namespace('kivi.shop_part', function(ns) {
var $dialog;
// this is called by sub render, with a certain prerendered html (edit.html,categories.html)
ns.shop_part_dialog = function(title, html) {
var id = 'jqueryui_popup_dialog';
var dialog_params = {
id: id,
width: 800,
height: 500,
modal: true,
close: function(event, ui) { $dialog.remove(); },
$('#' + id).remove();
$dialog = $('<div style="display:none" id="' + id + '"></div>').appendTo('body');
$dialog.attr('title', title);
return true;
ns.close_dialog = function() {
// save existing shop_part_id with new params from form, calls create_or_update and saves to db
ns.save_shop_part = function(shop_part_id) {
var form = $('form').serializeArray();
form.push( { name: 'action', value: 'ShopPart/update' }
, { name: 'shop_part_id', value: shop_part_id }
$.post('controller.pl', form, function(data) {
// add part to a shop
ns.add_shop_part = function(part_id,shop_id) {
var form = $('form').serializeArray();
form.push( { name: 'action', value: 'ShopPart/update' }
$.post('controller.pl', form, function(data) {
// this is called from tabs/_shop.html, opens edit_window (render)
ns.edit_shop_part = function(shop_part_id) {
$.post('controller.pl', { action: 'ShopPart/create_or_edit_popup', shop_part_id: shop_part_id }, function(data) {
// does the same as edit_shop_part (existing), but with part_id and shop_id, opens edit window (render)
ns.create_shop_part = function(part_id, shop_id) {
$.post('controller.pl', { action: 'ShopPart/create_or_edit_popup', part_id: part_id, shop_id: shop_id }, function(data) {
// gets all categories from the webshop
ns.get_all_categories = function(shop_part_id) {
//var form = new Array; //$('form').serializeArray();
//form.push( { name: 'action', value: 'ShopPart/get_categories' }
// , { name: 'shop_part_id', value: shop_part_id }
$.post('controller.pl', { action: 'ShopPart/get_categories', shop_part_id: shop_part_id }, function(data) {
//$.post('controller.pl', form, function(data) {
// kivi.eval_json_result(data);
// write categories in kivi DB not in the shops DB TODO: create new categories in the shops db
ns.save_categories = function(shop_part_id, shop_id) {
var form = $('form').serializeArray();
form.push( { name: 'action', value: 'ShopPart/save_categories' }
, { name: 'shop_id', value: shop_id }
, { name: 'shop_part_id', value: shop_part_id }
$.post('controller.pl', form, function(data) {
ns.update_shop_part = function(shop_part_id) {
$.post('controller.pl', { action: 'ShopPart/update_shop', shop_part_id: shop_part_id }, function(data) {
ns.update_discount_source = function(row, source, discount_str) {
$('#active_discount_source_' + row).val(source);
if (discount_str) $('#discount_' + row).val(discount_str);
ns.show_images = function(id) {
var url = 'controller.pl?action=ShopPart/show_files&modul=shop_part&id='+id;
//shows the Name and price in _shop.html. Pricerules not implemented yet, just master_data and pricegroups
ns.update_price_n_price_source = function(shop_part_id,price_source) {
$.post('controller.pl', { action: 'ShopPart/show_price_n_pricesource', shop_part_id: shop_part_id, pricesource: price_source }, function(data) {
//shows the local and the online stock
ns.update_stock = function(shop_part_id) {
$.post('controller.pl', { action: 'ShopPart/show_stock', shop_part_id: shop_part_id }, function(data) {
ns.massUploadInitialize = function() {
id: 'status_mass_upload',
dialog: {
title: kivi.t8('Status Shopupload')
ns.massUploadStarted = function() {
$('#status_mass_upload').data('timerId', setInterval(function() {
$.get("controller.pl", {
action: 'ShopPart/upload_status',
job_id: $('#smu_job_id').val()
}, kivi.eval_json_result);
}, 5000));
ns.massUploadFinished = function() {
$('.ui-dialog-titlebar button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').prop('disabled', '')
ns.imageUpload = function(id,type,filetype,upload_title,gl) {
kivi.popup_dialog({ url: 'controller.pl',
data: { action: 'File/ajax_upload',
file_type: filetype,
object_type: type,
object_id: id,
is_global: gl
id: 'files_upload',
dialog: { title: upload_title, width: 650, height: 240 } });
return true;
ns.setup = function() {