266 |
266 |
$query =
267 |
267 |
qq|SELECT a.id, a.reference, a.description, ac.transdate, ac.chart_id, | .
268 |
268 |
qq| FALSE AS invoice, ac.amount, 'gl' as module, | .
269 |
qq§(SELECT accno||'--'||rate FROM tax LEFT JOIN chart ON (tax.chart_id=chart.id) WHERE tax.id = (SELECT tax_id FROM taxkeys WHERE taxkey_id = ac.taxkey AND taxkeys.startdate <= ac.transdate ORDER BY taxkeys.startdate DESC LIMIT 1)) AS taxinfo, ac.source || ' ' || ac.memo AS memo § .
269 |
qq§(SELECT CASE WHEN ac.tax_id = 0 and ac.taxkey = 0 THEN '' ELSE accno||'--'||rate END FROM tax LEFT JOIN chart ON (tax.chart_id=chart.id) WHERE tax.id = (SELECT tax_id FROM taxkeys WHERE taxkey_id = ac.taxkey AND taxkeys.startdate <= ac.transdate ORDER BY taxkeys.startdate DESC LIMIT 1)) AS taxinfo, ac.source || ' ' || ac.memo AS memo § .
270 |
270 |
qq|FROM acc_trans ac, gl a | .
271 |
271 |
$dpt_join .
272 |
272 |
qq|WHERE | . $where . $dpt_where . $project .
... | ... | |
278 |
278 |
279 |
279 |
qq|SELECT a.id, a.invnumber, c.name, ac.transdate, ac.chart_id, | .
280 |
280 |
qq| a.invoice, ac.amount, 'ar' as module, | .
281 |
qq§(SELECT accno||'--'||rate FROM tax LEFT JOIN chart ON (tax.chart_id=chart.id) WHERE tax.id = (SELECT tax_id FROM taxkeys WHERE taxkey_id = ac.taxkey AND taxkeys.startdate <= ac.transdate ORDER BY taxkeys.startdate DESC LIMIT 1)) AS taxinfo, ac.source || ' ' || ac.memo AS memo § .
281 |
qq§(SELECT CASE WHEN ac.tax_id = 0 and ac.taxkey = 0 THEN '' ELSE accno||'--'||rate END FROM tax LEFT JOIN chart ON (tax.chart_id=chart.id) WHERE tax.id = (SELECT tax_id FROM taxkeys WHERE taxkey_id = ac.taxkey AND taxkeys.startdate <= ac.transdate ORDER BY taxkeys.startdate DESC LIMIT 1)) AS taxinfo, ac.source || ' ' || ac.memo AS memo § .
282 |
282 |
qq|FROM acc_trans ac, customer c, ar a | .
283 |
283 |
$dpt_join .
284 |
284 |
qq|WHERE | . $where . $dpt_where . $project .
... | ... | |
291 |
291 |
292 |
292 |
qq|SELECT a.id, a.invnumber, v.name, ac.transdate, ac.chart_id, | .
293 |
293 |
qq| a.invoice, ac.amount, 'ap' as module, | .
294 |
qq§(SELECT accno||'--'||rate FROM tax LEFT JOIN chart ON (tax.chart_id=chart.id) WHERE tax.id = (SELECT tax_id FROM taxkeys WHERE taxkey_id = ac.taxkey AND taxkeys.startdate <= ac.transdate ORDER BY taxkeys.startdate DESC LIMIT 1)) AS taxinfo, ac.source || ' ' || ac.memo AS memo § .
294 |
qq§(SELECT CASE WHEN ac.tax_id = 0 and ac.taxkey = 0 THEN '' ELSE accno||'--'||rate END FROM tax LEFT JOIN chart ON (tax.chart_id=chart.id) WHERE tax.id = (SELECT tax_id FROM taxkeys WHERE taxkey_id = ac.taxkey AND taxkeys.startdate <= ac.transdate ORDER BY taxkeys.startdate DESC LIMIT 1)) AS taxinfo, ac.source || ' ' || ac.memo AS memo § .
295 |
295 |
qq|FROM acc_trans ac, vendor v, ap a | .
296 |
296 |
$dpt_join .
297 |
297 |
qq|WHERE | . $where . $dpt_where . $project .
298 |