction_for_date('2021',   $date_2021,   undef, $tax_9_19, $tax_8_7);
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is($ap_transaction_2006->amount,   223, '2006    ap transaction has 16% and 7% tax ok'); # 116 + 7

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