kivitendo/js/t/example.js @ 1867f53c
ac01c25a | Moritz Bunkus | // See for documentation of available methods
// (especially the »asserts«).
// Run these tests in your browser by opening the URL
// …/
QUnit.test("example tests", function( assert ) {
// Simple true/false tests:
assert.ok(1 == "1", "Integer 1 equals string 1");
// Comparing objects:
var actual = { chunky: "bacon" };
var expected = { chunky: "bacon" };
assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, "Objects can have equal value");
// Test if an exception is thrown:
assert.throws(function() { throw "Boom!"; });
// If you want to see how something fails uncomment this:
// assert.deepEqual({ we: "are not" }, { in: "Kansas anymore" });